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Do you think Purim poems are cute?
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Do you think Purim poems are cute?
 30%  [ 46 ]
 60%  [ 93 ]
 9%  [ 14 ]
Total Votes : 153



Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 10:22 am
I'm a reader and a writer and I'm not really a fan. I don't care if you write one but I usually only read it if I'm struggling to figure out the theme of the random weird stuff in your bag. I also think it's strange when people ask for someone else to write it for them--if you're into that stuff, go for it, but if you don't even like writing poetry why pretend that you do? It just makes another "thing" that everyone feels they have to do.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 10:39 am
My favorites: the friends that call after purim to make sure I fully appreciated their poetry with all its symbolism and puns.

Last edited by Mermaidinexile on Tue, Feb 09 2021, 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 10:45 am
thunderstorm wrote:
I write Purim poems for me and for many other people. The feedback that I’ve always received was that the poem was the hit of my mishloach manos. I guess it depends on the writing and content. So yes, I appreciate reading and writing Purim poems.

I’m going to assume you are a vary talented writer and creative person. I’m sure I would enjoy reading your poems. In general, I find a lot of themes to be cringeworthy. Sometimes , I get one that is brilliant and makes me smile. I’m not against creativity, I love things that are original and brilliant. I just don’t like when everyone has to copy everyone else because it’s a “thing” but they don’t even do a good job. Personally, if I would write poems then I’m sure people would enjoy reading them, because I have that talent. I just have no patience.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 10:45 am
I like them and even enjoy seeing pics of someone else’s kids in their costumes. It’s a window into the world of the sender. If you don’t enjoy them, just toss them with the rest of the mm trash.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 10:49 am
Madam F. wrote:
I voted other. Those who can write and it comes easily to them, usually have cute poems. But to the rest of us I say just skip it.

This is actually my opionion put into a few concise words.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 10:53 am
hodeez wrote:
They make me feel inferior tbh. Why can't everyone just slap together some bissli and candy straws like me and call it a day 😅

Don't feel inferior.

I feel so honored, so loved, by each and every MM I receive. Whether its a gorgeously presented bottle of wine with gourmet chocolate, or a paper bag with the kind of junk food no one eats after age 10 (that is well-appreciated by my colleague's nephews who aren't Jewish, but appreciate a second Halloween). Its that someone thought of me when doing this mitzvah.

For a few years, I was creative. I created beautifully created and curated baskets. Then I started purchasing pre-made baskets from a tzedaka that had reasonably priced items. When they stopped making them, I started throwing 2 things that I think people would enjoy in a bag. Its just where I am in life.

I don't care for the "poems" but if you enjoy writing them, you have my support.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 12:07 pm
I immediately reacted. I really do have to go. I forgot to include something about live and let live.

But I will say, if you're going to rhyme, don't do tortured rhymes. And please use good grammar. And keep it shorter.

And enjoy being creative. You are entitled.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 12:10 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
Do you actually read them? Enjoy reading them? Do they make you cringe? Roll your eyes?

For me personally, I think they are silly and usually make me cringe. The rhyme scheme is usually awful, poems make no sense, half the words don’t rhyme, the whole thing feels forced and like someone is desperately trying to be cute but is failing. What’s your opinion?

Right on, sister! And with some notable exceptions that goes for frum children's books, too.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 12:14 pm
I would like them if they were well done. But all that I've seen are cringy. They don't even stick to a consistent meter. Very forced.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 12:16 pm
zaq wrote:
Right on, sister! And with some notable exceptions that goes for frum children's books, too.

Agree. One notable exception is Bat em in Benji. Written amazingly well with an amazing moral.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 12:39 pm
I always look forward to one person's MM, as she always has some sweet poem attached. I loved the idea because its sweet and it makes me remember their MM most.
I included a cute poem with some purim humor and received raving reviews on it, My family and friends enjoyed reading them.
I wouldn't make myself crazy trying to create it but if I find something cute, I'll add it.
Pictures of other peoples dressed up kids in the MM is something I really don't care for, unless I missed out on seeing them while they dropped off their MM.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 1:53 pm
I like mine. Not others' LOL

But I do like to think of myself as a decent poet and I am very well aware of meter and rhyme so my poems "work".
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 1:58 pm
thunderstorm wrote:
I write Purim poems for me and for many other people. The feedback that I’ve always received was that the poem was the hit of my mishloach manos. I guess it depends on the writing and content. So yes, I appreciate reading and writing Purim poems.

I don't, my mother does but she writes professionally. She always got feedback of how much everyone appreciates the poems.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 1:59 pm
I think they're cute, but I couldn't be bothered to create one myself.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 2:00 pm
I like themes but I prefer ones that are self understood. Like everything black and white because they're dressed as zebras, or a cardboard shipping box cuz they're UPS. No poem or explanation necessary.
I don't cringe at them though. Each to their own. Some feel like it's their chance to use their creativity and I'm happy they have the outlet.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 2:01 pm
If I'll be brutally honest, I like reading GOOD poetry.

Most of the stuff I see on imamother and IRL is painful. If you've never heard of meter, don't know what a rhyme scheme is, and don't know how to use punctuation, maybe consider just explaining in plain words why you stuck instant mashed potatoes, double-stuffed sandwich cookies, and licorice together in your Shalach Manos.

Exhibit A:
The Purim story says
That Achashveirosh had a great weakness
For his wife he melted so
Like a bowl of "MASHED POTATO"
And Haman had a gigantic ego
In the end of the story the Jews did sing
When he hung like on a "LICORICE" string

Exhibit B:
In Purim, a marvelous lesson is found:
In just one INSTANT it can all turn around!
When we find ourselves in a time of trouble
Even if our tzaros grow and DOUBLE...
Like LICORICE, it won't be too long
We'll soon be saved and sing a song!

Of course, both poems are pathetic, but at least exhibit B is readable without needing to tortuously stretch words to make it sound like a poem.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 2:03 pm
I dont do poems.

I do themes, but I always put foods that are very obviously related.

Putting in far-fetched foods that have to be explained with a poem, is usually silly.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 2:12 pm
I read them and enjoy them but wouldn’t notice if anyone didn’t include one.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 2:19 pm
I love short cute poems. Max 8 lines. My family knows they can't open any mm until I see it so I can see how all items tie in with the poems.

If you send a page or two long poem, I will probably read the first two three lines and then just throw it out.
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Post Tue, Feb 09 2021, 2:28 pm
amother [ Blue ] wrote:
If I'll be brutally honest, I like reading GOOD poetry.

Most of the stuff I see on imamother and IRL is painful. If you've never heard of meter, don't know what a rhyme scheme is, and don't know how to use punctuation, maybe consider just explaining in plain words why you stuck instant mashed potatoes, double-stuffed sandwich cookies, and licorice together in your Shalach Manos.

Exhibit A:
The Purim story says
That Achashveirosh had a great weakness
For his wife he melted so
Like a bowl of "MASHED POTATO"
And Haman had a gigantic ego
In the end of the story the Jews did sing
When he hung like on a "LICORICE" string

Exhibit B:
In Purim, a marvelous lesson is found:
In just one INSTANT it can all turn around!
When we find ourselves in a time of trouble
Even if our tzaros grow and DOUBLE...
Like LICORICE, it won't be too long
We'll soon be saved and sing a song!

Of course, both poems are pathetic, but at least exhibit B is readable without needing to tortuously stretch words to make it sound like a poem.

Oy. If only the poems were as “terrible” as these. These are gold compared to most.
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