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What sweet/ funny things your child says?
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Post Thu, Sep 08 2016, 8:35 pm
We have some really smart cookies here! Imamother style nachas. I love this kind of thread.
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Post Thu, Sep 08 2016, 9:54 pm
My almost 3 year old has eczema and when she's itchy she'll ask me to put hydrocortisone cream on her. Except obviously it's a really hard word to say, and she calls it "hyder-butter-sunscream."

And I'm going to cry when she stops saying "pisketti" for spaghetti.
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Post Thu, Sep 08 2016, 10:01 pm
amother wrote:
"Even though you have pimples, you're really not Vashti. Right, Mommy??"

Heehee. my daughter came home from preschool after learning about Purim (she was around 2.5) and said "Haman wanted to hurt the juice! ... The orange juice!"
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Post Thu, Sep 08 2016, 10:12 pm
(when we were away from home)
me: mommy's not feeling well
3yo ds: what's wrong
me: I have fever
ds: well, at home I have medicine. it's called tylenol. If you drink some, it will make you feel better. I can share it with you.

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Post Thu, Sep 08 2016, 10:26 pm
I had the radio on in the car and they said something about the Brazilian police. 9 yo ds piped up from the back- wow did they just say a zillion police!

Me to my 2 yo dd who was swing a toy around: be careful!
Dd: I'm be-carefuling!
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Post Thu, Sep 08 2016, 10:28 pm
I'm still nursing my 22mo and when he wants to nurse he goes on my bed and he has a huge playful grin and says 'mama... comere (come here)' and reaches out his little hand. It's so endearing!

(Mind you I'd always say to him "come here cutie pie let's cuddle" when it was time to nurse, soo..)
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 12:05 am
My son has cute and original phrases too (I love those already posted).

My Stud Earrings- "ear balls"
Green grapes- "big peas"
Delivery man- "truck people "
Laundry room- "undies! "
Pointe shoes- "boats"
Chainsaw- "cut cut tree people"
Loud Cicada- "cayna scary... "
Ceiling fan- "hadda" (helicopter)
Chlorinated water- "pool yucky "
Strawberry- "staw babies "
Any animal with its young- "Milky! "
Caterpillar- "cappenyo! " (say it with a fake exaggerated Italian accent)
Me eating a cooked carrot- "bird... worm! "
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 6:36 am
DS3, in a very angry tone of voice: Mommy, why we only have two kids in our family? WHY?

Me: How many kids would you want in our family?

DS: um.... Fifty!!
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 6:41 am
We were shopping and 2.5ds "look it's half a mommy!" Pointing to the manican, you know those one cut off at the waist..
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 8:45 am
theoneandonly wrote:
DS3, in a very angry tone of voice: Mommy, why we only have two kids in our family? WHY?

Me: How many kids would you want in our family?

DS: um.... Fifty!!

One dc of mine after learning the parshah came home all upset. Saying why do we only have one baby at a time we should have 6 at a time!!!!
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 9:13 am
monseymom25 wrote:
I had the radio on in the car and they said something about the Brazilian police. 9 yo ds piped up from the back- wow did they just say a zillion police!

I had the NPR on the radio yesterday and they said something like "...the political rival blah blah..."

My 3 year old yelled out "Mommy, the TV man said Raizel!" [Raizel is my baby's name; we pronounce it like "righ-zel" so it rhymes with rivel"

She was so excited thinking he said her little sister's name and kept saying "Raizy, you heard it? The TV man said your name!" I couldn't believe she actually pays attention to the radio when it's on news.

Other funny event in the car:

I was driving (in NJ...of course) and got confused on a major road and made a left turn where it wasn't allowed. (it was not very clearly marked at all.) And as luck would have it, a cop was right behind me and he signaled for me to pull over (the first time I'd ever been pulled over!)

The whole time he was giving me my ticket, my then 2-year old in the backseat was yelling "MOMMY! MOMMY! What's the mailman doing? Why is the mailman talking to you? Mommy, I want to talk to the mailman!"
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 10:27 am
When I was a kid and my mother was pregnant I told my mother "Right you are not really fat you just look fat?" (at that point I was too young to know about pregnancy)
when I was pregnant with my first my mother kept telling me... you are not really fat... you just look fat.
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 10:51 am
sweetpotato wrote:
My almost 3 year old has eczema and when she's itchy she'll ask me to put hydrocortisone cream on her. Except obviously it's a really hard word to say, and she calls it "hyder-butter-sunscream."

OH my gosh! I just read this. Please please go do a search on TSW and RSS.

Save your daughter years of anguish.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 11:03 am
Topical Steroid Withdrawal/Red Skin Syndrome
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 11:20 am
NovelConcept wrote:
OH my gosh! I just read this. Please please go do a search on TSW and RSS.

Save your daughter years of anguish.

This isn't a medical advice thread, but I have a lot of experience dealing with eczema (have had it myself since childhood) and consult regularly with my daughter's pediatrician and dermatologist about how to treat it.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 11:28 am
3 year old dd.

1. Looked in mirror and started bawling. I asked her what's wrong. She said I got a pimple and now I look like vashti. I don't want to be ugly like vashti I want to be pretty like queen Esther!
I told her to daven it should go away. Now every time she gets a book boo she tells me. I am davening very hard to hashem to take it away!
2. I just had a baby and when ibwas pregnant she once was jumping on me and he kicked. She asked me why my stomach moved. I asked her what it looks like so she said a froggy. She kept asking ehat color froggy it is. The first day of camp she told her whole camp that her mommy has a fat belly with a green froggy in it.
3. Yesterday she was laying on me and crying I asked her why she is so cranky she said that it's not fair that I have 2 tummies and she only has one. I asked her where I have 2. She pointed to my boobs and stomach. She said she has to daven for hashem to give her and my son and her Abba 2 bellies.
4. Everyone the baby cries she tells me that he wants to eat my belly now.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 11:29 am
My kids call the kind of bench that you sit on a "bencher." When I'm putting my son to bed he will ask me to "rubber" his back.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 11:52 am
sweetpotato wrote:
This isn't a medical advice thread, but I have a lot of experience dealing with eczema (have had it myself since childhood) and consult regularly with my daughter's pediatrician and dermatologist about how to treat it.

I also have a long history of eczema and also followed doctors that said to use hydrocortisone.. and THEN...

You don't have to listen to me, but realize one thing: cortisones are only around since 1951 and only recently have doctors begun to see the long term affects. If your daughter's rashes are bad, they are probably caused BY THE CORTISONE.

Most doctors still don't know that cortisone causes red flaring and mimics eczema symptoms, and just prescribing the same creams, and eventually, stronger, more damaging ones. Especially dermatologists.

You can do whatever you want, but as a person who's been through the system, I do have much much experience in this, and know what I am talking about.

You can keep shmearing, and keep damaging. Or you can research, learn, and maybe make a different decision.

My skin is healing, getting healthier every day. Your choice. All the best.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 12:07 pm
DD, 4: I was wearing a floral bra the other day (the one I wear when everything else is in the laundry!). We were changing for the pool and she yells, "oh Mommy, I love your new boobies!! They're so pretty."
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2016, 12:54 pm
"Mommy, your tummy is like challah dough it's so mushy" embarrassed
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