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Forum -> Working Women
Is it ok to stay by job/career I don't like

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Post Wed, May 22 2024, 12:59 pm
Just because I need the money and I do the job well. Is this normal? Or is it more normal to like/love your job and feel that it's "you."
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Post Wed, May 22 2024, 1:02 pm
Of course it's better to have a job that you enjoy, but till you find one, I think the responsible thing is to stay where you are. Unless it's abusive or you are seriously miserable there.
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Post Wed, May 22 2024, 1:04 pm
It is a huge gift to do a job that you love.

But people work jobs all the time that they don't like. If you need the money, you do what you need to do to be responsible and earn it (obviously not illegal/unethical things).

I have great respect for the garbagemen who pick up my garbage every day. They obviously needed a job, possibly to support their families, and they're doing what needs to be done in order to do it, no matter how unpleasant it is.

If they had another skill that could earn the same amount of money and that they enjoyed, and they remained a garbageman? That wouldn't be smart.

So the question is, is there another field that you think you would enjoy? Do you have the skills you would need to enter that field? If not, can you come up with a plan to get those skills? Maybe slowly, while you work at this job that you're not enjoying all that much, so that one day you won't have to anymore?
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Post Wed, May 22 2024, 1:07 pm
Maybe you can accept that you're at a job you don't enjoy but it's working for you for now. And you can find other ways for enjoyment - do other things that you like each day.
And you can always re-evaluate to see if things have changed, if you find a job that you enjoy that makes sense for you...
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Post Wed, May 22 2024, 1:31 pm
Nothing wrong with it, most people are not working their dream job, they're just doing what they need to do. Now, if you're in a toxic work situation, you should get out of it because it can cause real harm to yourself and your family, but most people are somewhere in the middle. It's not terrible, but not what they'd really rather be doing.

The only exception, I think, is if you're working directly with kids (teacher, one of the therapies, etc). Then it's really not fair to the kids. BTW, this was me. I started out as a teacher and realized it was not for me. I ended up asking the school if they had any office jobs open and they did! So I'm still at the same school I started in, just not as a teacher.
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Post Wed, May 22 2024, 3:00 pm
In an ideal world, everyone would love their job, but ours is not an ideal world. It's lovely but not necessary to love your job. It IS necessary to make a living, unless your dh earns enough or you have income from elsewhere that allows you the luxury of being able to pick and choose your work or not work at all. Very few people truly love their jobs, and those who do are blessed more than they know.

If you truly HATE your job or the people with whom you work, and this is endangering your mental or physical health and/or your family life, then you owe it to yourself to look elsewhere. If you can afford to quit before you find something new, great. If not, keep looking while you continue working. But to expect to love or even like everything about your job is unrealistic. Most people like the pay but not the people, the people but not the work, the work but not the commute, the commute but not the physical surroundings, the physical surroundings but not the pay...
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Post Wed, May 22 2024, 3:12 pm
I think the majority of people on this planet do not love their job but do it because they need a job
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Post Wed, May 22 2024, 3:19 pm
I am in the exact same situation as you
I really dislike my job that I just took but I do it very well
I am working now on something I took a course for a couple of years ago but things came up and I wasn’t able to develop and continue it. I hope that within a year or two I’ll have enough of a clientele to quit my job and work from home on my own hours while do something I enjoy!
For now I try to make sure to do a lot of creative things as well to keep me stimulated
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