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How do you serve cholent..
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 4:34 pm
amother OP wrote:
That's a cool idea, like a caterer would do.

I don't own anything like that so can't do it this Shabbos (although I could buy small disposable bowls) but maybe it's something worth investing in for the future

This works. Or tea cups if you have
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 4:54 pm
Everyone appreciates being able to select what they want to eat and how much, but what's all the kvetching about? Someone else's house isn't a restaurant, and eating there is about the company, not the food. Hosts may have their own very good reasons for serving food pre-plated, whether it's because of insufficient space on the table, not enough for people to take seconds, a guest or family member who can't be trusted not to take the entire platter for himself --not long ago we had a thread about just such a case-- less opportunity for spilling, or whatever. IMHO griping about the way a host serves you food betrays really bad middos on your part, no matter how piously you daven with your sefer ostentatiously covering your face.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 4:56 pm
amother Denim wrote:
Everyone appreciates being able to select what they want to eat and how much, but what's all the kvetching about? Someone else's house isn't a restaurant, and eating there is about the company, not the food. Hosts may have their own very good reasons for serving food pre-plated, whether it's because of insufficient space on the table, not enough for people to take seconds, a guest or family member who can't be trusted not to take the entire platter for himself --not long ago we had a thread about just such a case-- less opportunity for spilling, or whatever. IMHO griping about the way a host serves you food betrays really bad middos on your part, no matter how piously you daven with your sefer ostentatiously covering your face.

Not to mention that if you pick and choose what you want in the cholent, you may pick out the meat and the next person may have just the potatoes left.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 5:10 pm
amother Denim wrote:
Not to mention that if you pick and choose what you want in the cholent, you may pick out the meat and the next person may have just the potatoes left.

Been entertaining crowds in my home almost every single shabbos for over 25 years and never once has anyone done this. Maybe because I'm generous with the meat so there is a lot anyhow, maybe because I distribute it well all around the pot, maybe I'm just fortunate tohave nice people coming to my home. But I never once saw somebody stand there and fish out all the meat for themselves.

But I agree. Host's house. Host's rules. No kvetching.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 5:19 pm
As a I have said on every thread.

As a guest for lunch or sleeping over, (or if you are the recipient of a p/p or shiva meal) you are appreciative of whatever is offered.

As a host, do your best to be a gracious and thoughtful as possible.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 5:44 pm
amother Ultramarine wrote:
I've plated for guests in the past, don't think it's weird. I'll ask if they want and then give them a plate. Meat, salads and sides are all center plates.

I know that many guests don’t appreciate it plated because they might either want certain parts of it, or if they want doubles they won’t be comfortable asking for more. If you do plate it, try to make sure everyone gets a decent amount.

I remember we were once at someone’s house for Seuda and the woman plated the cholent with tiny portions (she had a big crock pot full, though) and we all ended up hungry but she had returned the crock pot to the kitchen and didn’t seem to be offering doubles,,, not sure why, there was plenty left. I talked to my friend about this and she agreed her family prefers when they can serve themselves from the main serving dish as well.

I think guests in general just appreciate and feel more comfortable being able to serve themselves and take what they want.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 5:46 pm
amother OP wrote:
I get it. That's why I'm trying to think of what to do

You can have a side table, and bring the cholent serving dish and pass around for everyone to take, and then you can return the dish to the side table, and have the other items on the table for people to take by themselves as well…
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 5:47 pm
Can you put schnitzel and cold cuts on the same platter? Then you’ll just have salad, cold cut/ schnitzel platter and Chulent bowl. Or maybe you can use disposable bowls for individual Chulent portions? Or a small side table to keep the drinks and salad?
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 5:50 pm
amother Denim wrote:
Everyone appreciates being able to select what they want to eat and how much, but what's all the kvetching about? Someone else's house isn't a restaurant, and eating there is about the company, not the food. Hosts may have their own very good reasons for serving food pre-plated, whether it's because of insufficient space on the table, not enough for people to take seconds, a guest or family member who can't be trusted not to take the entire platter for himself --not long ago we had a thread about just such a case-- less opportunity for spilling, or whatever. IMHO griping about the way a host serves you food betrays really bad middos on your part, no matter how piously you daven with your sefer ostentatiously covering your face.

Wow, this is a very strong and strange reaction to the OP asking for options and how people prefer to be served.

Most people do like to take the food on their own. Saying “someone else’s home isn’t a restaurant,” and you should be coming for the company, not the food, and everything else you wrote is inappropriate here, but obviously this has upset you for some reason.

Most hosts like to please their guests and make them comfortable. That’s why OP asked for suggestions and opinions… why not make guests comfortable and pleased if you can?

Your reaction was kind of over the top…
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 5:51 pm
amother Denim wrote:
Not to mention that if you pick and choose what you want in the cholent, you may pick out the meat and the next person may have just the potatoes left.

Normal people don’t empty out the serving bowl of all the meat and leave nothing for the next person. But the hostess should have enough for each person to have a piece of meat in their bowl.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 6:56 pm
I have seen plenty people go and pick specific parts out of a chulent serving bowl (usually the meat) and many have no second thought about leaving the bowl without any meat left. People do it at shul kiddushim and at simchos and even in private homes. Hopefully your guests dont behave like that.
If you dont have room on table for the serving bowl of chulent, you could just give it to people to pass around keeping an eye out and then either take it off the table or remove the other serving bowl once people have put food on their plates. eg the cold cuts.
Alternatively, make another course - I have seem it done too - just serve the cholent, and then once people done with it, bring out the other foods.
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Post Wed, Dec 27 2023, 11:38 pm
You can clear the salads with the fish course.

You can serve cholent in a tureen... pass around the table or have someone walk around with it and have people take (good task if you have teens). After everyone has taken what they want, you can return the tureen to the kitchen... it doesn't need to sit on the table. (If you are concerned people may want more, at some point you can ask if you can get anyone more cholent.)
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