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What's your big challenge in Life??? HUGS!
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Post Sat, Jan 19 2019, 11:43 pm
caza wrote:
Amother GREEN. My heart breaks for you, and I would like to fund your IVF, hear my story.
I was struggling with unexplained secondary infertility and was told I would need IVF as it's not happening on its own. I was just waiting for an appointment for a second opinion before I pay all this money (especially that they didn't know why) and a few days before my appointment I did a pregnancy test on day 29 just to make sure...and I was pregnant- I took 3 pregnancy tests as I could not believe.
I feel that I was ready to pay the money that I would need and BH didn't so I would love to give you the money. please PM me

Wow! What an amazing story . What a miracle
I would never take your money . Keep it to spoil your bracha . .like I said we baruch hashem have a roof over our heads, we have food to eat . I don't deserve anyones money . Save it and give it to people that really need it. Give it to someone with medical issues .
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Post Sat, Jan 19 2019, 11:50 pm
amother wrote:
I am suicidal. Due to financial stress and PPD.
I am only pushing on because I have kids that need me, although I don't know for how much longer.
I don't have the strength anymore to push through this financial stress daily.

I feel like Gd is testing me with PPD, crazy financial stress, and a health issue (on top of other hell I've been through) and I'm not sure I can handle it any more.
I'm young yet feel very old, battered, defeated and hopeless.
I've tried it all, Garden of emuna, therapy, meds, but the threat of homelessness and my kids being thrown out of school all due to non payment and huge bills, weigh bigger than all the help out there.
Tonight I give up.

I cried reading other posters stories, and lost it reading the one that fostered kids that were taken away and the one that her 2 day old baby passed away. Dear Gd, how can you bear all this suffering and how do you expect us to bear it.

I'm so done.

Please don't do it . I'm heart broken that I lost my mother at such a young age. I would do anything to get her back to have her back in my life . My life is broken without her. Keep on fighting . Your children need you .
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Post Sat, Jan 19 2019, 11:53 pm
mammala120 wrote:
Get yourself chlorophyll drops from chloroxygen company. Start with one to three drops a day in water. It will neutralize any odor. It touches every part of your body. Please if you do it come back and let us know if it helps. I used it for years.

I’ve tried chlorophyll tablets and didn’t see any results. Where do you buy these drops, I suppose it doesn’t hurt to try. Thanks
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 12:53 am
amother wrote:
I have a terrible odor coming out of my body (20+years), I can’t smell it myself-but see people in a room that I’m in covering their noses sometimes, and hear all the comments.
I have not found any doctor who has a clue about this issue. I’m resigned to the fact that I may have to live like this for the rest of my life.
I don’t work because of this issue and have to rely on government benefits-I’m sure many people think I have an easy life...

I have the same with bad breath.
It ruins my life.
I tried it all.

Did you ever try to eliminate certain foods from your diet?
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 1:17 am
amother wrote:
I am suicidal. Due to financial stress and PPD.
I am only pushing on because I have kids that need me, although I don't know for how much longer.
I don't have the strength anymore to push through this financial stress daily.

I feel like Gd is testing me with PPD, crazy financial stress, and a health issue (on top of other hell I've been through) and I'm not sure I can handle it any more.
I'm young yet feel very old, battered, defeated and hopeless.
I've tried it all, Garden of emuna, therapy, meds, but the threat of homelessness and my kids being thrown out of school all due to non payment and huge bills, weigh bigger than all the help out there.
Tonight I give up.

I cried reading other posters stories, and lost it reading the one that fostered kids that were taken away and the one that her 2 day old baby passed away. Dear Gd, how can you bear all this suffering and how do you expect us to bear it.

I'm so done.

I’m sending you a big virtual hug. Your post brought a flood of tears that I’ve been holding back all evening.

Im suffering from an eating disorder for nearly 20 years now. The toll that it has taken in every area of my life is unimaginable. Sometimes I wonder how it is that I’m still alive as the daily struggle is so difficult. If not for my kids.....
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 5:04 am
amother wrote:
I have a terrible odor coming out of my body (20+years), I can’t smell it myself-but see people in a room that I’m in covering their noses sometimes, and hear all the comments.
I have not found any doctor who has a clue about this issue. I’m resigned to the fact that I may have to live like this for the rest of my life.
I don’t work because of this issue and have to rely on government benefits-I’m sure many people think I have an easy life...

