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Forum -> Coronavirus Health Questions
Shouldnt we be placing seniors in quarantine rather than..
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 9:54 pm
TEHILLIM – Young Man From Flatbush In Serious Condition After Returning From Italy

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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 9:58 pm
amother [ White ] wrote:
OP, I totally agree with you.
I was at shul today and an elderly woman with health conditions was ranting about how there was a kiddush and people were touching the same utensils, soda bottles, serving trays... and how there should be no more kiddushim or gatherings...
I wanted to tell her - maybe you just shouldn't be here!

That's right, she shouldn't be! I also have a health condition and although I didn't place myself in quarantine I am being very cautious about social gatherings and shul.
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 10:02 pm
I believe Governor Cuomo has stopped all visitation to nursing homes in Westchester County. And yes, if you have an elderly parent or grandparent they should not be going out, and whoever visits should be vetted. This is especially hard in frum communities where there is a lot of family gatherings, but yes, the elderly and immune compromised should probably not be using the subway now or traveling out of the country or going to unnecessary doctors visits..
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 10:03 pm
amother [ Lilac ] wrote:
That's right, she shouldn't be! I also have a health condition and although I didn't place myself in quarantine I am being very cautious about social gatherings and shul.

I'm sorry for your condition and it's great that you're taking precautions, but if the community adopts an attitude of, "we're not stopping things because WE'RE not at high risk of fatality", pretty soon contact with anyone from your community is going to place you at tremendous risk.

Luckily, I'm not seeing this suggestion actually play out in any community in real life. Maybe people are just anxious and spitballing silly ideas out here.
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 10:05 pm
ok ok I didnt think of what others have said, about this thing lasting for years. In my head it would last a few more weeks, maybe a few months until the summer and then be over.
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 10:15 pm
actually there is a frum yid who is 30 years old in serious condition with it hospitalized

how on earth could people presume much about a NOVEL VIRUS potentially fatal and highly contagious that we have never experienced on this planet
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 10:42 pm
A 30-year-old man is on a respirator and in serious condition, with a possible case of Coronavirus.

the man is a member of the Sephardic community in Flatbush and resides on Ocean Parkway.
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 10:56 pm
What the quarantines are really aiming to prevent is a surge in new cases that overwhelm the healthcare system. Even if the disease ends up spreading anyway, at least it will be at a pace that the system can handle.
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 11:03 pm
Thirty people from
The young Israel of newrochelle have it without being hospitalized they all got it from one person
In Westchester you can’t visit a assisted living place
Purim is canceled in many places or switched to smaller venues
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 11:06 pm
WhatFor wrote:
I know, right??

Why should the weak elderly be permitted to partake in community events or walk outside in the fresh air, if it's going to mean that young otherwise healthy carriers of coronavirus need to self quarantine for 14 days? Wouldn't it make much more sense to just allow the virus to spread unmitigated amongst those presumed healthy, so that everyone who can handle it can catch it?

The elderly and immunocompromised can stay indoors for the next year, or forever, depending on how long it takes for this to go away, since people can potentially catch it multiple times.

Don't worry. They'll be taken care of by someone. Of course their young healthy relatives (assuming they have any) won't be able to see or help them when they themselves have it, but someone in the universe will certainly volunteer to bring them food and necessities while they quarantine indefinitely due to their irreversible old age.

And they probably shouldn't be going to hospitals for the next year or ever because the health care workers would all have it due to the unmitigated spread approach, but what are you going to do? That's life, they had their chance to live it, sure they gave us life, raised us or our parents, but now that we're functioning adults, their utility is done with, bye!

Now it's time for them all to isolate themselves so the infected youth can unrestrictedly hold kiddushim, no holds barred. Taking precautions to consider the elderly amongst us is way too inconvenient!


Thank you for saying it better than I ever could.
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 11:31 pm
Jeanette wrote:
What the quarantines are really aiming to prevent is a surge in new cases that overwhelm the healthcare system. Even if the disease ends up spreading anyway, at least it will be at a pace that the system can handle.

I wanted to type this as well.
Medical infrastructure, quality of healthcare and the US economy are some additional reasons why quarantining is important.
Obviously, the elderly and their immediate contacts need to take precautions beyond what is reasonable for others (I.e. not traveling, not going to medical apts, staying home etc.)
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Post Sat, Mar 07 2020, 11:33 pm
I think that the CDC did warn the frail elderly not to go out in public.
Personally, I am hoping for a vaccine which hopefully will save the day.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 12:12 am
I agree with OP. How will quarantine EVERYONE vs. quarantining the elderly cause the virus to last for years? And if EVERYONE is quarantined (and this is an international prob at this point) then it will not last years?
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 12:30 am
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
I agree with OP. How will quarantine EVERYONE vs. quarantining the elderly cause the virus to last for years? And if EVERYONE is quarantined (and this is an international prob at this point) then it will not last years?

Well theoretically if you quarantine every single person for a few weeks the virus will completely disappear. It needs people to live off.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 12:35 am
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
I agree with OP. How will quarantine EVERYONE vs. quarantining the elderly cause the virus to last for years? And if EVERYONE is quarantined (and this is an international prob at this point) then it will not last years?

How old is elderly? 40, 30?
Kids can keep passing it to each other without symptoms. Is there a limit on the amount of time?
Is everyone 30 and older quarantined Indefinitely ?
And it’s not like you get it and don’t get it again.

Italy is having a large scale lockdown. We’ll see how that goes.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 3:14 am
nchr wrote:
I wanted to type this as well.
Medical infrastructure, quality of healthcare and the US economy are some additional reasons why quarantining is important.
Obviously, the elderly and their immediate contacts need to take precautions beyond what is reasonable for others (I.e. not traveling, not going to medical apts, staying home etc.)

Overwhelming the health care system and the other economic considerations are precisely the reason for the quarantines here in Israel.
Totallly agree that it is obvious that the elderly need to take extra precautions. Doesn't mean that the overall measures are superfluous at all.
And btw, the only Corona patient in severe condition of the 25 (mostly over 50 yrs. old) currently diagnosed here in Israel is a 38 year old who is on a respirator and getting an experimental drug.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 3:22 am
amother [ Lawngreen ] wrote:
Well theoretically if you quarantine every single person for a few weeks the virus will completely disappear. It needs people to live off.

Exactly. The whole point of quarantine is to starve the virus to death.

I'm sitting here in quarantine right now, waiting for the department of health to come and swab me, so I'll know if this is a really horrible flu, or Corona. Wish me luck.

(Either way, I still won't be going out and breathing on people. I don't feel like going anywhere, anyway.)
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 3:43 am
amother [ White ] wrote:
OP, I totally agree with you.
I was at shul today and an elderly woman with health conditions was ranting about how there was a kiddush and people were touching the same utensils, soda bottles, serving trays... and how there should be no more kiddushim or gatherings...
I wanted to tell her - maybe you just shouldn't be here!


A bit pejorative, no?
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 4:07 am
FranticFrummie wrote:
Exactly. The whole point of quarantine is to starve the virus to death.

I'm sitting here in quarantine right now, waiting for the department of health to come and swab me, so I'll know if this is a really horrible flu, or Corona. Wish me luck.

(Either way, I still won't be going out and breathing on people. I don't feel like going anywhere, anyway.)

FF why are you in quarantine? Did you come into contact with any confirmed patient?
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 4:11 am
We need to stop the spread of this virus because it's likely to keep mutating the more times it's passed along. Quarantine for everyone affected is important.
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