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Eggs and eczema
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Cookies n Cream


Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 4:44 pm
I had the opposite situation.
All allergies came back fine, although it was obvious that specific foods weren't good.

Food sensitivities definitely do cause skin reactions, as in my case.
My dc can not tolerate eggs, gluten and a bunch of other things and will break out terribly if not careful with their diet.
It took me a lot of work and running around to different specialists until I figured out what is causing the terrible eczema. Have you tried Dr. Gindi in Flatbush? I know many people have had much Hatzlacha with him in regards to allergies.(I did not use him, because by the time I heard about him I was already seeing a GE for my child.)

Let me know if you want his number or a recommendation for a GE.

ETA: I am rereading your thread and just realized that you may be discussing an infant.
My child is older, and it's possible that what I said does not apply to an infant...
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Cookies n Cream


Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 4:47 pm

This is an interesting article in regards to testing.
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 5:20 pm
wereafamily wrote:
OP: do you see a difference since you stopped eating eggs?
I feel so lost, I stopped eating eggs (and many other things) but it doesn't help - he has good days and bad days but I don't know why!
Yes, I changed to all clear detergent. Yes, I only use Aveeno. Yes, I put on cream every morning and night, and whenever needed during the day. So what am I doing wrong Sad
Eliminating eggs did not cure my eczema.
But when I eat eggs my eczema gets worse.
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 5:35 pm
wereafamily wrote:
OP: do you see a difference since you stopped eating eggs?
I feel so lost, I stopped eating eggs (and many other things) but it doesn't help - he has good days and bad days but I don't know why!
Yes, I changed to all clear detergent. Yes, I only use Aveeno. Yes, I put on cream every morning and night, and whenever needed during the day. So what am I doing wrong Sad

Are you living somewhere that is cold and needs heating? If so the dryness might be irritating his skin. Different creams work well for different people. I have heard theorized that some might be sensitive to Aveeno because it has oats which might be contaminated with gluten. You can experiment with other creams like aquaphor and eucerin. A lot of people look for a magic solution to eczema and assume diet will cure all but it doesn't for a lot of people. Has he seen a dermatologist?
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 5:37 pm
Cookies n Cream wrote:

This is an interesting article in regards to testing.

Interesting! But how do I do that?? I can't just stop eating eggs gluten cheese nuts soy... I would stop nursing for a bit but if I stop I can't go back Sad
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 5:37 pm
ra_mom wrote:
wereafamily wrote:
OP: do you see a difference since you stopped eating eggs?
I feel so lost, I stopped eating eggs (and many other things) but it doesn't help - he has good days and bad days but I don't know why!
Yes, I changed to all clear detergent. Yes, I only use Aveeno. Yes, I put on cream every morning and night, and whenever needed during the day. So what am I doing wrong Sad
Eliminating eggs did not cure my eczema.
But when I eat eggs my eczema gets worse.

Interesting point! What helped you?
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 5:57 pm
wereafamily wrote:
ra_mom wrote:
wereafamily wrote:
OP: do you see a difference since you stopped eating eggs?
I feel so lost, I stopped eating eggs (and many other things) but it doesn't help - he has good days and bad days but I don't know why!
Yes, I changed to all clear detergent. Yes, I only use Aveeno. Yes, I put on cream every morning and night, and whenever needed during the day. So what am I doing wrong Sad
Eliminating eggs did not cure my eczema.
But when I eat eggs my eczema gets worse.

Interesting point! What helped you?
I'm still trying to figure out what I need to elimate.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to eat eggs in challah/cake. Could be that is what is triggering my eczema now.
I don't eat dairy, tomatoes or eggplant either.
So still trying to figure this out.
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Cookies n Cream


Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 5:58 pm
wereafamily wrote:
Cookies n Cream wrote:

This is an interesting article in regards to testing.

Interesting! But how do I do that?? I can't just stop eating eggs gluten cheese nuts soy... I would stop nursing for a bit but if I stop I can't go back Sad

In my case, it took LOTS of experimenting-10 months to be exact.
We tried creams, switching detergents etc...
I finally did a saliva test for an exhorbitant amount of money until I discovered the cause.
But I did it for a child.
On the othre hand, your situation is different becasue it's an infant.
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 6:22 pm
I dont know when you posted this but I can help you because I have horrible eczema all over my body and once did a diet for three years and over the course of those three years I was eczema free! I thought it wouldbt come back if id go off the diet but within a year I was blotchy in alot of places and now its been a year and a half and its back all over and bad. I wanted to start the diet but once stopping, its really hard. This week though , I have started it once again.
I went off of
*wheat *soy * dairy *nuts *sugar *vinegar *nightshades(peppers-I just took out the green, tomatoes, eggplant), *olives *pickles *corn(but I ate from time to time) *citrus fruits(not lemon)

by biggest irritators are dairy, wheat , soy and nuts.

