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What cuts would YOU be ok with in schools
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 1:49 pm
amother Sienna wrote:
Yes this applies to camps too. Enough already.

It’s absolutely ridiculous and over on Baal tashchis!
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 1:51 pm
amother Pansy wrote:
I always say, when was the last time you saw a school with siding? Less marble, brick, fancy columns.

This is not necessarily the reason. Building a school to stand up to the abuse of kids is not able to be done cheaply. Build it once to last 30 years instead of redoing it every 10....
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 1:54 pm
Nothing. My kids really enjoy school. I much prefer it to be a happy place that they enjoy spending time in. In my days we found school to be a bore and so many just missed days or didn’t apply themselves or even got depressed. I see no need for my kids to live in such a depressing world.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 2:31 pm
What does teitch mean?
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 2:50 pm
amother Cobalt wrote:
I’m also a fan of using technology and computer games to teach secular subjects.

Yeshivat Heatid does this to some extent. I think there is at least one imamother who sends there and had a good experience with it.


Using technology to teach is something that should be considered carefully. In my experience, bright kids can often learn to do well at the game/program without actually mastering the skills that are supposed to be being taught through the game/program.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 2:57 pm

I remember when I taught first year teachers got 10k a year.
The old Bubby’s got 25k a year.
I’m sure by now the starting and the cap is higher.

Only have teachers strait out of high school. You can pay them a lot less.
Once they get married and need to be paid more replace them with out of high school teachers.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 2:59 pm
amother Pear wrote:

I remember when I taught first year teachers got 10k a year.
The old Bubby’s got 25k a year.
I’m sure by now the starting and the cap is higher.

Only have teachers strait out of high school. You can pay them a lot less.
Once they get married and need to be paid more replace them with out of high school teachers.

This is a joke, right?
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:00 pm
amother OP wrote:
Personally, id be perfectly happy cutting down on the papers.
My 1st grader comes home with a printed teitch booklet each month to leave at home.
Each week there's the parsha sheet, that weeks teitch, the questions, the story, the mitzva note paper and 6 coloring pages.
Plus the 5-6 pages that he already colored while Rebbi is telling stories

And that's just 1 kid and not even English.

I'm drowning in papers. Drowning in shaimos. And it costs.

Id be happy for the school to pare down drastically on the papers.

Not a huge cost. But if the school is expecting me to cut my small costs because "every penny adds up" I can say the same.

What costs do you think the schools can cut without drastically affecting the quality of education

As a teacher, I wouldn't want to cut out any of those papers other than the empty coloring sheets. Each of those are going to very directly affect the child's learning. What should he not come home with? Parsha qs? Teitch sheets,so when he gets stuck on a word and you help him out, he gets frustrated that it's not exactly how Rebbi taught it?
Coloring pages while he listens to Rebbi story? That's a brilliant idea! How many kids these days will sit and listen to a story with absolutely nothing else to do?

I'm all for cutting costs, but start with the things that won't take away from learning. don't limit the teachers ability to provide basic learning materials.
I remember one year, our school was going through financial struggles and the copy machine was out of use some days. It is incredibly challenging to come up with lesson plans that don't use photocopies. And getting stingy on the teachers about how many papers they can give to the students is a recipe for resentful, burnt out teachers. We put in our all to this job, but give us access to the most basic of resources!
I would first cut out expensive prizes, technology, even resource staff (parents will have to pay for their own tutoring if necessary) before that!
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:02 pm
Imateacher wrote:
What does teitch mean?

Translate. It’s used to mean translate the words of Chumash.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:04 pm
amother Apricot wrote:
This post makes me wonder how teachers managed 40 years ago without all these fancy overpriced projects and worksheets and bla bla bla.
Excuse me for being blunt but I think our shallow minds end up appreciating the teacher with the most creative expensive ideas. I don't think cutting back will make it harder on the teachers, I think it'll put the focus back in the right place.

