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Natural route for Pandas
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Post Tue, May 21 2024, 2:18 pm
amother Clover wrote:
For my son blissk12 worker better than antibiotics. Bh he's been good and pandas gone for 2 years or so

How long did it take until you saw improvement? Also does he still have to take it?
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Post Tue, May 21 2024, 3:20 pm
amother Ecru wrote:
How long did it take until you saw improvement? Also does he still have to take it?

I honestly don't remember the time. He took it daily maybe a couple weeks. Then he weaned off antibiotics which didn't even help him. I continued giving him blissk12 daily as a prevention. I just stopped giving it daily although he hadn't had strept in over 2 yrs. Now he takes it once a Week
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Post Tue, May 21 2024, 3:22 pm
smushymushy wrote:
can you explain? my son was having all the symptoms, crazy outbursts, ocd, crazy moodswings, being violent - wen being from being an angel bH to this... some days are better than others, so I thought to get tested and that cam up in the blood, so what is pandas?

My son had these symptoms too. His strept antibodies were always elevated. He was on antibiotics for a year straight and it didn't help. Blissk12 got rid of his pandas unbelievable!
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Post Tue, May 21 2024, 3:50 pm
bestwife4 wrote:
My son had these symptoms too. His strept antibodies were always elevated. He was on antibiotics for a year straight and it didn't help. Blissk12 got rid of his pandas unbelievable!
Does he really not have any minor symptoms left? Anxiety, phobias, food pickiness, hard time falling asleep, rigidity, perfectionism, social anxiety, sensory issues, distractable, hyper, social issues? Everything really went away?
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Post Tue, May 21 2024, 4:53 pm
amother Feverfew wrote:
Does he really not have any minor symptoms left? Anxiety, phobias, food pickiness, hard time falling asleep, rigidity, perfectionism, social anxiety, sensory issues, distractable, hyper, social issues? Everything really went away?

He does have anxiety, afraid to go to sleep, afraid of kidnappers, afraid of sleeping alone ( hes 7 and comes to our room every night) which I believe stems from being alone in the incubator for a month in the NICU when he was a baby) so he's now super attached to us. and definitely super picky with foods related to having severe reflux as a baby. These are unrelated to pandas. His bloodwork is good and strept hasn't come back.
When he had pandas his symptoms were extreme tantrums, lots of screaming, crying, acting irrational, ocd issues etc constant strept. Bh all these issues went away.
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Post Tue, May 21 2024, 5:42 pm
Thanks so much, I just bought the bliss k from supreme health here in BP, will be me soon

Thanks so much❤️
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Post Tue, May 21 2024, 7:48 pm
amother Magnolia wrote:
What is raindrop therapy?

Method of using essential oils
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Post Thu, May 23 2024, 4:25 pm
Is there a specific time of day u gave the bliss k 12?
And does he actually have to be careful about brushing teeth before and not eating for half an hour after? (Like what it says on the bottle)?
So far today will be the third day of it... Hoping to see results ASAP!
It's so so hard ..Sad((

I also took him off gluten and sugar
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Post Thu, May 23 2024, 7:00 pm
smushymushy wrote:
Is there a specific time of day u gave the bliss k 12?
And does he actually have to be careful about brushing teeth before and not eating for half an hour after? (Like what it says on the bottle)?
So far today will be the third day of it... Hoping to see results ASAP!
It's so so hard ..Sad((

I also took him off gluten and sugar
Are you doing anything to directly address the strep? Inflammation m
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Post Thu, May 23 2024, 11:12 pm
amother Feverfew wrote:
Are you doing anything to directly address the strep? Inflammation m

No, I thought the bliss k 12 does that and also the diet?

Please advise!!

He seemed to be doing a little better today I think bli ayin hora
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 12:25 am
I'm almost sure my 9 yr old has pandas. I dont even know where to start. Which dr to go to? Can I just start giving him all these natural vitamins?
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 12:30 am
My doctor today actually told me that even when they do the blood test and see high strep antibodies it doesn't actually mean they have pandas it could be just thy had strep.

Meaning that pandas Is a clinical diagnosis based on symptoms and only a neurologist can tell u for sure by doing a scan.

