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My name is Rappel AMA
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Post Tue, Dec 19 2023, 8:28 pm
Einikel wrote:
Where do you keep it so it's safe from your kids? It's my biggest fear. My husband is contemplating getting a gun license and I'm terrified of gun safety with little kids around.

When it's not on my person? In the safe in my closet.

Some comments:
*Unlike American culture, I would never carry a bullet in the chamber. One accident would be one too many. No Israeli does; too many kids around at all times.

*We have an intensely powerful culture not to touch your gun unless you're going to use it. I could leave my gun belt on the sofa, and none of my kids would touch it - they know.

Two armed men could start a fist fight, and never touch the guns at their belts. It's just not done. Guns are against terrorists, and there's no reason to draw them otherwise.

*If I'm with my little kids during a terror attack, then I'm not running off to a gun fight - I'm putting them and anyone else nearby into a secure situation, and preserving them there. That's my first responsibility.

*If I'm not with my kids, then I'm still not the leading gun. 90 percent of the time, there are going to be army or police also in play, and my first order is the safety of the forces around me. I don't want to accidentally cause/suffer from a crossfire incident.

*Practice is a good thing - dry fire drills, and at the range.

*All these factors make my gun the most expensive single-use tool I'll ever own. If I ever do defend myself or others with it, it will be instantly taken away for investigation. But it's worth it, if in the right moment I'm ready to stop evil people from taking lives.
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Post Wed, Dec 20 2023, 6:07 am
Rappel, I really like your unique hashkafa. It doesn't squarely fit into any one "box", which I'm sure you're ok with. But why did you ultimately find yourself in a DL/Torani community when in many ways you could just as easily be somewhere else? What makes you DL exactly? Do you believe that currently fighting the wars of E"Y is Milchemet Mitzvah?

Sorry, you said AMA....
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Post Wed, Dec 20 2023, 6:08 am
Also, I might enroll in the "Not an axe murderer" verification program. Since I think it would be awesome to meet you one day.
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Post Wed, Dec 20 2023, 11:06 am
absolutely fascinating!
specifically about the point about "galut torah"
How do you envision the geulah to come about?
I know that many DL believe that the geulah has some already and it is up to us to just enforce it. (Do they believe we should actively create a sanhedrin?)

Also I recently heard a podcast on 18forty that interviewed Michael Eisenberg (hope I'm remembering the name correctly) and he said that he considers himself a "Herzliyan zionist" the interviewer, rabbi Bashevkin asked him how that could be since that's considered a secular movement, I'm not sure he answered it so completely but he said something in the way that Hertzl was able to just start a movement even though he was a nobody, meaning didn't have much power authority etc. and in sucha way he considers himself to just stand up for Israel etc. and he encourages regular every day people to do as well.

Curious what your thoughts are on that, and what kind of zionist you'd describe yourself? (religious yes, but the hashkafa behind the Zionism) hopefully those questions are making sense lol. I'm learning a lot these days Wink
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 12:56 am
Another q. just because you mentioned it and it's been bothering me since, why axe murderer and not serial killer?
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 1:49 am
Paging Rappel: people here are asking you anything....
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 1:53 am
Success10 wrote:
Paging Rappel: people here are asking you anything....

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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:02 am
Success10 wrote:
Rappel, I really like your unique hashkafa. It doesn't squarely fit into any one "box", which I'm sure you're ok with. But why did you ultimately find yourself in a DL/Torani community when in many ways you could just as easily be somewhere else? What makes you DL exactly? Do you believe that currently fighting the wars of E"Y is Milchemet Mitzvah?

Sorry, you said AMA....

I'm not exactly sure how to answer that, because I don't - strictly speaking - consider myself DL. I do consider myself Torani: I follow the Torah, in accordance with my halachic kav, to the best of my ability, and try not to insert my own subjective interpretations into my decisions. It's not easy!

Actually, milchemet mitzvah would be a good example of having to subjugate my understanding under my kav halacha.

According to my own analysis, it's not necessarily milchemet mitzvah.

But Rav Ovadiah Yosef states clearly in the Yabia Omer (I'll look up the source later, bli neder) that the wars of the state of Israel are milchemet mitzvah.

He's obviously interpreting it from the Rambam's Mishneh Torah, which defines the natures and protocols of Jewish wars:


The Rambam quotes the line which says that a groom and bride must leave immediately and go to fight a milchemet mitzvah.

So why aren't we all - man, woman, and child - obligated to run down with frying pans and pickaxes to Gaza and do away with them? Why is it okay for DH to take orders which essentially put him on guard duty and not on an active attack mode against terrorists? Should a bride pick up a gun, or take up a support role? Do mothers have an exemption to take care of young children? What is the role of children in milchama? Why aren't all men between the ages of 20 and 60 drafting immediately?

I clearly don't understand the sugya completely, and certainly not in how it relates to our current ממשלה. So I will reserve comment until I do.
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:10 am
So I'm just gonna ask it outright. Why are you in Itamar if you might actually be more chareidi in your hashkafos?
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:18 am
InnerMe wrote:
absolutely fascinating!
specifically about the point about "galut torah"
How do you envision the geulah to come about?
I know that many DL believe that the geulah has some already and it is up to us to just enforce it. (Do they believe we should actively create a sanhedrin?)

