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Spin off- chicken on the bone?
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Wed, May 11 2022, 5:20 pm
For those who are that easily grossed out I recommend you not to eat in an israeli house for Shabbos. The chance you'll get chicken is very high and yes, a vast majority is one the bone.
*Never* go to cooking school. You'll be dealing with raw chickens from all angles, descaling whole fish, removing fish intestines and fins and peeling cooked beef tongues. LOL
But that's nothing compared to the girl who went to work in a french restaurant as an apprentice after cooking school. The first day they put her to pull out the feathers from newly slaughtered chickens! LOL LOL
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 5:32 pm
Why can’t an adult not like chicken on the bone? Why does that have to be associated with kids? I do not enjoy the texture of dark meat even if it’s been cut off the bone. And yes when I’ve tried to eat white meat that wasn’t deboned I lost my appetite when I got to the bone. What’s with all the judgements, sheesh!

Did you know there are some adults who don’t like chocolate? Some don’t like bananas, some don’t like tomatoes etc.

Who cares?! What does it affect you?

Signed a picky eater who does not expect anyone to cater to them and is perfectly content to eat just challah at a meal if I don’t like anything (which rarely happens).
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 5:36 pm
It is a silly argument because as people point out, boneless breast of chicken is generally prepared differently than a chicken breast with the bone.

You can’t sauté a breast with a bone the way you can a boneless chicken breast but you don’t generally roast a boneless chicken breast because it dries out and isn’t as tasty.

If you hammer a boneless chicken breast so it is thinner it will cook differently than if you use a breast that is boneless but not hammered to be thinner. So different recipes for the best results.

Dark meat chicken is generally used for different recipes than white meat because cooking time is different and doesn’t dry out as easily as white meat chicken. In general it is better for dishes that will be reheated as reheating white meat often makes it less palatable.

If someone doesn’t like bones to remind them they are eating animals 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ that is a different issue.

But to say you like a cutlet and not a breast or not a tender or vice versa is ridiculous because they are the same meat. Of course one can prefer certain recipes or methods of preparation.

ETA The reason you can roast a chicken with bones with better results is thst bones contain collagen which melt down when the chicken is roasted over a longer period of time. As the collagen melts it permeates the chicken meat and gives it succulence and additional flavor. 🐓🐓🐓 It is also why braised meat with bones is so succulent.

Of course there is a difference in taste and texture between dark meat chicken and white meat chicken. White meat comes from the breast and dark meat comes from the legs. Dark meat has a stronger taste and is generally oilier because there are pockets of fat which are impossible to remove completely. Chicken breast is essentially without fat especially if there is no skin. And people generally prefer one to the other which is why people are asked whether they want legs or breast if it is a whole bird. I like both depending on the recipe but I am pretty omnivorous and have never been accused of being a picky eater althiugh I do think I have a discriminating palate. 😇😇😂😂

Cutlets always mean white meat boneless chicken o breasts in a recipe. If for some reason a recipe uses boneless chicken thighs it is specified and the recipe doesn’t state cutlets. Cutlets are always breast meat which is always white meat. That is from the Victorian prudes who thought it was impolite to mention breasts and legs in polite society at the table. 😱😱😱

Last edited by Amarante on Wed, May 11 2022, 6:18 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 5:58 pm
I’m almost 32 years old.

I absolutely despise chicken thighs (dark) with the bone or without the bone.

I love chicken breast (white).

2 diff things. It’s like comparing apples & bananas.

Fyi I prepare it once a week for dh and dds who love it.

I made chicken paprikash last night.
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:12 pm
I think it’s spoiled and babyish to not eat chicken on the bone. My husband used to not want it but I didn't stand for it. It's healthy cheap and easy to make and no reason not to eat it. Grow up and get over your squishmishness
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:13 pm
amother [ Charcoal ] wrote:
I think it’s spoiled and babyish to not eat chicken on the bone. My husband used to not want it but I didn't stand for it. It's healthy cheap and easy to make and no reason not to eat it. Grow up and get over your squishmishness

Lucky for you (and me) I’m not your husband so my food preferences are none of your business.
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:16 pm
amother [ Maple ] wrote:
How old an adult?
45 years olds or this generation of sensitive, frail, and self-indulgent 23 year olds?

