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I hope this site is not bringing down good frum women!
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 11:43 am
Modern-Orthodox, Orthodox-Orthodox, Ultra-Orthodox...well consider me Dachshund!

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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 11:48 am
naturalmom5 wrote:
Maybe it's just the opposite . Sincere committed MO women come here and are exposed to really repulsive really shallow disgusting women that claim to be Charedi .
That whole Weberman thread was absolutely horrendous .
Now there are threads challenging the whole concept of chesed. Puleeeze.

The debacle in Willy. The ways children, particularly girls are treated in applying to Lakewood schools. The Shidduch crisis.
Lets face it Leida Leida , there are really atrocious things going on.
When I gave birth, could I of managed , sure , could my husband or mother bright food , definitely. But the ladies bringing meals really made me feel wonderful to of joined this community. It's things like that are the only reason I don't run to Wyoming and leave it all behind .

Now I read some want to do away with that too .

Wow, I was just about to post something like this when I saw your post, naturalmom5. I've always been comfortable with my MO-ness, but ever since I joined this forum and have been exposed to opinions like the ones you mentioned....and seeing how so many people apparently live their lives according to chumrot instead of halacha- it's really given me pause. How can we (meaning me and the type of women you mentioned) both call ourselves Orthodox, when we're in completely different worlds, and there's so much in that other world that I vehemently disagree with? There have actually been times when I've thought that I really don't want to be part of a religion where fellow "Orthodox" women think and act this way.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 12:06 pm
ef wrote:
In support of squirrel- the lone brave voice who dares to speak out with an imamother unpopular opinion.

Yet, I agree with Isramum. you cant change the site. Either deal with it or leave it.
To try and explain what I believe squirrel is referring to, I know friends who have been on this site that admitted they started having having doubts regarding their chareidi lifestyle. Its great to be open minded but it is important to know that what is halacha for MO posters may not be chareidi halacha. I know this confused one friend who kept on saying is it really not against halacha for women to wear pants? or to uncover their hair in uncomfortable circumstances?
It may be ok for MO halacha but a chareidi woman would prob not get this psak halacha. Since the active posters seem to be MO this is not always so obvious.
I also think the name a site for frum women is misleading to some chareidi posters who assume frum means somewhere on the dati spectrum.
Im sorry if I offended any MO posters that was not my intentions. Im just daring to stand up for the chareidi posters that have not pmed me but like myself feel like whatever we say we will bashed and put down by the more eloquent MO posters. I love reading well written English paragraphs. they are so much more convincing and pleasant to read than posts like this one but it intimidates many chareidi posters that may have differing opinions and yes as squirrel said are still normal and dont feel stifled until they keep getting vibes to feel so time and time again.

And thanks you to Yael for this wonderful site. I have really benefited from it in many ways. Im just trying to explain where squirrel may be coming from

I also feel like the more eloquent MO posters will bash those to the right of them. I often find myself standing up to the bullying because it is so wrong.

In a recent thread an unmoderate moderator wrote, "I hate Satmar." If someone wrote they hated modern orthodox they would be trounced.

I really wonder if certain people bash others to make themselves feel superior.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 12:27 pm
A "forum" is by definition a place for exchange of ideas. (Noun: definiton 3, a medium for open expression or discussion of ideas, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, an oldie but still a goodie.)

OT, but "forum" being a Latin word used by the wicked Romans who demolished our Temple, ought we to even be using this word on a frum site? Frum forum being a clever play on words but perhaps an oxymoron (not to be confused with "Oxyclean", beloved of frum ladies with menfolks whose black hats create dark rings on the back of their white collars, nor with "moron", a pejorative term often applied to individuals or groups whose beliefs conflict with one's own)? But I digress.

This website's criteria were developed by its owner, who has the final say as to who may or may not be permitted to join. Inasmuch as Yael does admit applicants who are openly non-charedi or self-identified as MO, and inasmuch as the site was founded to be a medium of discussion and exchange of ideas, and inasmuch as Yael continues to allow a diversity of opinions and hashkafot to be expressed, then the logical conclusion is that all this is consistent with the original purpose of the site.

That being the case, the next logical conclusion is that individuals who feel threatened by exposure to ideas, philosophies, thought processes, beliefs and practices that differ from their own--in either direction--should not be coming to this site. To join a site that announces itself as a forum for exchange of ideas and then object to that exchange is rather like joining a French cookery club and then inveighing against the evils of butter and cream.

