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Post Tue, Nov 11 2008, 1:24 am
Yeps we're still nursing and going strong! For me, bottle feeding doesn't come into question at all. DD is my first baby who hasn't had one at all.

I'm planning to start solids no sooner than 6 months.
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Post Tue, Nov 11 2008, 2:34 am
Gavriel keeps eyeing me when I eat in front of him with those gorgeous blue eyes and
I'm trying not to give in yet regarding solids. He drinks bottles well and is growing fine B"H. I want to wait 2 more months if I can.
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Post Tue, Nov 11 2008, 9:09 am
My SZ nurses whenever he wants. Except the past few days he's started waking up every ten minutes after his official bedtime, so I've started to comfort him without nursing, hoping it will teach him that this time of day (night) is sleeping time.
He does want to eat our food, I'm trying to push it off at least until 6 months.
I have no idea how much he weighs, I missed his well-checkups embarrassed, but he's in size 9 month clothing and I'm not worried at all.

Mama Bear, every time the older sibling hits, it works to replace the act of hurting with the correct behavior. It always worked for me, if the older one hurt the younger one, the older one has to "mach shein" to the younger one. I did that for every single time they'd hurt each other, and the hitting disappeared. But I never punished even for hitting, if the hitter is feeling bad about himself. That's a lot to be going through for a young child and I didn't want to make it any worse.
I didn't tell my 3 yr old about his new sibling-to-be until about 2 weeks before my due date. LOL Once the baby was born he only wanted to know what he could do for the baby, he really wanted to help take care of it. So I made him my "wipe warmer," LOL he got to hold the baby wipes at diaper-changing time and warm them up so they wouldn't be cold for the baby's bottom. He loved his job and it worked out nicely for all of us.

ETA: Once I learned how to put babies down for a nap, life got 100x easier. If I had to rock/pat/sing every time the baby wanted to sleep, I also wouldn't be managing. My sil taught me this, but you have to "train" them into it at about 4-6 weeks, at naptime you just put them down and they fall asleep on their own. Once you miss this window, you're stuck with putting the baby to sleep or hearing him cry. I've saved myself from mass amounts of frustration and tearing out my hair.
Since this baby was so overdue he was really ready for this at 2 weeks, and I almost missed it since I don't usually use a crib yet for a 2 week old. Thank G-d it worked at 8 weeks but it was harder than usual.
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Mama Bear


Post Tue, Nov 11 2008, 10:04 am
my baby would cry even at 4-6 weeks if he wassnt rocked to sleep. but bh the rocking doesnt take too long, esp if he just finished nursing. I dont mind rocking and singing him to sleep.
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Post Tue, Nov 11 2008, 12:11 pm
End of August - she is almost 3 months k"ah
BH she is such a yummy cuddly baby. she doestn really cry too much and she is a great nurser bh (no bottles) she takes a pacy but is not as into it as her older brother was (and unfortunately still is at 3 yrs old Rolling Eyes ). She smiles a lot and "talks" she HATES tummy time but loves her swing with rotating fishies. she has just recently started to bat at the toys on her mat and bouncy seat and it looks like she is getting more control over her hands.
These little bundles grow up so fast --where are our newborns!?!?!?
Big brother is 3 and bh is really great with her kisses and touches her gently. no outward jealousy but he sometims gets annoyed when icant tend to him as fast as I used to without the baby around.
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Post Tue, Nov 11 2008, 6:19 pm
My dd isn't gaining so much weight. She weighs all of 5.20 kilo. I need to put her on a bottle of formula with cereal according to the GI doctor, in addition to the zantac.
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Post Tue, Nov 11 2008, 6:21 pm
boruchhashem wrote:
My dd isn't gaining so much weight. She weighs all of 5.20 kilo. I need to put her on a bottle of formula with cereal according to the GI doctor, in addition to the zantac.

Did you see a LC to make sure she actually nurses correctly?
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Post Tue, Nov 11 2008, 6:27 pm
Only the one in the hospital.
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Post Wed, Nov 12 2008, 7:35 am
boruchhashem wrote:
Only the one in the hospital.

In my experience, most peds don't know (enough) about breastfeeding, so when a problem arises such as not gaining enough weight, they immediately try to 'fix' it by adding a bottle of formula, while actually the first thing to look at is if the baby is feeding well at the breast. Maybe if you can change a few things such as latch or how often she feeds, you won't need to giver her an extra bottle.
So it may be a good idea to see a LC who can help you with that.
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Post Wed, Nov 12 2008, 10:48 pm
I also pat to sleep but that is after holding them for about an hr while she drinks her bottle to lala land. I love to hold her and put rock her to sleep. who knows if this will be my last baby. I want to enjoy every minete of it... I would hold her a whole day if I could but I cant bc I have other stuff to do. they grow so quickly she is almost 5 months.
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Post Thu, Nov 13 2008, 9:38 am
im embarrassed about my previous post, it sounds so negative..
it was one of those days, bh am feeling better.

