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Whatsapp ettiquette

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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:17 pm
why do people not respond to your msg and I can see they are online.
literally a yes or no answer, and they ignore you for hours?


why do some people, always the same people, have such terrible whatsapp etiquette? if you want to ignore someone, because you are busy, then dont be online! I can see you online!

and the worst part is when they are asking me a favor, and my response is ok I'll do it but question xyz, and they ignore my question.
it makes me feel like saying forget it I wont do the favor for you.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:27 pm
That's why I took the online option off. Don't need people stalking me
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:28 pm
First of all, online doesn’t mean online. I have WhatsApp open on my computer all day so it always says online, but I rarely check it

If you got the blue checks for seen, then it’s possible they are just trying to get an answer to your question before responding, or started a response and got caught up doing something, literally a million explanations. Not everyone can respond the second they get a message

It can be frustrating but I don’t think it’s rude. If you need someone to answer you in that second, call them. The whole point of messaging is that you don’t need to respond right away, only when you have the chance to
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:28 pm
[quote="amother OP"]why do people not respond to your msg and I can see they are online.
literally a yes or no answer, and
they ignore you for hours?


why do some people, always the same people, have such terrible whatsapp etiquette? if you want to ignore someone, because you are busy, then dont be online! I can see you online!

Many reasons I am online but don't reply.
-I was on WhatsApp and then something came up either the kids or something else and I just put my phone down. I don't always remember to leave WhatsApp. The next time I go on my phone it can be more than 2 hrs later.

-one of my jobs requires me to WhatsApp my boss or coworkers. I need to go on WhatsApp but if I start reading private messages and responding I forget completely about work so I try to only be on work chats.

-I also have my WhatsApp on my computer as WhatsApp Web. To officially be 'offline' I have to minimise the WhatsApp tab, it doesn't help to be on a different site or tab. I don't always remember to minimise, I usually will just click on the other tabs I need instead of minimising keeping me online.

-I could have read your post by pulling down the notification bar on my phone but I chose to ignore for whatever reason. Maybe I need a clear brain to answer or discuss what you asked with my husband.

If what you need is urgent call!
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:28 pm
I may read your message but need some time to think about and formulate a response. I may need to confer with someone else to do so. I may even have missed your message amidst a number of others even if it appears that I saw it.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:32 pm
amother OP wrote:
why do people not respond to your msg and I can see they are online.
literally a yes or no answer, and they ignore you for hours?


why do some people, always the same people, have such terrible whatsapp etiquette? if you want to ignore someone, because you are busy, then dont be online! I can see you online!

and the worst part is when they are asking me a favor, and my response is ok I'll do it but question xyz, and they ignore my question.
it makes me feel like saying forget it I wont do the favor for you.

maybe you should give them 24 h to reply, and not get cross before this delay is over. That's what whatsapp is for: it gives you some flexibility, you can exchange information without reaching each other, without being online at the same time.

Of course, if it's your husband and you want to tell him to pick up the children in 2 hours, 24h delay won't do, but for people who are not imediate family, you should allow it.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:33 pm
Online doesn't mean available.
Maybe I'm on a whatsapp call, having a conversation with someone else, looking at a recipe sent to me or my whatsapp web is open. Or maybe the person just wants to ignore you for right now and that's their right.
Don't assume what you see is what is.
YOU decided whatsapp etiquette is if it says the person is online they should be available and answer you immediately. YOU'RE the wrong one here. A person can be online without being at your beck & call. Stop checking people's online status.
And if something is truly important you can CALL!
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:33 pm
I know that feeling, OP, and it's awful. I get frustrated with people too. And I do my best to never be "that" person - I'll usually say, "will get back to you soon" or "swamped at work, give me a little time to think about this," etc. but sometimes I too drop the ball and have probably made somebody else feel awful. That's why I changed my settings so nobody gets those blue checkmarks from me anymore or sees when I'm online. Hopefully this prevents hurt feelings.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:41 pm
Hi, I'm one of those.

If your question wasn't urgent, then I will get to it the same day, but not the same hour.

If it was urgent, then please call.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 12:46 pm
I think this is the biggest negative effect social media/technology has had.
it forces all of us to be available constantly. its not normal to expect ppl to be available all the time and to get annoyed when you dont get an instant reply. there could be a million reasons why someones online and not responding.
if they need a favor from you and you have a question, its on them to get back to you, not you. if they dont respond, dont do it. next. move on.
this is why I removed the blue checks from my whatsapp. I dont need ppl knowing if I already read their msg, and I was getting too obsessed with checking if other ppl read mine. its literally no ones business.
if its that important, call.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 2:08 pm
I keep a lot of my receipes on a Whatsapp group. So lots of times I can be online reading a recipe and baking/cooking it and since my hands are to dirty I can't respond. Plus it would mix me up since I'm in middle of adding ingredients....
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Queen Of Hearts


Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 2:19 pm
This is why I don't have watsapp.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 2:23 pm
amother DarkPurple wrote:
I keep a lot of my receipes on a Whatsapp group. So lots of times I can be online reading a recipe and baking/cooking it and since my hands are to dirty I can't respond. Plus it would mix me up since I'm in middle of adding ingredients....

I’m responding to yours just cuz it’s the latest one not anything personal, but it’s insane that we need, or feel a need, to excuse ourselves for not responding to a msg.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 2:42 pm
I hate the entitlement that just because I’m online I need to answer you right away.
I don’t care if it’s a yes or no question.

I used to have WhatsApp on a different number that only my very close family and friends had to avoid this exactly. I don’t feel like answering people all the time and I also don’t want to hurt you.

Now that I can set my settings so no one can see I’m online, I have it on my regular number.

I think you need to realize that no one owes you an answer now. EVEN IF THEY ARE ONLINE. There are million reasons why they won’t answer you now but it’s none of your business.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 3:09 pm
I'm wondering why anyone has "last seen and online" showing? I turned mine off ages ago.
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Post Sun, Mar 31 2024, 3:15 pm

I understand your frustration as you had expected an answer within a short amount of time. Please consider that note everyone wants to answer straight away or even the same day. More importantly, people have the right to do as they please, including not answering via whatsapp.

Side point: Some people have whatsapp web open and that can also show they're online, when, in effect, they are not.
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