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Something as an Ilui Neshomo

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Post Sun, Apr 14 2024, 12:18 pm
I did not know where to put this post so sorry if it doesn't fit here too well.

My father died a few years ago and he was involved in so many different organisations sometimes helping financially, helping in the running of shuls, schools and loads more besides.

I feel there are so many opportunities to help different organisations or start my own and I spoke to DH about doing something le"ilui my father and DH also thinks it is a lovely idea and we have people we can ask to help in different ways but I have not yet come up with an idea that we like.

I wonder if any of you have had thoughts about what kind of project big or small would be useful for your community. Please forward any ideas.

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Post Sun, Apr 14 2024, 1:27 pm
Here are some ideas-
I feel like we can always use more jewish book libraries!!
some kind of gemach (jewelry for simchas, gown gemach, tables and chairs for simchas etc)
something with sheitels- maybe helping people get them at lower cost or helping to pay for wash and sets before yt
paying for a specific service for a demographic that is struggling- for example cleaning help, therapy, homework help etc.

I'm sure I can think of more but this is off the top of my head.

Beautiful and this should be a zchus aliyas neshama
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Post Sun, Apr 14 2024, 1:55 pm
Thank you op Ecru.

Reading through your ideas a different kind of idea came to me.

I don't know how the system works in hospitals in other countries but in London (where I live) there are organisations who send volunteers to help patients for an hour or two some days, but it is a very long day for in patients and the NHS is nearly broke so I think patients need more help now then ever before. The growing anti-semitism is also noticeable among some staff and occasionally even patients in hospital and that also increases stress for frum jewish patients.

Is anyone involved in a paid or voluntary position in a hospital in a way that could be helpful for anyone unfortunate enough to be in a hospital in these difficult times.

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Post Sun, Apr 14 2024, 5:01 pm
Ezra care in Manchester does things like this.

Another idea is to send toys, games or books to children of people sitting shiva. I received an bag of stuff for my kids when my fil was niftar and it was so thoughtful and kept them entertained during the hectic week.
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Post Sun, Apr 14 2024, 6:14 pm
Baby/kids supplies gemach. People who are traveling for Shabbos or yom tov can come pick up some basic supplies for their kids like baby bath tub, pack and play, toys, or play mats. So necessary but often too cumbersome to bring along.
Or for people who are flying in- car seats
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Post Sun, Apr 14 2024, 6:35 pm
Friend match. There are people who have written on imamother.com about lacking friends. Maybe there could be a way to facilitate that.
Also, something that will help keep teens busy when there is no school for which they get paid - maybe even learn a skill.
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Post Sun, Apr 14 2024, 7:25 pm
An organization that sends a generous nice gift once a year to children of divorce without having to fill out a long registration form and/or fill in the other parents name and info in order to qualify.
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Post Sun, Apr 14 2024, 11:45 pm
Thank you so much for all your really useful ideas.
After Pesach IY"H I will discuss these ideas with the family.
Any further ideas are appreciated.

Wishing everyone the strength to clean and cook towards Pesach and have a wonderful enjoyable stress free Yom Tov.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 12:32 am
Thank you OP azure. I like your idea of a nice gift for children of a divorce.

In the UK there is not much support for single mums and their children so I am thinking of it being a practical and special idea to provide more help for them.

If anyone is in this unfortunate situation and gets help or others know ways to help these families could you let me know ways to help the mums. I am looking at practical ideas of help not online support at this point.

Thank you in advance.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 9:04 am
amother OP wrote:
Thank you OP azure. I like your idea of a nice gift for children of a divorce.

In the UK there is not much support for single mums and their children so I am thinking of it being a practical and special idea to provide more help for them.

If anyone is in this unfortunate situation and gets help or others know ways to help these families could you let me know ways to help the mums. I am looking at practical ideas of help not online support at this point.

Thank you in advance.

You're right there's not much support for divorcees or their kids (especially compared to yesomim and almonos)
In Manchester there is an organisation that can provide support, but its not much practically.

Here's some things I (recently divorced) and others may appreciate:

Service of a handy man to come and tighten hinges or change lightlbulbs, put up a shelf or other basic DIY a husband might usually do.
Someone to help shlep and Kasher before pesach, sukkah building before sukkos.
Help with sons eg ovos ubonim, tefillin, learning, leining, buying lulav and esrog etc
Voucher for manicure or massage before yomtov
Voucher for jewellery or bookshop so the mummy can treat herself or her kids
Voucher for toy shop for afikoman or chanukah presents
Voucher for Accessory World to help for yomtov
Obviously vouchers for food or butcher
Voucher for Outing for kids eg local soft play, pottery painting, aquarium, games room etc for pre yomtov or chol hamoed or holidays
Chanukah presents for kids
Voucher for take away pre pesach
Someone to clean car for pesach

Basically help with all the stuff that most people do for their kids around yomtov time, but she finds it difficult as she is struggling financially, plus she and her kids are struggling emotionally so they could really do with the uplift, especially around yomtov and holiday time.

Happy for you to PM me for more ideas!
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 9:15 am
maybe buy new shietals for someone who needs

I would love to do this one day
so many frum women cant afford it and dont feel good leaving house
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 9:17 am
Thank you OP s1 for your useful list.

I am so sorry to hear that you recently divorced.

I would like to PM you but can you write a quick post with the font on it so that I can PM you.

Thank you.
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