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Segulas you tried that did not work?
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 8:26 pm
If a man folds his talis motse Shabbos it’s a segula for shalom bayis. Rabbi (blank. Forgot who) says that if a man washes the dishes motse shabbos it’s an even bigger segula for shalom bayis.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 8:42 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
So why did some of these tzadikim give a promise if it doesn't always work?

When a tzaddik specifically promises it and you believe it, it’s more the emunas chachamim at play over here. It’s not as simple as just a promise and then it happens.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 9:00 pm
Chickensoupprof wrote:
I lit a candle for R' menachem mendel rimonov and nothing happened. Not even a single yeshua. Tefilah helped. Tefilah helped me to get married. There was a boy in the orthodox community diagnosed with leukemia and I davent for him the first time in the mikvah before my chassene and under the chuppah and bh he got a refua shleima few weeks ago.

I'm wondering how you know that tefilah helped you achieve your result while also acknowledging that many don't daven and get results and many daven and don't get results?
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 9:15 pm
ExtraCredit wrote:
If a man folds his talis motse Shabbos it’s a segula for shalom bayis. Rabbi (blank. Forgot who) says that if a man washes the dishes motse shabbos it’s an even bigger segula for shalom bayis.

No wonder.....er, uh...........forget it. Carry on
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 9:20 pm
“If we understand Hashem, we could be Hashem”

There is no such thing a surefire segula. If the segula has inherent value, like saying Tehillim for 40 days, then go ahead as it will
Hopefully change you for the better as a person and perhaps change your Mazel or your mindset about dealing with your challenge.

Anything else, like dunking in the mik after a pregnant lady, is just preying on people’s vulnerability.

Unless you are going to a mekubal who is telling you something specific to do.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 9:40 pm
When I was in seminary a rabbi who taught there always told us the best segula for anything is davening 3x a day(shachris, mincha, maariv). Before you decide to say the entire tehillim, shir hashirim, nishmas, or any other segula, start off by trying to daven 3x a day.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 10:03 pm
amother [ Brown ] wrote:
When I was in seminary a rabbi who taught there always told us the best segula for anything is davening 3x a day(shachris, mincha, maariv). Before you decide to say the entire tehillim, shir hashirim, nishmas, or any other segula, start off by trying to daven 3x a day.

In that case I have to ask....Do people who daven 3x suffer less with anything? Are they less likely to be poor? Less likely to struggle with shidduchim? Less likely to struggle with health? Less likely to struggle with infertility? Less likely to struggle with difficult children?

Is there anything that you can say that those who daven have a better situation than those who don't daven with regard to.....what?
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 10:08 pm
amother [ Jetblack ] wrote:
In that case I have to ask....Do people who daven 3x suffer less with anything? Are they less likely to be poor? Less likely to struggle with shidduchim? Less likely to struggle with health? Less likely to struggle with infertility? Less likely to struggle with difficult children?

Is there anything that you can say that those who daven have a better situation than those who don't daven with regard to.....what?

I am pretty sure the world doesn't work quite like that. There are no guarantees in life.

I just like that advice as a "segula" because it is a basic tenant of Judaism and a way to connect to Hashem. Go back to the basics before starting other "tips and tricks".
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 10:11 pm
amother [ Jetblack ] wrote:
In that case I have to ask....Do people who daven 3x suffer less with anything? Are they less likely to be poor? Less likely to struggle with shidduchim? Less likely to struggle with health? Less likely to struggle with infertility? Less likely to struggle with difficult children?

Is there anything that you can say that those who daven have a better situation than those who don't daven with regard to.....what?

If you have something that you want to change then daven three times a day. People who daven three times a day usually have what they want. If they don’t they are usually more at peace about it. I know I don’t daven three times a day so as long as I don’t I can’t say that I tried everything and Hashem didn’t answer me.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 10:22 pm
This is NOT a segula but my life changed when I started working on having gratitude and living with Emuna. Believing that Hashem wants to shower upon us only good actually brought about some amazing positive changes in my life. I still experience challenges but my approach has changed and I have more tools to deal with disappointment and hardships.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 10:24 pm
I’m very practical and I don’t believe in segulahs.