You can't compare 40 yrs ago to today. Completely different generation in so so many ways!
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:05 pm
esther7 wrote:
As a teacher, I wouldn't want to cut out any of those papers other than the empty coloring sheets. Each of those are going to very directly affect the child's learning. What should he not come home with? Parsha qs? Teitch sheets,so when he gets stuck on a word and you help him out, he gets frustrated that it's not exactly how Rebbi taught it?
Coloring pages while he listens to Rebbi story? That's a brilliant idea! How many kids these days will sit and listen to a story with absolutely nothing else to do?

I'm all for cutting costs, but start with the things that won't take away from learning. don't limit the teachers ability to provide basic learning materials.
I remember one year, our school was going through financial struggles and the copy machine was out of use some days. It is incredibly challenging to come up with lesson plans that don't use photocopies. And getting stingy on the teachers about how many papers they can give to the students is a recipe for resentful, burnt out teachers. We put in our all to this job, but give us access to the most basic of resources!
I would first cut out expensive prizes, technology, even resource staff (parents will have to pay for their own tutoring if necessary) before that!

To clarify about the teitch, we get multiple copies.
At the beginning of the " unit" we get a spiral bound booklet for the teitch of the whole unit to be left at home.
Then, on Sun in the homework folder, we get that weeks teitch sheets.
Again, stapled to the parsha sheet we get again that weeks teitch sheets.
Often it's shaimos, or at least parts of it are shaimos.
And so excessive.

And I get that teachers don't want to cut anything.
But inflation and tuition costs.
You think I as a parent
want to cut my cleaning help costs. Or my coffee. Or frozen pizza.
You think I as a parent want to take extra clients or hours

But the school demands it of me to afford tuition.
All I'm asking is for the school to partner with me a bit, even if it's not convenient.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:09 pm
amother Tan wrote:
Nothing. My kids really enjoy school. I much prefer it to be a happy place that they enjoy spending time in. In my days we found school to be a bore and so many just missed days or didn’t apply themselves or even got depressed. I see no need for my kids to live in such a depressing world.

I think you're missing the point. Obviously we would all like our cake and would like to eat it as well.

But considering the recent article on yeshiva world that a certain school is closing down because of financial reasons and several others are struggling, the question is where they can cut back.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:10 pm
amother Purple wrote:
I think you're missing the point. Obviously we would all like our cake and would like to eat it as well.

But considering the recent article on yeshiva world that a certain school is closing down because of financial reasons and several others are struggling, the question is where they can cut back.

I think they can’t. So we need to find other ways to fund it. I think we should all fight for vouchers. The biggest issue is our tax money goes to public school and we don’t benefit. That’s not a fair system.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:15 pm
Teacher here:
Cutting back on text books is a terrible idea, would you teach if you had to photocopy pages instead of kids writing in their math book? It doubles or triples prep time, makes it harder to keep track of , etc .
School psychologist is needed to evaluate kids for IEP’s and data tracking for those students, they sit through all the meetings and advocate for the kids.
Guidance counselor is an important position but I don’t think it really has to be a well paid social worker, just an understanding adult who is good with kids.
Nurse is definitely needed, obviously you don’t need a nurse to take kids temperature but you need someone who can administer insulin, give out meds, know what to do with more serious injuries, etc.
secretaries absolutely are needed, first of all secretaries make pennies, that’s really not significantly affecting tuition;
Online programs make a world of a difference and cut back on support staff significantly , I have students who need enrichment or remediation and can’t work independently but I can put them on a chrome book and assign a lesson and they are occupied and productive till I can teach them, otherwise would be some pretty major behavioral issues.
To the mom who said no bribes because you don’t use them, until you have 20 kids it’s not at all comparable situations.
Also, parents complain when school spend a lot of prizes, they also complain when treats are used in place of prizes to save $. It can’t go both ways.