Either way there's no harm in giving the probiotics even if he doesn't have (which hopefully he doesn't)

Something that's helping me too currently is that my husband keeps telling me that it's not a life sentence chas vesholom. He's going through a difficult time and it will be over bezH.

Hashem loves our kids so much and He would never chas vesholom give them (or us!!) A nisayon that we can't handle....

We got this ❤️❤️
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 5:53 am
smushymushy wrote:
No, I thought the bliss k 12 does that and also the diet?

Please advise!!

He seemed to be doing a little better today I think bli ayin hora
Blisk12 indirectly addresses strep by crowding it out and repopulating the oral cavity with friendly strep but it's not enough for some people and they also need to do something to kill the strep directly.

Diet is a good place to start re:inflammation but again it doesn't have an immediate effect on inflammation directed at the brain, it just minimizes inflammation that would have been coming from food.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 5:54 am
greengrapes wrote:
I'm almost sure my 9 yr old has pandas. I dont even know where to start. Which dr to go to? Can I just start giving him all these natural vitamins?
You don't actually need a dr to diagnose him or run any tests. If you address the infection + inflammation and you see improvement, you'll know that's what you're dealing with
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 8:28 am
amother Feverfew wrote:
Blisk12 indirectly addresses strep by crowding it out and repopulating the oral cavity with friendly strep but it's not enough for some people and they also need to do something to kill the strep directly.

Diet is a good place to start re:inflammation but again it doesn't have an immediate effect on inflammation directed at the brain, it just minimizes inflammation that would have been coming from food.

So you're saying I also need to do antibiotics?
You seem to be very knowledgeable...
I just don't know who to turn to... Lol I'm relying on what you're all saying in the thread to be keili and bitachon In Hashem
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 8:31 am
smushymushy wrote:
So you're saying I also need to do antibiotics?
You seem to be very knowledgeable...
I just don't know who to turn to... Lol I'm relying on what you're all saying in the thread to be keili and bitachon In Hashem

If there’s active strep you 100% need abx

If there’s real behavioral change (and some bloodwork to back it up) some pediatricians will give a 30 day trial

Many specialists will prescribe for even longer - but everyone’s experience who I have spoken to is different. IE if the antibiotics help significantly or just a bandaid

Forsure diet, vitamins, probiotics, Motrin/ antihistamine in a flare should all be done as there’s no harm (just not Motrin indefinetly)

I continually see people saying that homeopathy and more natural approaches are what really get to the root of the problem
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 8:35 am
amother Starflower wrote:
If there’s active strep you 100% need abx

If there’s real behavioral change (and some bloodwork to back it up) some pediatricians will give a 30 day trial

Many specialists will prescribe for even longer - but everyone’s experience who I have spoken to is different. IE if the antibiotics help significantly or just a bandaid

Forsure diet, vitamins, probiotics, Motrin/ antihistamine in a flare should all be done as there’s no harm (just not Motrin indefinetly)

I continually see people saying that homeopathy and more natural approaches are what really get to the root of the problem

There are also natural antibiotics like eccinacia goldenseal, so maybe I should try that
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 9:46 am
smushymushy wrote:
There are also natural antibiotics like eccinacia goldenseal, so maybe I should try that

Some people wean to those after regular - curious if you have information on dosing and how to give? A dr I went to mentioned those (also biocidin, oil or oregeno) but didn’t have specific instructions
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 11:28 am
amother Starflower wrote:
Some people wean to those after regular - curious if you have information on dosing and how to give? A dr I went to mentioned those (also biocidin, oil or oregeno) but didn’t have specific instructions

I got rid of a UTI using eccinacia synergy
I think I took for five days
I'm realizing now, my husband used it or eccinacia goldenseal (not sure the difference between them) to get rid of strep. Think he took for 5 days too.
So seems like it works for strep, I just wonder how long to give it to my son now and also how to get him to take it... He's only 3
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 12:47 pm
smushymushy wrote:
I got rid of a UTI using eccinacia synergy
I think I took for five days
I'm realizing now, my husband used it or eccinacia goldenseal (not sure the difference between them) to get rid of strep. Think he took for 5 days too.
So seems like it works for strep, I just wonder how long to give it to my son now and also how to get him to take it... He's only 3

Find a homeopath who can guide you
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