I'm 24 and I eat chicken on the bone without an problem
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:16 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I keep reading or hearing about people who wont eat chicken on the bone. I dont get it. The chicken tastes the same! It is the same exact thing. Why cant you cut it off yourself?
Can someone explain this whole thing?

They absolutely do not taste the same. I happen to eat both, but they taste very very different.
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:17 pm
amother [ Buttercup ] wrote:
I'm 24 and I eat chicken on the bone without an problem

Lol age has nothing to do with food preferences!
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:20 pm
amother [ Maple ] wrote:
How old an adult?
45 years olds or this generation of sensitive, frail, and self-indulgent 23 year olds?

Hi I’m a “frail sensitive self indulgent” 21 year old with a baby living in a different country than my family with a full time job and I happen to be an excellent cook who prefers chicken on the bone. Cutlets are considered non gourmet in the real world they are for kids and imho a rlly yeshivish thing. Also no one calls them cutlets. It’s chicken breast or tenders.
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:22 pm
shabbatiscoming wrote:
For those who say cutlets taste different than chicken on the bone, you do all realize that a cutlet is just a chicken breast banged down to be not so thick?

Still has a different taste. Like I said, I actually prefer on the bone, but no one else does. But the bone does give a different taste. And it's more about aesthetics - they don't like the look of bones, it looks too much like an animal.
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:25 pm
amother [ Charcoal ] wrote:
I think it’s spoiled and babyish to not eat chicken on the bone. My husband used to not want it but I didn't stand for it. It's healthy cheap and easy to make and no reason not to eat it. Grow up and get over your squishmishness

You treat him like he’s ur son.
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:28 pm
shabbatiscoming wrote:
For those who say cutlets taste different than chicken on the bone, you do all realize that a cutlet is just a chicken breast banged down to be not so thick?

Chicken on the bone = the dark meat from the thighs and legs.
Chicken cutlet = the white meat from the breast

Completely different.

And if you're referring to eating a whole roasted chicken breast vs a cutlet - it does end up with a completely different texture. You still can't compare even if it started off as the same meat.
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:28 pm
amother [ Candycane ] wrote:
Why can’t an adult not like chicken on the bone? Why does that have to be associated with kids? I do not enjoy the texture of dark meat even if it’s been cut or the bone. And yes when I’ve tried to eat white meat that wasn’t deboned I lost my appetite when I got to the bone. What’s with all the judgements, sheesh!

Did you know there are some adults who don’t like chocolate? Some don’t like bananas, some don’t like tomatoes etc.

Who cares?! What does it affect you?

Signed a picky eater who does not expect anyone to cater to them and is perfectly content to eat just challah at a meal if I don’t like anything (which rarely happens).