Also I recently heard a podcast on 18forty that interviewed Michael Eisenberg (hope I'm remembering the name correctly) and he said that he considers himself a "Herzliyan zionist" the interviewer, rabbi Bashevkin asked him how that could be since that's considered a secular movement, I'm not sure he answered it so completely but he said something in the way that Hertzl was able to just start a movement even though he was a nobody, meaning didn't have much power authority etc. and in sucha way he considers himself to just stand up for Israel etc. and he encourages regular every day people to do as well.

Curious what your thoughts are on that, and what kind of zionist you'd describe yourself? (religious yes, but the hashkafa behind the Zionism) hopefully those questions are making sense lol. I'm learning a lot these days Wink

I know the geulah is a Hashem-level process. Meaning: it will happen anyway, at its own pace, and there's nothing we can really do to cause it. It's not even in our tafkid - the details of the קץ are left deliberately vague, which seems to indicate that we're supposed to focus on our day-to-day mitzvot, and leave the big picture up to G-d.

Within those mitzvot and hashkafot, we can choose to be a part of the mechanism of geulah, or to just be the weight it's pulling along, and I think that's where our activism comes in.

I kind of view the geulah in terms of a video game: every time we level up our personal and national level, more abilities are unlocked. If we tried to found the Sanhedrin or build the beit Hamikdash today, we would mess it up; we're not trained to handle that kind of responsibility yet. So it's not a sensible option yet; that ability is still locked. But we'll get there; and when we do, it will be obvious what the next step is.

(Hence Hashem started the state in the Gush Dan area - arguably an area of lesser kedusha. Then we leveled up -- He returned us to Yehuda/Shomron/Yerushalayim, but Arabs are still sitting on most of the holy points - those levels are still locked. We won't have to worry about how to remove them -- when we are worthy of it, G-d will manage that side of the story, just like the Arabs were suddenly filled with fear in 48 and 67.)

In the big picture: I think we're in the middle of the kibbutz Galuyot era. If you look at the brachot of Shmona Esrei, you'll notice they map out the order and path of geulah. I'm looking forward to seeing things move forward in the areas of justice and rulership. Wink
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:20 am
I don't really love answering hashkafa questions over an internet forum, just because the dryness of the distant word allows for misinterpretation. I'm no Rambam, and my wording is not that precise.

I'd love to have a meetup chabura in Israel, if anyone is interested
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:22 am
InnerMe wrote:

Curious what your thoughts are on that, and what kind of zionist you'd describe yourself? (religious yes, but the hashkafa behind the Zionism) hopefully those questions are making sense lol. I'm learning a lot these days Wink

That which is written in my halachic kav, I do.

I view my current role as actively doing yishuv haaretz (building and planting) and not actively doing kibush haaretz (see above regarding milchemet mitzvah and milchemet reshut. It's an area which I'm very grey on.)
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:23 am
a2z wrote:
Another q. just because you mentioned it and it's been bothering me since, why axe murderer and not serial killer?

Ah well. I knew I missed something
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:24 am
Success10 wrote:
So I'm just gonna ask it outright. Why are you in Itamar if you might actually be more chareidi in your hashkafos?

Define haredi kav?

And if I may ask in return: why aren't groups of Haredim living in Itamar?

I could be wrong, but I think that will answer your question
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:29 am
Chareidim love EY, but yishuv Haaretz isn't a goal in as of itself. There is no EY centric culture in Chareidi life. It's part of a bigger picture, a means to an end. And we don't believe in living in risky places (which of course is open to much interpretation). But we have our gedolim and we follow them.
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:44 am
And happy to get together one day....not in Itamar tho.
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:51 am
Success10 wrote:
Chareidim love EY, but yishuv Haaretz isn't a goal in as of itself. There is no EY centric culture in Chareidi life. It's part of a bigger picture, a means to an end. And we don't believe in living in risky places (which of course is open to much interpretation). But we have our gedolim and we follow them.

The relationship between Torat Yisrael, Am Yisrael, and Eretz Yisrael is eternal and indivisible. I don't know how EY cannot be central, insofar as both of the other pillars of Jewish life are equally central.


Learn the difference between yishuv haaretz and kibush haaretz.

Yishuv Haaretz is a current mitzvah, by all shitot. It's a mitzvah meforash in the Torah, and each person is responsible to plant and build and develop EY to the best of their ability.

Kibush Haaretz is debatable whether it's a current mitzvah, or whether it needs to be renewed. Complex, and worth learning.


And Rav Ovadiah Yosef doesn't consider places like Itamar unnecessarily dangerous. Note that I haven't built my house in the kasba of Shechem. But if we keep building and planting, and doing all our other tafkidim, then I am certain that one day we will get there.


Irony: DH always calls it "the future haredi city of Shechem." It will be a good real estate proposition, someday Smile amen bekarov.
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 2:56 am
I’d love to take the things that I love about my chareidi community and move them to a yishuv or any type of small town.
I’d love a chareidi town that the politicians don’t try to turn into a metropolis.
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 3:06 am
Iymnok wrote:
I’d love to take the things that I love about my chareidi community and move them to a yishuv or any type of small town.
I’d love a chareidi town that the politicians don’t try to turn into a metropolis.

You're invited Smile

I want to see Jewish neighborhoods from here through to yerushalayim. There's enough room for all of us.
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Post Fri, Dec 22 2023, 3:46 am
Success10 wrote:
Chareidim love EY, but yishuv Haaretz isn't a goal in as of itself. There is no EY centric culture in Chareidi life. It's part of a bigger picture, a means to an end. And we don't believe in living in risky places (which of course is open to much interpretation). But we have our gedolim and we follow them.

How do you explain Beitar then?
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