I never like ommelettes but I started making them and ill only eat them if I make them. they do not effect me as far as I know. I think just raw eggs may bother..not a fact so dont rely on my word for eggs.

also cold foods and drinks arent the best , as well as cold weather. and I onliy heard that last week but its so true because when I did the diet while in the states I loved the cold and barely wore a coat and when I was in israel I did the diet and it worked better than in the states..it was the difference in climate. now im in the states but in a warm state so im hoping itll benefit me.

what is the cause of eczema? you put things into your body and those things are hard for your body to digest so it reacts and the reaction is your eczema. now you might love to sit down and have a freezing drink or popsicle or something like that, and its definitly something that you want if you are an eczema sufferer. but what is the reason why you shouldnt do that? the reason is because there is a heat inside of you that needs to escape and it is being held inside of you . I learned that you need to drink room temperature/warm water when thirsty as weel as foods when hungry. it really helps and you get used to it although you may really like cold things better.

now looking at what I listed above, you are for sure saying--oh no! I cant eat anything!!! well the truth is that I said the same thing. and the first year I did this diet I was in 9th grade and I literally woke up in the morning and ate cornflakes with rice milk, green apple as snack, rice &cucumbers or lettuce in afternoon and rice with protein at night because I was in a dorm and I had to buyall my food to do the diet and wasnt allowed to cook there. I also would snack on rice cakes the whole year and ever since I never touch them...thats 4 years already.

I can add a few no-nos to the list if that is what you are looking for: red meat and chicken. But I didnt list it above because I didnt take it out of my diet. But I will take out chicken this time, other than friday nights.

those two arent good because your body needs to have more alkalyzed foods than acidy foods. the two are acidic.
one more tip.. eating grains and proteins together arent good for digestion.


This are ideas of what you can eat:

oatmeal is very very good
quinoa, rice, potatoes, spelt , and more things you might think of as starches..there are many noodles made from spelt, rice and the like and you wont feel like you always eating rice if you change it up a bit.

fruits ...berries, (I dont suggest melon),apples, pears, strawberries, nectarines, plums, peaches, grapes-anything out there other than citrus and melon.
(last night I ate clementines and I was punished with itches for that!)

any vegetable other than nightshades and tomaotes.
go make hearts of palm salad, lettuce salad, corn salad, cucumber salads--there are many things out there....add chow mein noodles on top to feel liek you arent dieting....spunk it up a bit(they are made outta rice!)

you never have to say I CANT EAT DESSERT! because you CAN! make or buy rice pudding, make spelt cake, there is ezekiel bread which is bread made of sprouts and is very good and rice milk ice cream(you can get the two in a health food store, I go to whole foods)

breakfast?????no way to say no! you might be scared to taste rice milk products well, so was myhusband and he loved it once he tried it and now he wone go back to regular milk. go buy a case of rice milk because you save alot of money that way. buy any corn or rice cereal you want.there are so many out there. us americans are so spoiled! when I did this diet for three years I was in israel and all I had was cornflakes because I was in a small town where thats all there was there that wasnt wheat! if only I had what we had here.......

go buy snacks that are wheat free at your health food store...

salamon is the best protein you can get on this diet...it is the least harmful protein there is for you!better than that chicken and better than that meat! buy a few pounds. make it and freeze it. take it out and eat a portion whenever you need a protein.

try to change up your soaps.use dove BAR soap or cetophyl. Those are the best for this skin condition.

I made lots of juices with a vegetable juicer...greens are the best to juice.. you can add apples, celery, beets or carrots to help the taste stay ok..if you dont add them then it might be hard for you to drink the juice. they really arent bad.

I hope I have helped you. This raelly has helped me and I honestly am one of those people that tries EVERYTHING ON PLANET EARTH until nothing ppl tell me about help. I have to research the thnigs myself and only then do I get results that most probably work. I have tried everything from age 2 and this is the best decision I ever made for eczema problem solving.

