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Abuse organization
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 8:25 pm
Maya wrote:
Because the parents are a bunch of cowards. Not only do they know and not report it, they actually send their children to these people every single day for years and years, knowing exactly what happens in that classroom.

This is one of the many ugly sides of the need for extreme conformity in the Chassidish world.

Cowards? Do you know my uncle has a hell of a time to get his kids into high school because he reported a guy to the police that touched my cousin?
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 8:39 pm
amother wrote:
Cowards? Do you know my uncle has a hell of a time to get his kids into high school because he reported a guy to the police that touched my cousin?

I'm sorry to have to be harsh, but that is the exact definition of a coward. You're scared to do the right thing, because of the negative repercussions. Brave, is to do the right thing no matter what.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 8:41 pm
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 8:43 pm
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 9:35 pm
amother wrote:
You see? And as simple as this is, I was even too helpless to explain this.
You are so right. You might not even know how right.

Ich veis zeir git vi gerecht ich bin. I have been through the system and the legal system. Know it too well.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 9:44 pm
amother wrote:
And where exactly should he send his son?
Sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions and sometimes good intentions pave the road to hell.

To pupa, to vien. Or move neighborhoods and send to the same chassidus in another area where the monster isn't there. Telling others is secondary. Removing your children should be your first priority.
Would you leave your child in a burning building?
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 10:08 pm
This is insane.
I'm usually the first one to defend and go head to head with Maya or anyone else who gets on their soapbox against things going on in various Chassidish kehillos, but this thread is beyond bizarre.
I can't believe that in year 2017 there are people who think it makes sense to continue sending to a school where there is known abuse going on and are turning a blind eye to what's happening to their children.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 10:09 pm
cnc wrote:

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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 10:37 pm
amother wrote:
You people have no idea of the POWER of these abusers. They have our community, Rabbis, and justice system wrapped around their fingers.

If any parent would say something, they will be pressured, tortured, and worse. The kid can be thrown out of school, father won't have a place in shul, and their parnassa ruined. You just have no idea. Moving away is not so easy. Leaving everything behind is very easy to say.


I have an idea. I know exactly what you mean.
And while I can completely understand why these people do nothing, I am still calling them cowards. At some point, people have to stop being so helpless and do the the right thing, and that point is, at the very least, when their CHILD IS BEING ABUSED.

And if they get pushed out of the community for reporting abusers, I won't feel bad for them. They'll be a lot happier once they're out of that cursed school system.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 10:57 pm
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:13 pm
amother wrote:
And where exactly should he send his son?
Sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions and sometimes good intentions pave the road to hell.

He should send his son to a school that doesn't protect abusers. For example, my sons school
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:18 pm
amother wrote:
You. Are. Right.
I'm going to sleep. It was a nuasiating day. I feel like vomiting. Did anyone bother calling someo me or doing anything with the information that I posted this morning? Is my nausea in vain? Dont know

Everyone pushed amother turquoise to give the information so that something can be done.
And now that she did, no one has gone any further with it.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:22 pm
I have a couple of ideas. I need to do some research tomorrow. In the meantime, for those mothers that have kindergarten sons in satmar the information is there for them.

Thank you OP.
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Post Mon, May 08 2017, 1:21 am
amother wrote:
I have a couple of ideas. I need to do some research tomorrow. In the meantime, for those mothers that have ______ the information is there for them.

Thank you OP.

You are playing with fire! You are young! Before you smear you go to JCW to check it out. And if you post it, I repeat you can be sued.
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Post Mon, May 08 2017, 1:22 am
I missed turquoise's revelatory information. Was it about Satmar?
My son attended Satmar kindergarten. Can you say which rebbe is in question?
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Post Mon, May 08 2017, 1:42 am
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Post Mon, May 08 2017, 1:48 am
amother wrote:
I don't know the laws.
If you feel this thread puts people at risk of being sued then please report this post to have it removed asap. Ty

I did report it dw. But a certain askan was being sued by a guy because he told everyone that this man is dangerous before the law enforcement took care of him. That's why I say watch out. Do you know that JCW has a policy that will not post a name until they are prooven guilty?
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Post Mon, May 08 2017, 6:34 am
amother wrote:
I did report it dw. But a certain askan was being sued by a guy because he told everyone that this man is dangerous before the law enforcement took care of him. That's why I say watch out. Do you know that JCW has a policy that will not post a name until they are prooven guilty?

Aside from the JCW not posting names until the issue has been verified, you are spouting a bunch of baloney.
Sounds like you are trying to protect someone here.
Stop scaring amother turquoise.
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Post Mon, May 08 2017, 6:42 am
[quote="amother"]Aside from the JCW not posting
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Post Mon, May 08 2017, 6:52 am
amother wrote:
And I couldn't sleep....
I did not give a name. I didn't say that he's a threat. I said someone abused me and is now a teacher. Am I not allowed to talk about myself?

Please cnc, remove your post with identifying details. Thanks.

You definitely are.And there's no way anyone can track an anonymous amother.
I honestly believe that amother linen is trying to protect the abuser.
Especially since the post she reported is the one post where someone wrote that they would like to take action.
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