Some things I would cut down if I ran the budget:
Less higher ups , ie does a school really need a dean on top of a principal on top of a assistant principal ;

Simpler projects, the projects seem to keep getting fancier and fancier; I don’t think we need an art teacher.
More simple playground games and balls and jump ropes and no need for a whole playground
Less of a budget for professional development, most of them are a waste of time for more than 1/2 the staff / things we already know aren’t changing .
Uniforms are so expensive, and now I need to buy my daughter a brand new wardrobe because she is entering 6th and again for high school, I think uniforms should be abolished, or at least limited to blue black or grey skirt vs a specific brand or skirt . I also think school sweaters are a huge $ waster. $40 for a thin velour not warm jacket you can buy for $10 without the logo.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:15 pm
Vouchers only work in states that have a philosophy to not mix in with regards to educational choices. This would NEVER happen in states like NY or NJ. If you get vouchers you will have to comply with a host of ideas that no one here would want.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:17 pm
mha3484 wrote:
Vouchers only work in states that have a philosophy to not mix in with regards to educational choices. This would NEVER happen in states like NY or NJ. If you get vouchers you will have to comply with a host of ideas that no one here would want.

There are other ways to do it. The rules of vouchers need to change too. It’s such an old fashioned system it doesn’t make sense. They amended so much to accept this new type of world we live in, it’s really not so far fetched to amend this too.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:20 pm
amother Pear wrote:

I remember when I taught first year teachers got 10k a year.
The old Bubby’s got 25k a year.
I’m sure by now the starting and the cap is higher.

Only have teachers strait out of high school. You can pay them a lot less.
Once they get married and need to be paid more replace them with out of high school teachers.

Except that about 50% of first year teachers are a flop and classroom management is a disaster. The only way teachers get good is through experience.
Of all the 19 year old teachers I have seen , most are ready to quit a couple months in, are seen overwhelmed and crying in the teachers room, donT know how to deal with parents , I guess if you really want to sacrifice your kid’s education and just have them babysat then getting rid of anyone with experience makes some sort of twisted sense
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:26 pm
amother Brunette wrote:
Secretaries! I went to YOB back in the day. Huge school. There were 2 secretaries! I think one was the bookkeeper. Now my kids school has an army of woman working in the office. There is for sure a way to cut down on personnel.

I’m a secretary in a hs. You cannot compare what yob back in the day offered to what the schools do today. Yom iyun, Rosh Chodesh assemblies, chessed programs, Shabbatons, g.o activities etc etc. if I tell you the office is a ZOO I mean it. Girls coming and going, orders being placed, admissions, photo copies, make up tests, grading, report cards, attendance and I can go on and on. It’s very nice for someone who doesn’t know what goes on behind the scenes to just assume things get done on their own. Every email that goes out, someone writes. Every phone that rings, gets picked up. I don’t think someone who is outside the system can understand the amount of work that goes on in a school. If anything, a high functioning school, needs to be well staffed.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:34 pm
amother Junglegreen wrote:

Also, parents complain when school spend a lot of prizes, they also complain when treats are used in place of prizes to save $. It can’t go both ways.

I agree that prizes are much better than treats. DON'T USE EITHER. At least not excessively. Occasionally, either are great! But in the quantities that I see, they're no longer doing what they're supposed to do anymore.
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Post Fri, May 24 2024, 3:37 pm
amother Pear wrote:

I remember when I taught first year teachers got 10k a year.
The old Bubby’s got 25k a year.
I’m sure by now the starting and the cap is higher.

Only have teachers strait out of high school. You can pay them a lot less.
Once they get married and need to be paid more replace them with out of high school teachers.

Are you ok???? Do you even have school aged kids? This is the most disturbing post Iv seen in a long time. You clearly know nothing about the education system. I’d be furious if my school would follow your theory. Kids deserve to be educated by educators not babysat by a bunch of hs graduates.
And just fyi, when those were the salaries, houses sold for 40k and groceries didn’t exceed $100 a week. So ya, I don’t think you thought this through.
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