In the words of the inimitable Harry Truman, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 12:38 pm
To be fair, the poster who wrote "I hate Satmar" is chassidish, grew up in Williamsburg and went to Satmar school. It's not the same as if I would have said it.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 12:52 pm
Clarissa wrote:

2) Congrats on the oral s*x.

she didn't really share enough ~ we have no idea [details] & you know good well inquiring minds want to know ... because all too often the wifey loses out after all one should 'not bring down good frum women'

[details edited by mod.]
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 1:01 pm
sequoia wrote:
To be fair, the poster who wrote "I hate Satmar" is chassidish, grew up in Williamsburg and went to Satmar school. It's not the same as if I would have said it.

What about what another poster said about Satmar Rabbi's qualifications being they received the equivalent an eleventh grade education? This was repeated.

Where is all the outrage?

Also since I grew up MO and dovened and received my Hebrew education at Young Isreal, do I get a complete pass to put down MO?

Do gers get a pass to put down goys?

Does someone really get a pass to put down a certain group they no longer want to affiliate with?
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 1:03 pm
Squishy wrote:
sequoia wrote:
To be fair, the poster who wrote "I hate Satmar" is chassidish, grew up in Williamsburg and went to Satmar school. It's not the same as if I would have said it.

What about what another poster said about Satmar Rabbi's qualifications being they received the equivalent an eleventh grade education? This was repeated.

Where is all the outrage?

Also since I grew up MO and dovened and received my Hebrew education at Young Isreal, do I get a complete pass to put down MO?

Do gers get a pass to put down goys?

Does someone really get a pass to put down a certain group they no longer want to affiliate with?

The last part of your post had come up here before. Posters who have gone more to the right do tend to put down and attempt to dissociate themselves from their old life.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 1:16 pm
imamiri wrote:
Squishy wrote:
sequoia wrote:
To be fair, the poster who wrote "I hate Satmar" is chassidish, grew up in Williamsburg and went to Satmar school. It's not the same as if I would have said it.

What about what another poster said about Satmar Rabbi's qualifications being they received the equivalent an eleventh grade education? This was repeated.

Where is all the outrage?

Also since I grew up MO and dovened and received my Hebrew education at Young Isreal, do I get a complete pass to put down MO?

Do gers get a pass to put down goys?

Does someone really get a pass to put down a certain group they no longer want to affiliate with?

The last part of your post had come up here before. Posters who have gone more to the right do tend to put down and attempt to dissociate themselves from their old life.

My examples of what posters wrote are posters to the left of what they put down. I notice this trend constantly.

Anyway, my point is that if someone wrote they hate MO they would receive a many posts telling them how wrong it is. Those posts would have many likes. It has been open season on chassidush posters for too long here.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 1:18 pm
Squishy wrote:
imamiri wrote:
Squishy wrote:
sequoia wrote:
To be fair, the poster who wrote "I hate Satmar" is chassidish, grew up in Williamsburg and went to Satmar school. It's not the same as if I would have said it.

What about what another poster said about Satmar Rabbi's qualifications being they received the equivalent an eleventh grade education? This was repeated.

Where is all the outrage?

Also since I grew up MO and dovened and received my Hebrew education at Young Isreal, do I get a complete pass to put down MO?

Do gers get a pass to put down goys?

Does someone really get a pass to put down a certain group they no longer want to affiliate with?

The last part of your post had come up here before. Posters who have gone more to the right do tend to put down and attempt to dissociate themselves from their old life.

My examples of what posters wrote are posters to the left of what they put down. I notice this trend constantly.

Anyway, my point is that if someone wrote they hate MO they would receive a many posts telling them how wrong it is. Those posts would have many likes. It has been open season on chassidush posters for too long here.

And the reverse has been true too and was for a long time according to some longtime members.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 1:27 pm
imamiri wrote:
Squishy wrote:
imamiri wrote:
Squishy wrote:
sequoia wrote:
To be fair, the poster who wrote "I hate Satmar" is chassidish, grew up in Williamsburg and went to Satmar school. It's not the same as if I would have said it.

What about what another poster said about Satmar Rabbi's qualifications being they received the equivalent an eleventh grade education? This was repeated.

Where is all the outrage?

Also since I grew up MO and dovened and received my Hebrew education at Young Isreal, do I get a complete pass to put down MO?

Do gers get a pass to put down goys?

Does someone really get a pass to put down a certain group they no longer want to affiliate with?

The last part of your post had come up here before. Posters who have gone more to the right do tend to put down and attempt to dissociate themselves from their old life.

