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Baby seeing things we can't?
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 11:29 am
DD (now 4 months) sometimes stares at white ceilings, clearly interested in something that's (apparently) going on there. When she was younger, she'd just stare, now that she's a bit older she even coos and 'talks' to things that are invisible to me, for minutes on end.

So here are my questions.
Can babies see things most adults can't? (angels, energies...)
Is my baby the only one who does this? She's my 4th child, and I don't remember the others doing this.
Am I reading too much into it? Maybe she's doing just that - staring and talking to a blank ceiling...
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 12:48 pm
I have a friend w/ a son and when this boy was around a year old or less he was sitting in the hall laughing an d raising his arms as though someone were about to pick him up. LOL we still don't know what that was about. Interesting though Smile
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 1:10 pm
Apparently before a baby has good vision, static lines are out of focus and therefore seem to be moving for them.
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 1:23 pm
I think little kids are more sensitive. But some are more then others.

Dd used to do the same thing. She'd follow *something* around with her eyes for a minute or two, then she'd stop and smile. It was WIERD!

Even now, we'll be sitting together, and she'll stare off into space and say "Mommy, who's that?" and point at nothing. And then she smiles and waves. It's kinda creepy.

Ds on the other hand never had anything like that.
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 1:27 pm
My cat used to see things, I think. She'd suddenly look up with this expression that reminded me of Scatman Crothers in "The Shining." Very spooky expression:

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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 1:29 pm
dunno about babies - but they say dogs can !!! shock BOO!!!
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 1:35 pm
Aribenj wrote:

Dd used to do the same thing. She'd follow *something* around with her eyes for a minute or two, then she'd stop and smile. It was WIERD!

Yes that is exactly what DD does too.
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 1:52 pm
My son did this a lot. Seemed to hold extensive babbling conversations with "someone". Even giggled a lot. Whoever or whatever he was seeing must have told good jokes.
Both of my daughters have done this a couple times, but with my son it was several times a day for a long, long time.
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 2:27 pm
I was told by a Rebbetzin the following: " you know when a child falls off something and bangs his head to the point one would think the poor child should be in the hospital CVS...well babies/children have malachim or a malach watching over them constantly so they are protected in many ways"..

We do too as adults actually Wink
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 2:40 pm
SarahO. wrote:
I was told by a Rebbetzin the following: " you know when a child falls off something and bangs his head to the point one would think the poor child should be in the hospital CVS...well babies/children have malachim or a malach watching over them constantly so they are protected in many ways"..

Yes, I've heard that before. And boy, do kids need their own private protection angel on their shoulders!
But do you think that that's who they see?
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 2:51 pm
Do I think that's what they seee..hmmm. I never really gave it much thought. I would imagine so b/c they are not yet consumed by their yetzer hara.
If it happened w/ my child, I'd probably say a couple of Tehillim for good measure at that moment. Either way, malach or no, the Tehillim can't hurt :-)
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 3:00 pm
I believe that they don't see any more then us, I am not a believer of such things.
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 3:08 pm
SarahO. wrote:
I would imagine so b/c they are not yet consumed by their yetzer hara.

So that's what keeping us from seeing more than meets the eye?
Sorry for the ignorance, I really don't know much about these things.
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 3:59 pm
Hmm.. I don't know for sure Zus but Ya'akov Avinu came in contact w/ malachim...and he's not the only one from the Torah of course Smile They were certainly on a higher spiritual level than we are I think. Just a thought.
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 9:24 pm
I heard a really beautiful dvar torah once that said that that yummy baby smell is actually the smell of gan eden. As they get older and their yetzer hora gets stronger, the smell fades, and that's why people go nuts over babies and try to avoid toddlers.

About the gan eden smell, when I had my first, the first thing I did when they put her on my chest wasn't to look at her or to ask if it was a boy or girl. I smelled her head. And she smelled SO INCREDIBLY GOOD! Even covered in gook. I'll never forget it.
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 9:27 pm
My special needs niece will always stare and be calm right after Shabbos candlighting. We just KNOW it’s the malach of a relative.
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Post Thu, Dec 11 2008, 9:28 pm
Very young babies can not see colors well, but are very interested in high-contrast patterns. Dark shadows on white, bright spots on shadow, or other black and white patterns often show up on plain ceilings. So baby IS seeing something you're not, bot most likely not something supernatural-- just as an artist might also really notice certain details that you have learned to gloss over.
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Post Fri, Dec 12 2008, 12:07 am
my 9 month old daughter when she see the shabbos licht only lite will burst out laughing every time she sees it. my son also 9 months doesnt, but I am still convnced that someone is there and making her laugh.
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Post Fri, Dec 12 2008, 3:18 am
ShakleeMom wrote:
My special needs niece will always stare and be calm right after Shabbos candlighting. We just KNOW it’s the malach of a relative.

malach of a relative?
what does that mean?

Do you mean to say neshoma of a relative?
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Post Fri, Dec 12 2008, 6:08 am
we used to call it "the baby is hallucinating again" as tey would stare at teh wall and smile and coo.

Weird but quite normal. They grow out of it.

Enjoy it while it lasts

(call it a side effect of nursing ?)
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