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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 11:13 am
amother wrote:
Oh and get this she HATES the car and carseat... what kind of baby hates the car??????????????
A baby with sensory issues. BTDT. My suggestion, in the interim (the "accupuncturist" idea sounds the best so far: run a vaccuum cleaner in the room where she is (not too close to her,keep her away from the electro-magnetic field). You don't have to vacuum, just the noise of the machine is very soothing to crying babies. Good luck.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 11:48 am
I don't have much to add to what was already said, but someone here mentioned making sure it's not a reaction to something you're eating - have you ever checked out that possibility? Try an elimination diet, see if eliminating any foods makes a difference. My #4 was a horror - she screamed all the time. I was up with her every night till about 5 AM. It was a nightmare! It turned out to be a milk allergy (I discovered it when I gave her a milk formula bottle, and she had a violent reaction). As soon as I went off milk, she calmed down. Then after a week I decided to try again, just to see what would happen - whe screamed for 24 hours, then eventually calmed down again. Worth a try.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 7:46 pm
Tamiri wrote:
amother wrote:
Oh and get this she HATES the car and carseat... what kind of baby hates the car??????????????
A baby with sensory issues. BTDT. My suggestion, in the interim (the "accupuncturist" idea sounds the best so far: run a vaccuum cleaner in the room where she is (not too close to her,keep her away from the electro-magnetic field). You don't have to vacuum, just the noise of the machine is very soothing to crying babies. Good luck.

I once babysat for a baby and his mother told me that if he cries uncotrollably to turn the radio on to static and that soothes him. Never had to try it, but you never know what may help............
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 8:04 pm
tamiri, my son was/is not sensory, and he screamed in the car. the movement of the car somehow made his reflux act up. he was miserable when we travelled (and his parents were miserable as well).
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 8:14 pm
All of my babies screamed. 2 of them had reflux, 1 had an issue with her backside sphincter & the last has intestinal motility problems. Maybe see a pediatric GI.

My baby hates the car also. She also hates any kind of baby seat, bouncy sweet or swing. She does love to lie completely flat to sleep.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 8:19 pm
From my experience, reflux babies hate the carseat because they need to be straight up.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 8:51 pm
How come no one mentioned GRIPE WATER???? It saved our lives!! Please try it and please send me a PM when it works:)
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 9:02 pm
I heard infant massage helps colicy babies.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 9:15 pm
I had that with one of my kids! he was aaaalways crying!!until finally when he was 5 months and I traveled to NY, my sil mentioned that a friend of hers took her non stop crying baby to some lady, im not sure what its called, kind of like an acupunturist, that did something and it helped wonders. Well I went to this lady, she moved the baby this way that way, pressed here and there... untill at some point she made him stretch and he cried a lot, but then stopped! and that was the end of the non stop impossible crying.
basically she said he felt pain, something connected to when he was born, s/t came of the place, or something like that, dont remember exactly- main thing is that it was gooooone!!

op this sounds like a cranial sacral therapist. it is amazing and I used one with my last baby and I saw such a difference. I know of an excellent practitioner her name is patricia and she has an office in manhattan its worth every penny. if you want more info from me pm me . I dont know her number but this is her website.