My examples of what posters wrote are posters to the left of what they put down. I notice this trend constantly.

Anyway, my point is that if someone wrote they hate MO they would receive a many posts telling them how wrong it is. Those posts would have many likes. It has been open season on chassidush posters for too long here.

And the reverse has been true too and was for a long time according to some longtime members.

So the pendulum gets to swing back? Can't you see that this is wrong?

It is wrong to mock the education of my MO Rabbi. It is just as wrong to mock the education of my chassidush Rabbi. Both are highly offensive to me. One doesn't justify the other.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 1:34 pm
In a recent thread an unmoderate moderator wrote, "I hate Satmar." If someone wrote they hated modern orthodox they would be trounced.

I don't read all the threads on this board, but I remember posting something against Satmar lately. So if you are referring to me, let me just correct you.

I am not a moderator anymore. Now I'm just free to post whatever I want to, like the rest of the posters here.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 1:35 pm
Squishy wrote:
imamiri wrote:
Squishy wrote:
imamiri wrote:
Squishy wrote:
sequoia wrote:
To be fair, the poster who wrote "I hate Satmar" is chassidish, grew up in Williamsburg and went to Satmar school. It's not the same as if I would have said it.

What about what another poster said about Satmar Rabbi's qualifications being they received the equivalent an eleventh grade education? This was repeated.

Where is all the outrage?

Also since I grew up MO and dovened and received my Hebrew education at Young Isreal, do I get a complete pass to put down MO?

Do gers get a pass to put down goys?

Does someone really get a pass to put down a certain group they no longer want to affiliate with?

The last part of your post had come up here before. Posters who have gone more to the right do tend to put down and attempt to dissociate themselves from their old life.

My examples of what posters wrote are posters to the left of what they put down. I notice this trend constantly.

Anyway, my point is that if someone wrote they hate MO they would receive a many posts telling them how wrong it is. Those posts would have many likes. It has been open season on chassidush posters for too long here.

And the reverse has been true too and was for a long time according to some longtime members.

So the pendulum gets to swing back? Can't you see that this is wrong?

It is wrong to mock the education of my MO Rabbi. It is just as wrong to mock the education of my chassidush Rabbi. Both are highly offensive to me. One doesn't justify the other.

I didn't say it is right. But stop pretending MO are not hinted at not being truly Orthodox Jews on this forum near daily.

And if you consider it mocking to ask why a community continues to put up with mafia like groups such as the Vaad Hatzniut and their demands, then I guess we won't ever agree. Which is perfectly fine with me.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 1:48 pm
imamiri wrote:
Squishy wrote:
imamiri wrote:
Squishy wrote:
imamiri wrote:
Squishy wrote:
sequoia wrote:
To be fair, the poster who wrote "I hate Satmar" is chassidish, grew up in Williamsburg and went to Satmar school. It's not the same as if I would have said it.

What about what another poster said about Satmar Rabbi's qualifications being they received the equivalent an eleventh grade education? This was repeated.

Where is all the outrage?

Also since I grew up MO and dovened and received my Hebrew education at Young Isreal, do I get a complete pass to put down MO?

Do gers get a pass to put down goys?

Does someone really get a pass to put down a certain group they no longer want to affiliate with?

The last part of your post had come up here before. Posters who have gone more to the right do tend to put down and attempt to dissociate themselves from their old life.

My examples of what posters wrote are posters to the left of what they put down. I notice this trend constantly.

Anyway, my point is that if someone wrote they hate MO they would receive a many posts telling them how wrong it is. Those posts would have many likes. It has been open season on chassidush posters for too long here.

And the reverse has been true too and was for a long time according to some longtime members.

So the pendulum gets to swing back? Can't you see that this is wrong?

It is wrong to mock the education of my MO Rabbi. It is just as wrong to mock the education of my chassidush Rabbi. Both are highly offensive to me. One doesn't justify the other.

I didn't say it is right. But stop pretending MO are not hinted at not being truly Orthodox Jews on this forum near daily.

And if you consider it mocking to ask why a community continues to put up with mafia like groups such as the Vaad Hatzniut and their demands, then I guess we won't ever agree. Which is perfectly fine with me.

OK to put down the Mafia and question why a community puts up with such a group. Not OK to put down Italians.
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Post Thu, Dec 20 2012, 1:52 pm
Locked, for now.
For specific concerns, please pm me or Yael. -merelyme, as mod.
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