You won't like my POV but I will try to say it was gently as I can.
IMHO kids are the ones who haven't yet gotten used to a wide range of foods and adult tastes. It's common for kids not to like a certain thing and later on they start to like it. You got to train yourself to get used to different foods so to speak.
It's common that one doesn't like a certain type of fruit or vegetable etc. But there is a difference between not being crazy about a certain fruit or spice and being picky about a lot of different foods which are common to eat in those circles (chicken on the bone in israel is only one example)
And yes, people care. If I invite a number of adult guests and a majority of them are picky not eating this and that except for things that can be found on a kid's menu then I will draw my conclusions (which are that the guests are coming from homes where they haven't learned to eat and appreciate adult food nor do they have an interest to expand their culinary knowledge.
To be frank is see it as kind of a handicap. IMHO there's no virtue in being a picky eater.
A kids which is a picky eater is easier to forgive than an adult.
There. I said it.
Awaiting the tomatoes to be hurled.
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:29 pm
When I was a kid I liked chicken on the bone and not white meat. As an adult I reversed my preferences. I can’t explain why but that’s what happened. As I said previously, age has nothing to do with this.
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:37 pm
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
You won't like my POV but I will try to say it was gently as I can.
IMHO kids are the ones who haven't yet gotten used to a wide range of foods and adult tastes. It's common for kids not to like a certain thing and later on they start to like it. You got to train yourself to get used to different foods so to speak.
It's common that one doesn't like a certain type of fruit or vegetable etc. But there is a difference between not being crazy about a certain fruit or spice and being picky about a lot of different foods which are common to eat in those circles (chicken on the bone in israel is only one example)
And yes, people care. If I invite a number of adult guests and a majority of them are picky not eating this and that except for things that can be found on a kid's menu then I will draw my conclusions (which are that the guests are coming from homes where they haven't learned to eat and appreciate adult food nor do they have an interest to expand their culinary knowledge.
To be frank is see it as kind of a handicap. IMHO there's no virtue in being a picky eater.
A kids which is a picky eater is easier to forgive than an adult.
There. I said it.
Awaiting the tomatoes to be hurled.

So don’t invite people if you’re going to get offended/annoyed by their food preferences 🤷‍♀️ We have friends that we invite often and before the first time we had them the husband warned my DH that his wife was very picky and may not eat anything. Guess what, sometimes she eats everything we make and sometimes she barely eats anything. Not my problem. We enjoy having them and they enjoy coming and what she chooses to put her mouth has no bearing on that 🤷‍♀️

And yes as I became an adult my palette did expand and there are many things I make or eat elsewhere that I didn’t eat as a kid. I love spicy food. A lot of people I know don’t. Does that make them kids?

To me it seems more of a “handicap” to be judgmental about personal preferences that people have then the actual personal preferences they have. But maybe that’s just me. I was raised in a home where we are accepting of all sorts of people Smile
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:40 pm
amother [ Charcoal ] wrote:
I think it’s spoiled and babyish to not eat chicken on the bone. My husband used to not want it but I didn't stand for it. It's healthy cheap and easy to make and no reason not to eat it. Grow up and get over your squishmishness

It's not spoiled or babyish to not like certain foods. It has nothing to do with needing to grow up. It's human nature to have food preferences.
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:42 pm
amother [ Candycane ] wrote:
When I was a kid I liked chicken on the bone and not white meat. As an adult I reversed my preferences. I can’t explain why but that’s what happened. As I said previously, age has nothing to do with this.

Age has everything to do with this.
Picky kids is one thing. They haven't grown up yet.Picky adults can usually train themselves to new tastes *if* they want to.
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:43 pm
I prefer cutlets but I do eat both I never used to eat meat at all but I started eating chicken cutlets later on in life and now I eat both
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Post Wed, May 11 2022, 6:44 pm
amother [ Gardenia ] wrote:
You treat him like he’s ur son.

I do no such thing.
I'm the one cooking dinner and I'm not twisting myself into a pretzel trying to find 6 different recipes for chicken breast to make every single night because meat's too expensive and he doesn't eat fish or dairy due to allergies. (I did that the entire shana rishona and never again.)

Besides the fact that chicken on the bone is about 1/4 of the price of chicken breast and way way easier to make. Throw on some sauce and bake for 2 hours and it's soft and delicious. Nothing not to like.

And it's not like he doesn't actually like the taste because he has no problem eating if it remove the skin and bones before I serve it.

And I think it's good for kids to be exposed to it as a normal filling healthy food to be eaten regularly and not grow up thinking it's "ew."

Most people don't actually not like the taste, the ways someone might not like spicy food etc. Most people don't like it due to the ich factor of the skin and bones, and that I believe is babyish and immature
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