If I think of anything else I will post.
You can ask me questions through this thread if you want. I will follow the posts because eczema is one of the worst things that ive had in my life and I dont want anyone to live through it as bad as I did.
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 6:45 pm
small bean wrote:
a food sensitivity will not cause a skin reaction. Allergy skin tests will only find things that have a skin reaction.

many time eczema in babies will clear up after they turn one.

also they dont test for everything on a first try. you should go back to the allergist and test for other things.

the food might not cause the reaction on the skin is correct..but listen to this

eczema comes from digestion issues. people with eczema suffer because their bodies can digest all foods and by eating them, these foods have no place to go and the body reacts and makes eczema on the outside layer. thats why no creams will cure eczeman. they might take them away for a day or two but will never be able to eliminate the problem.the most a good cream can do without harming the body is to moisturize the flaky skin. the creams that eliminate eczema for a day or two are filled with steroids.
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 6:50 pm
Kinesiology testing might give you more info beyond standard allergy testing. And, sometimes eczema just isn't food related. It can be caused by environmental triggers, stress, dry air, air temperatures, etc.
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 6:54 pm
MaBelleVie wrote:
Kinesiology testing might give you more info beyond standard allergy testing. And, sometimes eczema just isn't food related. It can be caused by environmental triggers, stress, dry air, air temperatures, etc.

testing doesnt help....im telling you guys from experience just read the facts in the longest post on here which I posted. that should help..because its written by someone who is me, I went through the phase and dealt with it...I had it 15 years, it went away for three years and now for a year I have it again, only becuase I stopped doing what I did for three years. yesterday I went back on my diet because thats the only thing that works. not worth it to tell someone with eczema to do things that might/could work or itll take 15 yrs like it took me. just do things that DO work and end of story
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 6:59 pm
Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it will work for other people. You really think everyone in the world who has eczema has the same triggers?

ETA I have BH been able to keep my ds eczema under control without being nearly as restrictive as your diet. And some of the things you do eat cause terrible reactions in him.

Last edited by MaBelleVie on Mon, Dec 24 2012, 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cookies n Cream


Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 7:00 pm
srw wrote:
MaBelleVie wrote:
Kinesiology testing might give you more info beyond standard allergy testing. And, sometimes eczema just isn't food related. It can be caused by environmental triggers, stress, dry air, air temperatures, etc.

testing doesnt help....im telling you guys from experience just read the facts in the longest post on here which I posted. that should help..because its written by someone who is me, I went through the phase and dealt with it...I had it 15 years, it went away for three years and now for a year I have it again, only becuase I stopped doing what I did for three years. yesterday I went back on my diet because thats the only thing that works. not worth it to tell someone with eczema to do things that might/could work or itll take 15 yrs like it took me. just do things that DO work and end of story

I was told the same thing by a pediatrician, allergist, a PA that has a name as a master diagnostician, and the chief pediatric GE of a hospital.
Like my pediatrician told me-use your common sense. If the testing is coming back fine and you know that the food is not, stay off it!
But it's really really hard until you figure it out, it took a LOT of trial and error.
I guess I shoud consider myself lucky that it only took almost a year (as opposed to 15..)
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Cookies n Cream


Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 7:02 pm
MaBelleVie wrote:
Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it will work for other people. You really think everyone in the world who has eczema has the same triggers?

That's not what I took out of her post.
She just gave lots of "food for thought".
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Post Mon, Dec 24 2012, 9:12 pm
small bean wrote:
a food sensitivity will not cause a skin reaction. Allergy skin tests will only find things that have a skin reaction.
That is not true.
The allergists themselves say testing is guesswork, and that food sensitivities can be the causes for rashes.
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Post Thu, Dec 27 2012, 10:58 am
My father is a dermatologist and he has commented that most people with eczema DO NOT have food allergies. He has also said there are other reactions to food besides the ones that the skin and blood tests look for and that is likely what causes my DD's problems. He and the different allergists we've seen have all said that the only true way of knowing if someone is reacting to a specific food is to do a food challenge.
The Children's Hospitals in two different places that I have lived offer the ability to do food challenges in their offices. We personally have always just done it at home since my DH is a dr. and the chance of our DD having an anaphylactic reaction is extremely unlikely.

Personally we have found allergy testing to be such a frustrating experience. My DD has had multiple rounds of testing, all of her blood work always comes back negative and skin testing has been varied, sometimes things are read as negative, other times as positive. The most recent round we got the comment that the results were borderline but the Dr. felt they should be read as negative. So I was essentially told not to worry about anaphylactic reactions and that we could try the problem foods one at a time to see if she reacts or not. All this despite that fact that the last time she ate one of her problem food she started coughing non-stop and couldn't control it until she took Benadryl. Luckily her issues were present essentially from birth so elimination diets (while it took us months to get to the point of doing that) were not that difficult since her food repertoire was still pretty limited when she was 14 months old. At one point she was off of dairy, soy, eggs, salmon, sesame, coconut, mango, avocado, plums, apricots. Over the years we have been able to add back in dairy (although she still only drinks rice milk), eggs, mango, avocado, and the stone fruits. She is now 5 and is currently still off of salmon, soy, sesame, and coconut and we are looking forward to trying to add those things back in.
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