I tried to nurse for a week but my daughter didnt suck, she was asleep most of the time and we didnt manage to wake her up and my milk didnt come so it was a vicious cycle! I knew it was time to stop when I almost wanted to hit my daughter out of frustration..

bh she is happy on bottles now. she is a modelbaby bh! sleeps through the whole night.

right now she has a cold and is a big rachmanus with her stuffed nose and her cough

noone else with such a big gap between their children?
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Post Thu, Nov 13 2008, 9:43 am
zissy2004 wrote:
noone else with such a big gap between their children?

there is a 4 year age gap between my first 2
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Post Thu, Nov 13 2008, 9:48 am
I have a 4.5 year gap between my twins and my youngest.
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Post Thu, Nov 13 2008, 10:01 am
and, chaylizi, how did your oldest take it? did he/she become more difficult?

zus, I think the problem is more that it his very hard to adjust to the fact that he isnt alone anymore, maybe with twins is different coz they had another sibling.

my son was a twin for 8 weeks, sometimes I wonder if he would have been easier if he wouldnt be alone;
oh well.
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Post Thu, Nov 13 2008, 10:55 am
Mama Bear wrote:
Attn June, July, August 08 moms...

What is your baby's birth date?
How old is s/he now?
Baby's name?
What does baby 'do' already?
How are big siblings (if any) take it?
How are YOU coping?

July 28th
you know Wink
Rolls over one way, coos, blows raspberries, plays in exersaucer, holds toys, apparently holds bottle at the sitter Sad
Oldest loves her, is really good with her. Second loves her a little too agressively.
I'm doing better than I thought, but am exhausted. B"H she is my easiest so far; Hashem was so kind to me since I expected it to be my hardest transition.
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Post Thu, Nov 13 2008, 10:59 am
zissy2004 wrote:
and, chaylizi, how did your oldest take it? did he/she become more difficult?

she took it very hard. she was so used to being an only child. she was still still getting over it & I got pregnant again. my ds is 3 weeks old & now I have 2 kids acting up. my older dd is picking fights with her younger sister & trying to smother the baby (with kisses, but still) & my younger dd screams and wakes up at night. life is interesting. you can pm me if you want, so we don't take over this thread.
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Post Thu, Nov 13 2008, 11:01 am
Mama Bear wrote:

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Are you nursing or bottlefeeding? When are you planning to start solids? What factors went into your decision?

(Forgot to mention in my previous post she's 3.5 months now)
Nursing...pumped bottles while I'm at work (2 a day).
Solids -- haven't thought about it. As late as possible. Probably when she starts eating off the floor like my last one (it was 7.5 months for him) LOL
Which decision? To nurse? That wasn't a decision. That was what to do. It's a decision not to, but not a decision yes to Wink
To start solids then? I don't believe in rushing kids, I think it's better for them when they're older and their stomach is more mature, and by the time they are picking up food and digesting it themselves without my input, it's a pretty good indication they can handle it.
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Post Thu, Nov 13 2008, 11:03 am
Forgot to mention she creeps all over the place. Her poor head/face is scratched up from managing to move from the middle of my living room floor, all the way to the bookshelves and banging it against there! Poor girl, she has no inkling what she's doing; she's not purposely trying to get anywhere!
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Post Thu, Nov 13 2008, 7:02 pm
boruchhashem wrote:
My dd isn't gaining so much weight. She weighs all of 5.20 kilo. I need to put her on a bottle of formula with cereal according to the GI doctor, in addition to the zantac.

That's really interesting. My dd is 2 days older than yours and weighs 5.3 kg and the doctor seems happy with it. How big was she when she was born?
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Post Fri, Nov 14 2008, 4:20 am
thanks, chaylizi Smile I will iyh pm you next week.

my baby weighs now 4 kg 900 and she just 3 months. the drs are starting to make faces that she isnt gainig enough. I give her four bottles a day of 180 mls. anyone else gives 4? dr says I have to give 5 but I cant manage it, she is sleeping alot and I dont want to wake her 7 in the morning when she sleeps till 9 or 10! and if I do wake her for her feedings she is so tired that she barely drinks a 100 mls.
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