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Why The Panic Shopping? Its Aug 4!!!
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 2:32 pm
Blessing1 wrote:
In 2 weeks, the lines and crowds will be even worse because people will be coming home from their bungalows. The stores will be crowded till after sukkos.

OMG I forgot about that.

We’re broke right about now so maybe will push it off to next week. My son doesn’t need much just a bigger coat and the next size winter clothes. Idk how tall my kid is gonna be by the time winter comes so might as well go to kidichic and tottini and get everything in size 2 or 3 since he’s almost an inch taller than most kids his age.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 2:33 pm
Rosh hashana and sukkot will probably not be winter clothes weather. The stores love to make it seem like everything is selling our to get people shopping. If you must have a certain item and matching for your kids go now. If your not so picky you can wait a bit and things will start to calm down and then go on sale.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 2:34 pm
One year I decided not to buy a coat right away for one kid. Waited till sukkos and sure enough my kid’s size was sold out in every single store and kid was disappointed had to find something else. So this year bought one now.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 2:43 pm
I didnt read the whole thread.

But OP just ignore it. It happens every year at this time. And again in about February when the spring clothes come in.

Rosh hashana is going to be very hot. We will wear summer clothes. No one is going to need fall clothing the week of labor day. Even sukkos will still be very warm.

I'll think about winter clothes at some point after sukkos. I'm not worried the stores will be sold out. They may not have every style but they'll have enough.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 2:46 pm
I got some winter clothes at the end of last winter so now I'm not freaking out and pressured to shop. I'll still need to get shoes and basics but there's no way I can push in jammed stores. not for my sanity.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 4:27 pm
I plan on going shopping this week because I love shopping and because the stores are quieter now than right before Rosh Hashanah. I don't really care what the temperature is RH, I wear my new clothes anyway because it helps me feel Yom Tovdik and malchusdik.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 4:40 pm
I thought this was about mesivta's that start next week, once I am in the store to buy underwear, pants, shirts, ect.. I just buy for everyone,not a panic just practical.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 4:43 pm
Now you’ll really make fun.
My mesivta son is coming home Thursday and starting yeshiva on Monday

We went new shoe and shirt shopping before he even went to camp. .
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 4:48 pm
sky wrote:
I get you your points.
But rosh hashana is in 30 days.

I work full time.

I’m going to be busy the days before rosh hashsna and succos cooking like crazy in between work and new schools.

The last thing I want is to shop then. Better now when life is calm.

I don’t do it leisurely over many days. We go to one store. They just got in their stuff so I know it’s one stop. The store was actually deserted. It was a pleasure. We Buy. We are Done.

For teachers it makes sense to shop now once school starts with lol the yomim tovim life will be crazy.

Do you think your kids will be in winter clothing in 30 days?!

It’s so much easier with the schedule this year, I can cook for YT without even thinking about winter clothing and when things settle down after YT I’ll buy winter clothes.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 5:02 pm
Welcome to the tri state.
This happens every year. There are people who come in from the country to shop while it’s quiet except it’s not quiet because the people who stayed here go “before everyone gets back” and basically - pandemonium for atleast a month before RH.

There have been many many years that Succos was boiling hot and all these poor kids are wearing velours and furs because well they have no choice.

I generally do not shop for my kids until they need it. After yt they have great sales and I’m fine with that. I can’t imagine shopping for heavy winter stuff when it’s 90° out. Dont get it don’t understand it and don’t plan to either.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 5:04 pm
mizle10 wrote:
Do you think your kids will be in winter clothing in 30 days?!

It’s so much easier with the schedule this year, I can cook for YT without even thinking about winter clothing and when things settle down after YT I’ll buy winter clothes.

Succos is one of the shalosh regalim.
I was taught it’s best to buy new clothing for shalosh regalim. So I buy for succos and pesach.
If they can’t wear it fine. But I feel at least the intentions are there.
And typically they wear one thing new for simchas Torah.

I feel like if I go then my girls pick through clothing and they don’t have their sizes and I still pay full price bec sales don’t start until nov/dec. typically sales aren’t until Chanukah.

So I enjoy going when they have every size. Stores are empty. My kids have their pick.

But everyone else has their own methods. And that’s fine…
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 5:25 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I visited BP and there is such panic in the stores, grabbing, sold out, out of sizes...this is beyond absurd! 30 strollers in tottini, Petit clair...lines everywhere...

Why cant we all just enjoy the summer? Hasnt covid taught us enough?? I hear this is going on in other big frum communities as well. "Drop 1, Drop 2" some frum clothing companies were even sending out email blasts in the 9 days.

Its so hard to stay afloat and focused with this all around...Im trying not to get stressed. No I dont wanna shop in Dept stores its way easier to shop in one big frum neighborhood instead of ordering and returning a bunch of times but... Banging head

So why did you go in to these stores? Laugh
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 5:29 pm
So weird to me. It won't be cold enough for winter clothing here till Chanukah.....
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 5:37 pm
I started shopping for my kids already, they will not be wearing it for yom tov of course. But if I’m going to be paying full price I may as well buy it now when all sizes are in stock and I don’t have to run around from store to store to find matching/ sizes for my kids.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 5:57 pm
sky wrote:
If they have a growth spurt it can be at any time…
School shoes I buy on line.

How close to yom tov or after do you buy to prevent that from happening. I never figure that out.
I can’t deal with crowded shoe stores ever.

Please link to school shoes online. (I actually bumped this thread hoping you'd respond.)
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 6:09 pm
The Jewish online clothing sites are even worse than in-store shopping. When I receive emails about new arrivals, I just click to take a look. I would order if something catches my eye, why not? I don't have pressure to buy yet, though. I didn't order anything yet, cuz within MINUTES of the email, most sizes are sold out. Nuts.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 6:23 pm
I didnt buy pesach clothes for my kids in February. The week after purim when I went to the store they didnt have a single thing in my kids sizes
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 6:27 pm
amother [ Grape ] wrote:
The Jewish online clothing sites are even worse than in-store shopping. When I receive emails about new arrivals, I just click to take a look. I would order if something catches my eye, why not? I don't have pressure to buy yet, though. I didn't order anything yet, cuz within MINUTES of the email, most sizes are sold out. Nuts.

Yup. Who remembers the belati thread. Wait, they’re launching soon and will be sold out 7 mins after.
It’s like the sky is falling down, every new season. People have forgotten to live in the moment, plus the frum population has grown by leaps and bounds.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 7:08 pm
Hashem_n_Farfel wrote:
OMG I forgot about that.

We’re broke right about now so maybe will push it off to next week. My son doesn’t need much just a bigger coat and the next size winter clothes. Idk how tall my kid is gonna be by the time winter comes so might as well go to kidichic and tottini and get everything in size 2 or 3 since he’s almost an inch taller than most kids his age.

For a coat, I like to wait until Columbus Day. Gap and old navy have really great deals then. It never gets too cold before that regardless.
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Post Wed, Aug 04 2021, 9:17 pm
Hashem_n_Farfel wrote:
OMG I forgot about that.

We’re broke right about now so maybe will push it off to next week. My son doesn’t need much just a bigger coat and the next size winter clothes. Idk how tall my kid is gonna be by the time winter comes so might as well go to kidichic and tottini and get everything in size 2 or 3 since he’s almost an inch taller than most kids his age.

Just order from regular stores in a few months you will save money.
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