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Random curiosity poll about kids looks
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If you have biological children, did your first baby look more like
 27%  [ 97 ]
Their father  
 55%  [ 196 ]
 16%  [ 59 ]
Total Votes : 352



Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:05 am
Yep, my oldest looks much more like DH's side of the family (though she does have some of me in her too.)

But my nephew, sis's oldest, is sis in the male version, all the way. (her next two look like BIL's side of the family). And I'm thinking of some of my other siblings, and it's some and some....
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:18 am
My oldest son looks like someone put my husband through a de-ageifying app back 22 years. Even their mannerisms and the way they hold themselves, the way their glasses perch on their noses etc...it's uncanny.
Sometimes I find it creepy that someone that I birthed looks literally nothing like me at all. I mean, how does that even work lol. Supposedly he should have some of my genetics no LOL

Second born people who knew me as a kid say he looks just like me, but plenty of others say he looks like dh's side (and we look absolutely nothing alike). So I guess he's a mix?
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:19 am
Def my husband (dh's got fils look). Second child used to look like my clone. Over time, she's leaning towards mils look. 3rd overall gives dhs family look. But when you look a bit more. You see, he actually looks a LOT like me. He's got my features. Nose, eyes, and mouth, down to the dimples. But you can see a huge resemblance in dhs baby pictures. has dhs coloring, so that also makes him look a bit more like dh.
4th is my firsts twin....
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:25 am
When my eldest was young, I got so many “omg he’s a boy version of you”. He’s growing into his own look as a teen, but still looks much more like me than his father.

My daughter is the kid who looks like my husband - the only one who got his blue eyes and straight hair. It’s so weird to me to have a girl with straight straight hair 😆
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:25 am
Tao wrote:
My oldest son looks like someone put my husband through a de-ageifying app back 22 years. Even their mannerisms and the way they hold themselves, the way their glasses perch on their noses etc...it's uncanny.
Sometimes I find it creepy that someone that I birthed looks literally nothing like me at all. I mean, how does that even work lol. Supposedly he should have some of my genetics no LOL

Second born people who knew me as a kid say he looks just like me, but plenty of others say he looks like dh's side (and we look absolutely nothing alike). So I guess he's a mix?

My nephew's are like this. Oldest literally looked like the same person as my bil at his age. In photos you might not recognize the difference. (Like My oldest and 4th!)
But as her kids grew older and matured. Her older son who looked carbon copy of her son started looking more and more and more like my sister and my brother!
And her second kid who was my sisters masculine clone now looks so so so much like my bil. Thr switcheroo is insane.
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:36 am
My mother says it's it's chesed that the oldest looks like the husband to help the dh bond with them. My oldest looks like my fil in the most feminine version.
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:37 am
Tzutzie wrote:
My nephew's are like this. Oldest literally looked like the same person as my bil at his age. In photos you might not recognize the difference. (Like My oldest and 4th!)
But as her kids grew older and matured. Her older son who looked carbon copy of her son started looking more and more and more like my sister and my brother!
And her second kid who was my sisters masculine clone now looks so so so much like my bil. Thr switcheroo is insane.

Lol! somehow, I can't see that happening lol. Like even the shape of his face and his lips are totally my husband's. I can't imagine his whole face structure, coloring, posture and features all changing so completely!
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:39 am
As a newborn, mine looked exactly like my husband. By the time they were a year old they looked much more like me. It's interesting how it changes over time.
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:40 am
Tao wrote:
Lol! somehow, I can't see that happening lol. Like even the shape of his face and his lips are totally my husband's. I can't imagine his whole face structure, coloring, posture and features all changing so completely!

Wait till they grow a beard!
Changes the shape of the face!
Mannerisms is still the same. But the looks.... a real venoihapacchu!
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:48 am
My oldest is a boy version of me. Most of my others also look like me. Only one looks somewhat like DH’s side, but we do look similar.
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 8:55 am
My first looks like me. My second looks so much like my husband that you can't tell the difference if you compare baby photos.
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 9:01 am
I voted that my first baby looked like my DH. But I don't know if it helps your theory because all the rest of my kids also look like him. Smile
I guess you can call that strong genes?
It's ok- BH I married a man who is good looking!
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 9:08 am
My kids are a mix of mine and my husband's looks. We have created our own family look.
I used to get asked all the time if my last name is my mother's maiden name and have even gotten asked about my grandmother's maiden name!

Eta: I am not the oldest but many of my siblings have been asked the same including the oldest.
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 2:42 pm
I think there's no strong correlation.

I'm a firstborn and I look just like my mom.
My sister-in-law is a firstborn and looks EXACTLY like her mom.

My first son looks like DH, as does a sister's and a brother's firstborn son, but my other sister's firstborn son looks like her (with his father's mannerisms, and the parents do look alike.)

Both of my firstborn uncles looked like their moms.
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 2:48 pm
My oldest is literally copy paste of my husband. None of my kids look like me.
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 2:49 pm
seeker wrote:
I have the impression that most first babies look more like their father, and it's uncanny, and I'm curious whether it's true or just my experience. I know a few families where the first baby/kid looks like the mother, but it seems to be the minority in my personal circle.

I used the word baby because in my family the kids grew into their own look more over time.

And I used the word biological because I'm curious about the theoretical genetics.

How about exactly like dh as a baby and then did a 180 and now looks exactly like me?
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Brit in Israel


Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 3:31 pm
Sometimes I find it creepy that someone that I birthed looks literally nothing like me at all. I mean, how does that even work lol. Supposedly he should have some of my genetics no LOL


I find it the weirdest how DD has strong features of FIL like his ears and nose which DH doesn't have. I'm like how did I birth that??
Like someone else said some Genes are extremely strong.
My mom and her mom have the blonde hair, only a few of us siblings have blonde hair but we all have kids with blonde hair even though married to brown haired. Every one asks where my dd blonde hair is from since DH and myself are dark brown. I have red tinged highlights and father's sister has that colour hair so I'm assuming it's from there.

Genes are amazing!
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 4:45 pm
I had someone stop me on the street once and ask me if I’m related to a family (they’re my 3rd or 4th cousins I don’t even know!) because I look so much like them I must be related!
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 5:27 pm
I agree with your hypothesis, OP. I definitely see more oldests who look like their fathers, esp as babies! My own kids get very mixed reviews.

I do always think that the blonde and blue eyed gene seems particularly strong, as I see so many families who are blonde and blue eyed throughout the entire extended family and down the generations, almost without exception.
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Post Tue, Mar 26 2024, 6:15 pm
I am the oldest and look exactly like my father
In the delivery room as he was being born they said my oldest looked exactly like DH
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