You could work somewhere in an office where you are by yourself? I don't see why body odor makes someone incapable of working?
If I was you I'd try to see if it's the food I eat... Maybe you're allergic to something?
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 7:39 am
amother wrote:
You could work somewhere in an office where you are by yourself? I don't see why body odor makes someone incapable of working?
If I was you I'd try to see if it's the food I eat... Maybe you're allergic to something?

You don’t see why I can’t work? You think I’m looking for an excuse to sit home all day? Trust me, it would be a dream come true to be able to feel like a productive member of society. I’ve even pledged to HKBH that I would give away 20% of my income if HE would send me a yeshua. I’ve gone to doctors even when I just want to lay in bed all day and avoid humiliation.
I’ve tried segulos...I need to trust that Hashem has a plan for me, because I haven’t met a dr. who can help me.

There is no such thing as being assigned your own office unless you’re a manager or in an other high position.
Even a 1 girl office has a boss sitting there.
I am sincerely happy that there are clueless people out there who cannot even fathom what it is like to live like this. I would not wish this on anyone.
Re: allergies, I have not come across this theory and there is no way for me to test it as I cannot smell myself.
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 7:49 am
amother wrote:
I have the same with bad breath.
It ruins my life.
I tried it all.

Did you ever try to eliminate certain foods from your diet?

I’m sorry for your pain. I can relate.
I know you said you’ve tried everything.
Have you tried chlorophyll?
Have you seen a periodontist to rule out gum disease? What does your dentist say is causing this?
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 12:21 pm
Chlorophyll tablets or any supplements in tablet form need to be Brocken down by body first in order to do its job. Liquid is way to go. You can get them on amazon it’s called chloroxygen
non alcoholic extract. Or try health food store near you.
Oral odor might be gingivitis or diabetes or h pylori.
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 2:00 pm
mammala120 wrote:
Chlorophyll tablets or any supplements in tablet form need to be Brocken down by body first in order to do its job. Liquid is way to go. You can get them on amazon it’s called chloroxygen
non alcoholic extract. Or try health food store near you.
Oral odor might be gingivitis or diabetes or h pylori.

I see something called chloroxygen chlorophyll concentrate, is that what you mean?
Do you know if it’s kosher?
From reading the questions on Amazon, it seems there is gelatin listed as an ingredient?
Can you post a link?
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 11:09 pm
Amother Navy, I remember reading an article once about a woman with a condition which sounded almost identical to yours. She eventually learned that she could greatly reduce the odor by eliminating some foods from her diet. I hope I can find the article again for you. Hugs.
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 11:25 pm
So I just reviewed my bottle it’s called chloroxygen by company called HERBS etc. contains vegetable glycerine. I am using my phone so I don’t know how to post links sorry. For any Halacha question please ask your own rav Hatzlaha I believe it said kosher when I purchased it. I don’t see any hechsher on bottle right now though
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Post Sun, Jan 20 2019, 11:34 pm
amother wrote:
You don’t see why I can’t work? You think I’m looking for an excuse to sit home all day? Trust me, it would be a dream come true to be able to feel like a productive member of society. I’ve even pledged to HKBH that I would give away 20% of my income if HE would send me a yeshua. I’ve gone to doctors even when I just want to lay in bed all day and avoid humiliation.
I’ve tried segulos...I need to trust that Hashem has a plan for me, because I haven’t met a dr. who can help me.

There is no such thing as being assigned your own office unless you’re a manager or in an other high position.
Even a 1 girl office has a boss sitting there.
I am sincerely happy that there are clueless people out there who cannot even fathom what it is like to live like this. I would not wish this on anyone.
Re: allergies, I have not come across this theory and there is no way for me to test it as I cannot smell myself.

To suffer like this and still not judge others who don't understand! You are a very special, quality person. I wish your problem vanishes very soon!

I heard Health Kinestegioligy (forgive my spelling) is about testing what causes the problem. Food, environment, lifestyle etc is tested with an easy method. I've heard people use this if there is no way to heal medically.
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Post Mon, Jan 21 2019, 12:28 am
amother wrote:
Please don't do it . I'm heart broken that I lost my mother at such a young age. I would do anything to get her back to have her back in my life . My life is broken without her. Keep on fighting . Your children need you .