I got married after 1.5 years of dating Bh without doing the 40 day thing. Though my 2 sisters who did do it got married within 3 months of dating...

My BIL went to a certain kever this year (in Europe I forgot which one) and davened for 3 people who were in shidduchim for a few years- himself and 2 cousins. The cousins got engaged 2 months later and he a few months after that. Would they have gotten engaged without the kever visit? Probably.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 10:28 pm
amother [ Jetblack ] wrote:
I'm wondering how you know that tefilah helped you achieve your result while also acknowledging that many don't daven and get results and many daven and don't get results?

She’s simply answering the question posed in the OP. She tried a segula and didn’t get what she asked for, then she davened for it and she did receive it.
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Post Sat, Nov 28 2020, 11:53 pm
amother [ Peach ] wrote:
Segula against Covid: wear a mask, SD, hygiene

mask...debatable...sorry couldnt resist.
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Post Sun, Nov 29 2020, 2:54 am
Segulos and davening are not supposed to be like a machine where you put in money, push the button, and out comes the item you want. They are supposed to be a means of coming closer to tzaddikim or Hashem or serving Hashem better . Hashem sends us challenges and does not always show us the results of what we ask for - we don't know why, we aren't G-d. But there is a mitzva to have birtachon- to trust in Hashem. Maybe read Chovos Halevavos or other books about bitachon .
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Post Sun, Nov 29 2020, 3:07 am
Geulanow wrote:
Segulos and davening are not supposed to be like a machine where you put in money, push the button, and out comes the item you want. They are supposed to be a means of coming closer to tzaddikim or Hashem or serving Hashem better . Hashem sends us challenges and does not always show us the results of what we ask for - we don't know why, we aren't G-d. But there is a mitzva to have birtachon- to trust in Hashem. Maybe read Chovos Halevavos or other books about bitachon .

But Hashem gave us the Torah and the ability to daven. We already have the recipe for closeness.

And, like it or not, no one says they'll do a segula just for the closeness. They're looking for a result. Not to mention the charlatans who promise guaranteed outcomes.
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Post Sun, Nov 29 2020, 6:44 am
Toiveled after a womna in her 9th month. 6 years later, still not pregnant.

DH says saying birkas hachama 6 times is a segula for long life
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Post Sun, Nov 29 2020, 9:45 am
Doing a segula is the minimum hishtadlus we can do. We can't totally be convinced that the outcome will be the way we wanted. But a person always likes to know they did their hishtadlus so they can be at peace with themselves on how the outcome will be.
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Post Sun, Nov 29 2020, 10:08 am
Geulanow wrote:
Segulos and davening are not supposed to be like a machine where you put in money, push the button, and out comes the item you want. They are supposed to be a means of coming closer to tzaddikim or Hashem or serving Hashem better . Hashem sends us challenges and does not always show us the results of what we ask for - we don't know why, we aren't G-d. But there is a mitzva to have birtachon- to trust in Hashem. Maybe read Chovos Halevavos or other books about bitachon .

So you say segulos are not like a vending machine. Put in a dollar and out come the cookies. Daven for a week and win the lottery. Fine, I think we all agree this is obvious. The question is does davening or segulos help AT ALL towards achieving a specific result or is it just a means to get closer to hashem? For example are people who daven frequently suffering less from financial issues?
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Post Sun, Nov 29 2020, 10:18 am
amother [ Smokey ] wrote:
Toiveled after a womna in her 9th month. 6 years later, still not pregnant.

DH says saying birkas hachama 6 times is a segula for long life

If you’ll eat my challah ein hundred yuhr,
You’ll live a long life and that is for sure!

May this year be the year. Healthy baby for you!
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Post Sun, Nov 29 2020, 11:26 am
amother [ Bronze ] wrote:
eating a rebbezins esrog - easy child birth


all my births were DIFFICULT, 30hours+ long, with secondary c-sections, but b´´H healthy adorable babies Smile

I experienced the flip side of this. Someone gave me esrog jelly when I was pregnant. I hate esrog jelly but was planning to try it anyhow. When I went into labor and went to eat the esrog jelly, I couldn't put even a drop in my mouth, it smelled that bad to me.

Easiest labor ever!
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