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Where does pandas disappear to
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:10 pm
Since we have so many experts here... If pandas is the answer for every physical and mental issue in children, why do no adults have pandas? Where does it magically go? And is it possible that these kids have other issues that need serious help? And they are being deprived of having a productive childhood since they are labeled as pandas and therefore there is no real treatment and they just suffer for years? And why do you as a parent prefer to just accept pandas instead of a therapy, medication or other things to treat potential issues?
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:25 pm
The p in pandas stands for pediatric. The science believes that it is outgrown sometime around puberty/teenage years.
Did you have any other passive aggressive questions?
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:29 pm
How does that make sense? The original pandas was just strep in the body that required long term antibiotics. Now pandas means something else entirely on this site, and somehow it can't be cured with antibiotics. Now it's just the answer to all other issues, and we are sweeping real problems under the rug.
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:30 pm
It does not always go away when a child with pandas reach adulthood.
Why is it ok when seniors have utis they sometimes act confused or crazy?
When a child has behavioral therapy, put on mood stabilizers and things like that, it doesn't help. But antibiotics, motrin, plasma pherisis, and ivig help. You can say it's not a mental health disorder. But Pandas or pans.
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:33 pm
amother OP wrote:
Since we have so many experts here... If pandas is the answer for every physical and mental issue in children, why do no adults have pandas? Where does it magically go? And is it possible that these kids have other issues that need serious help? And they are being deprived of having a productive childhood since they are labeled as pandas and therefore there is no real treatment and they just suffer for years? And why do you as a parent prefer to just accept pandas instead of a therapy, medication or other things to treat potential issues?

Why do you think we haven't first wasted time and money on those
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:33 pm
Who says a parent just "accepts pandas" instead of doing interventions. The parents I know of children with pandas including myself have tried both medical and therapeutic interventions. Calling something pandas doesn't mean writing it off! It means understanding there origin of the issue so you can address it appropriately. All the therapeutic interventions in the world will be limited in their effectiveness while the brain is still inflamed. Medical intervention to reduce inflammation is necessary so the therapy can work! It's a multifaceted process.
Having a child with pandas is brutal when it flares. Many parents are doing what they can in very challenging circumstances and judgemental questions are offensive
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:35 pm
amother OP wrote:
How does that make sense? The original pandas was just strep in the body that required long term antibiotics. Now pandas means something else entirely on this site, and somehow it can't be cured with antibiotics. Now it's just the answer to all other issues, and we are sweeping real problems under the rug.

No,. Pandas is an autoimmune reaction and brain inflammation originally triggered by strep. It is not "strep in the body" or antibiotics alone would be an easy answer. I wish!!
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:35 pm
amother OP wrote:
How does that make sense? The original pandas was just strep in the body that required long term antibiotics. Now pandas means something else entirely on this site, and somehow it can't be cured with antibiotics. Now it's just the answer to all other issues, and we are sweeping real problems under the rug.

Ok it seems like these's a bit of an underlying misunderstanding of what pandas actually is. It's not strep in the body. It's the immune system mis-reacting to strep, overproducing antibodies which are attacking the brain causing Neuroinflammation, even when there is no current strep infection.

It's a Neuroimmunological issue, not a strep infection issue. Does that help clarify things for you?
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:35 pm
I know lots of adults with [untreated] pandas, myself included. It looks like all forms of anxiety, ocd both classic and more subtle including intrusive thoughts, rigidity, black and white thinking etc, difficulty with emotional regulation, rage, executive dysfunction and more.

I choose to believe my child has pandas because their behaviors respond dramatically and unequivocally to treatments that target infections and inflammation. And treating the root causes gives us the best chance at true healing.

(Yes, it tends to run in families).
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:35 pm
amother OP wrote:
Since we have so many experts here... If pandas is the answer for every physical and mental issue in children, why do no adults have pandas? Where does it magically go? And is it possible that these kids have other issues that need serious help? And they are being deprived of having a productive childhood since they are labeled as pandas and therefore there is no real treatment and they just suffer for years? And why do you as a parent prefer to just accept pandas instead of a therapy, medication or other things to treat potential issues?

Hmm… what a lovely question!
1- pandas is a pediatric diagnosis
2- if course it’s possible they have other serious issues. If you think a responsible parent hasn’t run the full gamut of psychological interventions including therapies and other meds, you are greatly misinformed. When a therapist has been treating your son and says “we can’t help him. He doesn’t have behavioral issues that need therapy, he has a neurological issue (pandas) that needs to be corrected” then you know that’s what is necessary
3- pandas does have a treatment, it’s a pretty simple one, and when treated properly, the pandas can go away. And then your child DOESN’T have a label that they are made to needlessly suffer for years
4- you obviously have no idea what pandas is, what it comes from, and how it can affect a child
If your child was ch”v diagnosed with pandas, you would see right away that it’s nothing like typical behavioral issues. It’s a chemical imbalance (your brain attacking itself in reaction to the appearance of streptococcal antibodies) and you wouldn’t be so judgmental
5- how dare you? You have no clue the steps, davening, sleepless nights, tears, phone calls and meetings with schools, rabbeim, and teachers, and thousands of dollars in therapy that goes into understanding and coming to the conclusion that your child has pandas
Get off your high horse
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:39 pm
amother OP wrote:
How does that make sense? The original pandas was just strep in the body that required long term antibiotics. Now pandas means something else entirely on this site, and somehow it can't be cured with antibiotics. Now it's just the answer to all other issues, and we are sweeping real problems under the rug.

I’ve never seen anywhere on this site that pandas means something else. When people on here suggest a poster look into pandas, I always assume they mean to check if their child has high strep levels in their blood which could be affecting their behavior.

