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Are some babies just more difficult?
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:34 pm
BH I had my first baby 6 months ago. He is adorable thank Gd and I love him dearly. However he kvetches non stop. He screams in the car non stop. I can’t put him down for a second. Ive tried to not pick him up too much and his crying just escalates. I feel like postpartum has been so hard for me because I feel like I’m failing as a mother. Trying to understand how people can do this over and over and maybe now I’m realizing that some babies are easier? Or maybe the first one is just the hardest?

Sorry if this sounds naive. Plz be kind.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:36 pm
All babies cry. It's their job.
But some babies are more difficult. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
I wonder if your baby is suffering from silent reflux, like my baby was.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:37 pm
Yes! Some babies are way harder than others

Some are more easy going, will relax in a bouncer happily, eat nicely, sleep nicely

Some barely sleep, always want to eat, will cry if not held
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:37 pm
Yes some babies are a lot harder than others.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:41 pm
Definitely! None of my later kids were as difficult as my oldest.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:44 pm
All babies cry & need constant attention. But some are definitely more difficult than others. My nursing babies were way more difficult than my formula fed babies. My nursing babies cried round the clock & did not sleep, till I stopped nursing & switched to formula.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:45 pm
You sound like me. My baby is 7 months and I wouldn’t say she is super hard but definitely very needy. Constantly needs me. Wants to be held. Needs constant entertainment. It’s exhausting. While my friends baby who’s the same age just chills. Every baby is different. It’s not easy. Your doing great mama. Your not alone.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:45 pm
Some babies are harder than others.
#1 is oftentimes the hardest.
Many times boys are harder than girls.

You’re not failing. You’re learning.

Babies cry. it doesn’t mean the mom failed when they do.
Could be something is bothering him and you don’t know. You can mention to pediatrician ask ask what they think the cause might be.
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baked ziti


Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:45 pm
Yes. All babies go through difficult stages but some babies are more difficult than others. They are more sensitive and might get overstimulated more quickly. Don't worry about picking him up or holding him too much. Babies can need the extra comfort. Don't worry about spoiling him. 6 months is young.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:47 pm
What was the birth like?
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:47 pm
Thank you so much for all of your replies. at least I know I’m not imagining things!
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:48 pm
amother Birch wrote:
All babies cry & need constant attention. But some are definitely more difficult than others. My nursing babies were way more difficult than my formula fed babies. My nursing babies cried round the clock & did not sleep, till I stopped nursing & switched to formula.

I’ve heard this before and really think it may be true. I nurse him and have also tried pumping and bottles but mostly just nurse now. I wonder why this is…I think the formula just keeps them full longer?
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 8:52 pm
mushkamothers wrote:
What was the birth like?

BH went well. Was hoping to go unmedicated but my doula basically didn’t show up so I got an epidural. Didnt plan on being induced but at my 40 week appointment I mentioned to my midwife I might be leaking so she sent me to the hospital and it was my water but I didn’t know how long it had been broken for. Just thought it was urine because I had such a hard time peeing at the end. Anyways to get to the point: got a couple doses of cytotec which pushed me into labor….honestly think I was already in labor. Got checked and was a 4, midwife broke the rest of my water. Got an epidural and was a 7. A few hours later I was a 10. Pushed for 2.5 hours. BH was ok.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 9:06 pm
Definitely huge range of how babies are. My first was so hard
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 9:06 pm
amother OP wrote:
BH went well. Was hoping to go unmedicated but my doula basically didn’t show up so I got an epidural. Didnt plan on being induced but at my 40 week appointment I mentioned to my midwife I might be leaking so she sent me to the hospital and it was my water but I didn’t know how long it had been broken for. Just thought it was urine because I had such a hard time peeing at the end. Anyways to get to the point: got a couple doses of cytotec which pushed me into labor….honestly think I was already in labor. Got checked and was a 4, midwife broke the rest of my water. Got an epidural and was a 7. A few hours later I was a 10. Pushed for 2.5 hours. BH was ok.

Ok so bh doesn't sound terrible, still I would do 1-2 sessions with chiropractor or craniosacral and see if that helps
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 9:09 pm
amother OP wrote:
I’ve heard this before and really think it may be true. I nurse him and have also tried pumping and bottles but mostly just nurse now. I wonder why this is…I think the formula just keeps them full longer?

I didn't find that formula keeps them full longer. They were just less difficult & slept better when formula fed vs. breast fed.
When I was breastfeeding, they'd wake every 2-3 hours, & it took them a long time & crying to settle back to sleep. When formula fed, they also wake every 2-3 hours, but go right back to sleep when done with the bottle bh.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 9:09 pm
Some babies are needier than others. Is this a newborn? The first 3 months most babies are somewhat needy as they adjust to life outside the womb. I wore my kids a lot at this stage. Weather permitting I took them outside a lot as fresh air seems to relax them. If nursing then frequent feedings if nothing else works. My most challenging child is autistic.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 9:13 pm
amother OP wrote:
I’ve heard this before and really think it may be true. I nurse him and have also tried pumping and bottles but mostly just nurse now. I wonder why this is…I think the formula just keeps them full longer?

I only nurse & all my kids were different. Some easy, some typical, some crying pretty often.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 9:37 pm
amother Tulip wrote:
Some babies are needier than others. Is this a newborn? The first 3 months most babies are somewhat needy as they adjust to life outside the womb. I wore my kids a lot at this stage. Weather permitting I took them outside a lot as fresh air seems to relax them. If nursing then frequent feedings if nothing else works. My most challenging child is autistic.

He’s 6 months bH. Was very very colicky in the beginning and would scream for hours.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 9:59 pm
Yes! I used to think I was crazy but the more I got to know other people and their babies - and read up on imamother - I realized we're actually just living different realities. There are intense babies that regular tips don't work for and it's not because you're doing it wrong.
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