I just want to add that it is not normal for a baby to scream the whole day and if the baby is screaming then something is definitely bothering it.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 10:00 pm
Hi, this is my first time posting but I just had to respond to this one. I had 4 colicky babies; I know what you are going through. What I'm going to say is going to be unpopular, and when I had babies I wouldn't have listened to it at all. But now with hindsight,I think f I had it to do again I would have made this change. I have heard from other women who made this change, that it worked like a charm, although the experts and most mothers agree that breastfeeding is the best method, a colicky baby may do better on formula. In the sefer "Halachos of pregnancy and childbirth" there is a comment that women who are angry should not breastfeed the baby as it may harm the baby. I read that long after I had any babies in the house, but it made sense to me because the constant loud screaming that is unresponsive to any comforting can keep a mother in a perpetual state of stress. I don't give this advice lightly, I was and still am a strong proponent of breastfeeding and know it would be very difficult to give up this precious relationship. But if one is at their wits end, having tried everything, this might be a last resort that may bring peace back to the household. Also, I agree with those who said the colic ends around 4-5 months, and they become totally different babies, much calmer and more interactive. So even if you decide to ride out the breastfeeding, the end of this rough period is in sight!!! Hatzlocha.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 10:35 pm
I`ve also had colicky babies. I took my daughter to an osteopath. After just 1 visit, she was sleeping amazing, eating properly & was so calm. I also found that carrying the babies on you around the house (in a baby bjorn or ergo carrier or the like) keeps them calmer & enables you to get work done even while ``holding `` them. Good luck! It`s hard to remember but this too shall pass.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 10:44 pm
cookie mentioned but I want to reiterate.
try going off some foods. with almost all my children I went off certain food till they were few months (3-4) old. go off all raw veg., dairy, orange juice, and fruit for about 5 days. if your baby is more calm, introduce foods one at a time.
good luck.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 10:47 pm
Did your doctor prescribe any meds?
Also babies love car rides with music in the background that sounds like rain.
My baby also cries all the time you can always pm me if you want to talk!
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 10:56 pm
amother wrote:
I have a 1 month old. She SCREAMS ALL DAY LONG. The dr thought it was reflux but then we discovered that its not. NOTHING HELPS. Not sitting up not laying down Not holding her in a MILLION WAYS not the swing or the bouncy chair or ANYTHING... is she is awake and not feeding (and sometimes even then) she is SCREAMING, I have gotten to the point of leaving her in the LR and locking myself in my room during th day to get away from the screaming. The ped is out of ideas. She does not nap during the say for more than 20 mins at a time. (she sleeps 6 hours in a night normally.

The sitter won't take her because she cries too much so I can't even get a break that way. HELP. I seriously wish I could give her away at times. I have no sanity... a migrain that won't go away and need help!

Do you mean she sleeps a six-hour stretch at night?

Or that she sleeps just six hours??

How do you put her to sleep? (It sounds like she may be overtired.)

Another vote here for the happiest baby on the block technique.
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Post Sat, Nov 20 2010, 11:10 pm
Dont let everyone convince you that your baby is hungry!
Just because she is crying does not mean that she's hungry. Feeding her can just make her more uncomfortable. Try to stretch it 2 hours between feedings and if she cries in between give her the pacifier.
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Post Sun, Nov 21 2010, 12:47 am
c.c.cookie wrote:
I don't have much to add to what was already said, but someone here mentioned making sure it's not a reaction to something you're eating - have you ever checked out that possibility? Try an elimination diet, see if eliminating any foods makes a difference. My #4 was a horror - she screamed all the time. I was up with her every night till about 5 AM. It was a nightmare! It turned out to be a milk allergy (I discovered it when I gave her a milk formula bottle, and she had a violent reaction). As soon as I went off milk, she calmed down. Then after a week I decided to try again, just to see what would happen - whe screamed for 24 hours, then eventually calmed down again. Worth a try.

my chiropracter did this weird test to find out wat foods im eating that dont agree with my baby. if you have nr holistic people you can make an apointment with its worth the try. good luck, inconsolable baby is very difficult!
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Post Sun, Nov 21 2010, 1:33 am
I thought ur talking about my 4 month old baby... since he was born he didn't stop shrieking yet all day long! its impossible for me to put up supper without picking him up a few times to calm him so that I can continue working normally! all I can say is WHATEVER I TRIED DID NOT HELP! he just cries all day & if he does quiet down his brothers "take care of him" & he starts up again!
last wk one night I got maybe 2 hrs of sleep. I was positive that he has an ear infection. so I ran to my dr & there he acted like the cutest baby - smiling, cooing etc. all the dr was able to say was that he is 100% healthy! he also mentioned to me that he was looking for any hairs tangled around his fingers & toes & the "boys part", which can make him uncomfortable. but there wasn't anything there. however, he did tell me to take off his "red bendel" (for ayin hora) from his wrist.
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Post Sun, Nov 21 2010, 1:56 am
btw he might just need an adjustment. try and find a chiropracter that works with babies.
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Post Sun, Nov 21 2010, 2:50 am
I don't have much to add but ((hugs)) My dh found this site and we play it all the time it helps calm us all for sleep
I run it and nurse skin to skin with a tight swaddle around baby
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Post Sun, Nov 21 2010, 12:14 pm
Maybe she's hungry/thirsty - My daughter cried constantly and it turned out she was hungry even though I was told that t she was gaining ok.
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