Even though you wrote this to another poster, it brought me to tears. B"H I'm in a good place now with my mental health, but I've gone through terrible moments where I truly believed that my children were better off without me and that by staying around I was hurting them worse than if I left. Those moments were born out of PPD. B"H with a lot of help I pulled through it. It took time for me to understand that I am my children's only mother, and they need me, even with all of my struggles and imperfections. To read your heartbreaking words of grief for your own mother just tears my heart. I don't understand why Hashem allows the pain in this world. To hear you say that you would do anything to get her back, all you want is t have her back...I want you to know that I am storing away your words, so that in case I ever hit another low point I can remember and stay strong. I daven that Hashem should be with you always, and give you everything and more than you could ever possibly need, want, or dream. Just from your posts in this thread I can sense your beauty and strength of character. It's not often that an anonymous poster on an internet forum can have such a profound impact. I really daven for you to have every bracha there is.
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Post Mon, Jan 21 2019, 8:45 am
Amother forestgreen, I am thinking of you and will have you in mind when I Daven.
I hope you’re hanging in there, and taking it one day at a time. Please let us know you’re OK.
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Post Mon, Jan 21 2019, 8:51 am
yamz wrote:
Amother Navy, I remember reading an article once about a woman with a condition which sounded almost identical to yours. She eventually learned that she could greatly reduce the odor by eliminating some foods from her diet. I hope I can find the article again for you. Hugs.

Thank you
There is a very rare genetic condition called TMAU, where a gene is missing a specific enzyme that breaks down a certain chemical.
My pcp has never heard of it, and after looking into it said he doesn’t believe in it, and the GI was not willing to do bloodwork as he never heard of it either, and would not know how to interpret the results.
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Post Mon, Jan 21 2019, 9:00 am
mammala120 wrote:
So I just reviewed my bottle it’s called chloroxygen by company called HERBS etc. contains vegetable glycerine. I am using my phone so I don’t know how to post links sorry. For any Halacha question please ask your own rav Hatzlaha I believe it said kosher when I purchased it. I don’t see any hechsher on bottle right now though

Thank you
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Post Mon, Jan 21 2019, 9:02 am
amother wrote:
To suffer like this and still not judge others who don't understand! You are a very special, quality person. I wish your problem vanishes very soon!

I heard Health Kinestegioligy (forgive my spelling) is about testing what causes the problem. Food, environment, lifestyle etc is tested with an easy method. I've heard people use this if there is no way to heal medically.

Thank you for your kind words.
I don’t really believe in natural medicine, nor can I afford it, but I will look into it.
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Post Mon, Jan 21 2019, 10:54 am
amother wrote:
Even though you wrote this to another poster, it brought me to tears. B"H I'm in a good place now with my mental health, but I've gone through terrible moments where I truly believed that my children were better off without me and that by staying around I was hurting them worse than if I left. Those moments were born out of PPD. B"H with a lot of help I pulled through it. It took time for me to understand that I am my children's only mother, and they need me, even with all of my struggles and imperfections. To read your heartbreaking words of grief for your own mother just tears my heart. I don't understand why Hashem allows the pain in this world. To hear you say that you would do anything to get her back, all you want is t have her back...I want you to know that I am storing away your words, so that in case I ever hit another low point I can remember and stay strong. I daven that Hashem should be with you always, and give you everything and more than you could ever possibly need, want, or dream. Just from your posts in this thread I can sense your beauty and strength of character. It's not often that an anonymous poster on an internet forum can have such a profound impact. I really daven for you to have every bracha there is.

Thank you for your kind words. Always remember that no one can replace a mother. Your children need you and they always will . Even if you aren't perfect , no one is perfect . Hashem should give you the strength to continue having menuchas hanefesh .
אמן a million times to your beautiful brachos .
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Post Mon, Jan 21 2019, 11:04 am
My mother died when I was very young. My father remarried, and then my father died- leaving me with a step mother as my only parent. Since then none of my siblings talk to each other. Now my step mother has remarried, and I have no family.
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