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More frum neighbors? Or cheaper house?
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More frum neighbors? Or cheaper house?
Option 1  
 40%  [ 50 ]
Option 2  
 59%  [ 74 ]
Total Votes : 124



Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 7:55 am
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 7:56 am
Also the difference of you working full time versus part time on your kids’ lives is major. Do not underestimate that.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 8:06 am
Option B. We were the first frum family on our block. The next block over had one family and the next nothing. This week we got our last frum neighbor . Every house has been bought off on my block by frum families. I would’ve never dreamed it would happen , and it happened so fast. When I bought my home it was considered so far out and away from everything, but as the frum communities began to expand and spread , it is majority all frum now. My home also more than doubled in value due to the demand.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 8:09 am
Option B.
Quality of life.
I prefer privacy than having ton of neighbors.
Kids dont necessarily mesh with their neighbors, they'll make friends at school and they bond much more with siblings when there aren't a ton of neighbors they play with.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 8:13 am
I think it depends on your family dynamics. Are your kids close in age and do they play well together? Or further apart and always going to be asking for playdates?

You might find all your spare time is spent ferrying them to friends houses and back.

Is there an option C?
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 8:13 am
Definitely B. I grew up in a Frum neighborhood but wasn’t good friends w any of them as most didn’t go to my school. If there is a shul nearby and frum families walking distance definitely go for it.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 8:16 am
I voted option 1 but alot depends on your family's needs.
I moved 5 years ago to a house in a very popular frum neighborhood. As they say, location, location, location. My house IS adequate in size for my family's needs. But my sister bought a house for same price range far out - much bigger house, huge property, pool, and loads of extra amenities.

For us, living in a neighborhood we love was worth more than extras that my family does not need. I don't think my sister's neighborhood will ever be like mine. But her family enjoys their house, etc...everyone has different needs.

And yes, when I see what my house is worth now that the market has gone nuts, it's mind boggling.....I don't think it will lose it's value. Her house has gone up significantly too.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 8:18 am
amother Mustard wrote:
Definitely B. I grew up in a Frum neighborhood but wasn’t good friends w any of them as most didn’t go to my school. If there is a shul nearby and frum families walking distance definitely go for it.

Interesting, I grew up same. But my kids are different. My DD doesn't go to same school as neighbors, and yet she has a full active social life with the neighbors after school and on Shabbos, that I can't even place a value on...

Plus a block or two out, she has two classmates, and it's wonderful for carpools and emergency needing of notes during test times and study sessions...
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Rubber Ducky


Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 8:29 am
I vote B so at this point in your children's lives you will be a less frazzled Mommy and more available to them.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 8:45 am
It depends alot on the size and condition of each house. That plays a major role too
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 9:02 am
Option B, at least if it's anything like my area.

You said it likely won't attract more families- why do you say that?

I bought this year on what I was told over and over was the far out side of town, less Jews, I'd have to do the long walk over for shabbos playdates, etc. Was expecting a desert.

Turns out the far away side had grown so much people still called it that but there were more frum Jews than I thought. And within a month a frum person closed across the street from me and another one down the block. Someone just moved in the next block out too. My younger kids do have block friends, but just one is fine. And it's ok if they cut through yards to get to around the corner friends. The bigger kids can walk wherever. As for the walking yes we did that a bit in the beginning to promote friendships but then the other kids also wanted their parents to walk them to my house.

Also six months later bh bh my house is valued at almost 150k higher than paid, yes in this difficult market.

If you move to a growing area, you have it in the bag with option B. Which is why I'm curious why you say more families won't move in? Unless you're talking about the outskirts of areas in queens or Brooklyn , I don't really see that happening.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 9:27 am
amother Crystal wrote:
I voted for option 2 because I don’t like being near people, plain and simple.

An amother after my own heart Hug
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 10:44 am
We chose option B. We like our privacy, and plan play dates or Shabbos meals with families on other blocks.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 11:16 am
I would only choose Option B if there's potential for growth as a yiddish neighborhood. We did that and since we moved in, another 4 yidden bought on our block and moved in, giving my kids more neighbors. This has also caused our house value to go up in price much more than if there was no chance of the neighborhood grwoing.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 12:54 pm
Several years ago I chose option B, and I don't regret it. I live out of town though, it's not a situation of buying in Jackson vs the center of Lakewood or something- in my area I am the last block with frum people, at the far end of the neighborhood, but the walk from my end to the opposite end is only 10 minutes, so my situation probably doesn't compare to yours. Ironically, I chose this block because I loved the house vs the other options in our budget, but mostly because there was a girl my oldests' age that seemed like such a cute shidduch and I thought it would be really good for her. However, they never meshed, and my daughter walks across the neighborhood every shabbos to her friends, and has nothing to do with the girl on the block, despite my early efforts in getting them to hang out. I guess my point is that even if you buy on a block and assume it will be good for your kids, it might not necessarily end up like that, although your kids will probably be fine.
This all being said, I don't believe the option B house doesn't have potential to grow. Any area now that is affordable, has a few frum people, that is walking distance to a shul, will very likely grow, and fast!
Last question - which house do you like better? Is the cheaper house also the better house?
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 1:11 pm
naturalmom5 wrote:
If option A grows faster, its a better investment

Your house will double in price fast and your take out equity instead of workIng more

Exactly. Frum areas have housing that’s way more valuable price wise
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 5:38 pm
I grew up with option 2, it was great. I still had friends in the community and at some point was old enough to walk myself over.

More frum people did not move in to our block (strange to me that people would assume that more Jews automatically move everywhere), but again, plenty in the neighborhood.

I think that when it comes down to it, having a parent around more is more important than having frum kids next door.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 7:07 pm
There is no guarantee that your children will like and want to play with the neighbours. So if you’re happy with being a bit further out then go with that. As another poster said, if it’s cheaper other people will be attracted to it as well and it’s likely to grow.
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Post Wed, Jan 04 2023, 7:57 pm
I currently live in the option b situation and I absolutely HATE it. We initially took that option bec cheaper rent as well as a few other reasons I'm not going into right now. But I see that my son is lonely bec none of the kids are his grade and his personality needs kids his age. We are hoping to move to an option a home in the next bit bec we know that at the end of the day, we can send my son out to play with the kids on the block and have more then the same 2 kids to play with all the time or only girls to play with.

Also, with my personality I know that I need to be in more of an option a situation but that's just bec I'm am that type of person.
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Post Thu, Jan 05 2023, 11:53 am
A friend of mine said that people who rent in the area buy out the area and people who rent out the area buy in the area.
We would have done option b if it had come up, but I wasn't willing to buy a small house and live out the area (and pay a similar price). But for me living near people wasn't one of my factors. My kids have each other and that is enough most of the time.
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