And I don’t know why you’re assuming that people who have kids diagnosed with pandas don’t try every single pathway to healing out there. And of course look into other causes for the issues, visiting specialists, etc.

I’m dealing with a child now who has had repeated strep for the past 6 months and recently developed pandas as a result. It’s torture running around from doctor to doctor trying to get to the bottom of it and figure out how to best help him. I’ve had to pull him out of school, it’s that severe.
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:43 pm
amother Viola wrote:
I know lots of adults with [untreated] pandas, myself included. It looks like all forms of anxiety, ocd both classic and more subtle including intrusive thoughts, rigidity, black and white thinking etc, difficulty with emotional regulation, rage, executive dysfunction and more.

I choose to believe my child has pandas because their behaviors respond dramatically and unequivocally to treatments that target infections and inflammation. And treating the root causes gives us the best chance at true healing.

(Yes, it tends to run in families).

How do you definitively know that your issues are caused by "pandas" all that can have many explanations.
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:44 pm
amother DarkGray wrote:

3- pandas does have a treatment, it’s a pretty simple one, and when treated properly, the pandas can go away. And then your child DOESN’T have a label that they are made to needlessly suffer for years

What is this simple treatment?
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:44 pm
amother OP wrote:
How does that make sense? The original pandas was just strep in the body that required long term antibiotics. Now pandas means something else entirely on this site, and somehow it can't be cured with antibiotics. Now it's just the answer to all other issues, and we are sweeping real problems under the rug.
Pandas was never just strep in the body and long term antibiotics were hardly ever a complete cure.
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:44 pm
amother Snow wrote:
I’ve never seen anywhere on this site that pandas means something else. When people on here suggest a poster look into pandas, I always assume they mean to check if their child has high strep levels in their blood which could be affecting their behavior.

And I don’t know why you’re assuming that people who have kids diagnosed with pandas don’t try every single pathway to healing out there. And of course look into other causes for the issues, visiting specialists, etc.

I’m dealing with a child now who has had repeated strep for the past 6 months and recently developed pandas as a result. It’s torture running around from doctor to doctor trying to get to the bottom of it and figure out how to best help him. I’ve had to pull him out of school, it’s that severe.

I'm basing it on discussions. I'm not talking about people that test and treat it. Did you do the antibiotics regiment?
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:45 pm
amother OP wrote:
How do you definitively know that your issues are caused by "pandas" all that can have many explanations.

I agree to some extent. Like people do this birth control - blame all their life's mental health issues on it, when really so many things can be attributed to other causes, like the stress of having a new baby for example.
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:48 pm
amother OP wrote:
How do you definitively know that your issues are caused by "pandas" all that can have many explanations.
Because when your previously well adjusted child suddenly "catches" all of your exact issues that you've had since you were a child, and you know you had recurrent strep infections, and your child's issues go away by treating infections and inflammation, you know. And then when you see adult family members exhibiting similar behaviors and you know they also had recurrent strep infections, you know.
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:53 pm
mandr wrote:
I agree to some extent. Like people do this birth control - blame all their life's mental health issues on it, when really so many things can be attributed to other causes, like the stress of having a new baby for example.

You don’t seem like you have experience with it. When you actually deal with a child with pandas, you absolutely know the difference. It is the furthest thing from just an easy label to slap into it. And honestly, until you do deal with a child with a pandas diagnosed, your assumptions are just disgusting.
You literally have no clue what we go through. No one- NO ONE- I know uses it as an excuse for bad parenting or misbehavior. That’s not what pandas is. When you look into your child’s eyes and you see them completely shut down, when you deal with sudden onset (key words) insane, of the charts behavior. When you have brought your child to therapist after therapist, and when you have gone to therapists yourself. When you deal with sudden onset tics and physical symptoms- THEN, come back to me and be an armchair therapist (or in this case casual uninformed observer)
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 1:56 pm
amother OP wrote:
I'm basing it on discussions. I'm not talking about people that test and treat it. Did you do the antibiotics regiment?

I’m not sure what you mean, you’re basing what on discussions? You’re not bashing the people who test and treat pandas, only those who discuss it?

Just started the antibiotic regiment but my pediatrician is not well versed in the treatment and I’m searching for doctors who can help.
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Post Thu, Nov 30 2023, 2:00 pm
amother DarkGray wrote:
You don’t seem like you have experience with it. When you actually deal with a child with pandas, you absolutely know the difference. It is the furthest thing from just an easy label to slap into it. And honestly, until you do deal with a child with a pandas diagnosed, your assumptions are just disgusting.
You literally have no clue what we go through. No one- NO ONE- I know uses it as an excuse for bad parenting or misbehavior. That’s not what pandas is. When you look into your child’s eyes and you see them completely shut down, when you deal with sudden onset (key words) insane, of the charts behavior. When you have brought your child to therapist after therapist, and when you have gone to therapists yourself. When you deal with sudden onset tics and physical symptoms- THEN, come back to me and be an armchair therapist (or in this case casual uninformed observer)

Not sure why you're getting so explosive. I wasn't trying to be a therapist. I just stated a general opinion that applies to many situations. I understand you are the parent of a child with pandas and I'm so sorry you have to go through this. That said, I think OP is referring to the people who casually label all such type of behavior as Pandas. Like your kid misbehaved yesterday, check for pandas. Tantrum in the grocery, pandas. The people who blame every little thing on possible Pandas. When in reality it's a very rare condition.

You clearly stated in list item 3 that there's a simple cure for it. I'm very interested in hearing about that.
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