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High school requesting photo w/application-norm?
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 8:02 pm
amother wrote:
A new camp this year requested a picture with the application Surprised

They did this year's ago too. Nothing new
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 8:08 pm
amother wrote:
If you're receiving photos of hundreds of girls, you're not really viewing them to keep track of them, unless you have a photographic memory.

I'm not viewing any girl's photo to evaluate beauty or size, I'm using it to connect the resume to a person. I'm in agreement with amother apricot who stated the following:

"Is it wrong to do the same for a shidduch? I don't think so.
I think the way we look and dress and walk and talk says alot about who we are.
If a perspective inlaw wants to see the other party before the shidduch, it is not only recommended, but a must, in my mind."

In my circles, a potential FIL/MIL often meets with the proposed shidduch before they date their son/daughter. I believe meeting in person is more effective than a flat image. But I guess this is more for the other thread.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 8:11 pm
My guess is it's mostly for the school to have a face to put with the name to make it easier to recall the interviews. Also, then once kids are accepted they have pictures to give the teachers to learn ahead.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 8:12 pm
I don't understand the outcry. How do you think they'll remember the girls they interviewed?
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 8:13 pm
All the high schools and camps want pictures, totally standard in NY area
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 8:15 pm
We do this in my medical practice. We have pictures of each patient in their chart so it’s easy to connect the name to the patient when they call in with questions. It helps me remember details about them. (Of course the patients can refuse to have their picture taken)
It’s probably the same with the schools. If they get 100s of applications and interview many girls, when it comes time to decide who they want to accept it just serves as a visual to remind them who was who, how the interview went, ect. I don’t think it’s to only accept girls with certain physical characteristics.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 8:41 pm
Op here

The thing is, elementary schools that we applied to, around 6 I think, never asked for a picture.
Do they have an easier time remembering 4-yo interviewees and their parents?

Why is hs different?
I just feel kinda uneasy about it. When I applied to colleges they didn’t need my pictures. Why does a frum hs need one?

Anyhow, is it what all schools in Lakewood currently do?

Ps I live in a pretty cookie cutter town; and they’re not requesting a full size photo to see an outfit ykwim? Most girls here don’t wear extra super long dangling earrings and wild hairstyles. If the select few come like this to the interview- ok, administration will see it and make a note on the application.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 8:47 pm
All HS schools in Brooklyn we applied to, requested pics.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 9:35 pm
amother wrote:
Honestly, it sounds to me like a very smart policy.

I can imagine the schools want to see what the girls look like before the interview so that if she is clearly far from the crowd they are aiming for, then they don't have to get people's hopes up with an interview. Say it is a very frum school, but the girl always has long, flowing hair and dangling earrings. They'd want to see an up-to-date photo of her, and if need be, say no before the stakes are higher.
It is much "nicer" to say no before an interview than at or after one, and certainly less problematic than kicking a girl out after she's a student there already!

Also, once the girl is accepted, I think it is correct for a school to have a photo ID on hand in case of calamity, chas v'shalom.

Not that I have anything against asking for pictures, but this is a laughably ineffective tool for the type of screening you're proposing. Parents know what the schools they're applying to are looking for. Look at how many parents sign the piece of paper that they don't have TV or internet in the home when they really do. You think these same parents wouldn't think to have the right look in place before snapping the picture?
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 10:21 pm
This is a common request with applications. I worked for a yeshiva and we requested that all applicants send a small photo.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 10:27 pm
I work in a MO high school (co-ed by the way) and this is standard in my school and other MO schools. I never thought twice about it. I think it is so they can more easily remember the kids after they've interviewed them (some people are better with faces than names). They certainly don't accept or reject students based on their picture. Everyone who applies is given an interview so they will see all the students anyway. So they aren't asking for a picture in order to decide whom to accept or not.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 10:54 pm
amother wrote:

Anyhow, is it what all schools in Lakewood currently do?

Yes, this is what all the Lakewood high schools do for a while already. I always thought it was to make it easier for them to remember who they met, doesn't bother me at all.

I hear your question about why they do it for high school and not for elementary. I think one reason is probably because when applying for high school it's mostly about the girl herself. When applying for elementry it's mostly about the parents. But they can't ask for pictures of the parents, nobody would agree to send them.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 11:20 pm
Stop dramatizing everything. It's been standard for a very long time. Camp, school, the works. I think it's like a visual aid to help you tell the difference between all the otherwise random names. And it also makes it easier to learn people's names when you meet them, if you've seen the picture before. The difference in shidduchim is that there's a big chance people will be judging the picture as "is she pretty enough for him" which has a much ickier feel.
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Post Thu, Jan 10 2019, 11:50 pm
I have both a boy and a girl going into 9th this year. We're applying to high schools in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, 5 towns, and NJ and most of them requested photos. I didn't think anything of it.
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Post Fri, Jan 11 2019, 12:13 am
I do the interviews, screening, and hiring at my job and every application has a square on it for the applicant's picture. It's there to jog my memory when I sift through the applications later on in the process. Otherwise I'd be hiring blindly. A person is not a piece of paper. Seeing the picture helps me remember details about their interview and the impression they made.
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Post Fri, Jan 11 2019, 1:53 am
OP its been this way in schools for over 30 years. Welcome to school applications Smile
It just makes it that much easier to out a face to an application during the interview, thats all.
Dont read into it so much, really.
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Post Fri, Jan 11 2019, 2:56 am
amother wrote:
Op here

The thing is, elementary schools that we applied to, around 6 I think, never asked for a picture.
Do they have an easier time remembering 4-yo interviewees and their parents?

Why is hs different?
I just feel kinda uneasy about it. When I applied to colleges they didn’t need my pictures. Why does a frum hs need one?

Anyhow, is it what all schools in Lakewood currently do?

Ps I live in a pretty cookie cutter town; and they’re not requesting a full size photo to see an outfit ykwim? Most girls here don’t wear extra super long dangling earrings and wild hairstyles. If the select few come like this to the interview- ok, administration will see it and make a note on the application.

Its very standard. The reason it would be stupid with elementary is because you're really not interviewing the 4 yr old but the parents. For high, they are interviewing the girl herself.
Also. 4 yr old will have 2 morahs who will get to know her. High school girls will have many staff members who will know her personally.
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Post Fri, Jan 11 2019, 4:48 am
It’s just a headshot. There’s not much to see except who it is. Try not to send a mugshot.
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Post Fri, Jan 11 2019, 4:59 am
Yes, it's normal. It's for the student's records, to create an official ID, and I remember our teachers each had a classlist which included our photos so they would already know whom we are.
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Post Fri, Jan 11 2019, 7:58 am
It's for the file. Most places probably, including non Jewish/public
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