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Don't want surgery or meds
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Post Mon, Feb 20 2023, 11:08 pm
amother Cobalt wrote:
Have you tried a keto type diet? It was the only thing that worked for me, after trying almost every other diet. It’s amazing, it kills all the hunger and cravings.

I can only try something if I know I can keep it up long term, otherwise I'll just gain back everything plus as soon as I get off the diet. Are you still on keto?
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Post Mon, Feb 20 2023, 11:09 pm
amother Cobalt wrote:
Have you tried a keto type diet? It was the only thing that worked for me, after trying almost every other diet. It’s amazing, it kills all the hunger and cravings.

Yes keto is the only thing that works for me, but I'm not able to stick with it long term. Absolutely does not kill cravings in the slightest, I always end up falling off the wagon.
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Post Mon, Feb 20 2023, 11:13 pm
amother Heather wrote:
This is still painful surgery

Im curious what you mean by that. Do you know someone who did it? It seems quite painless amd simple. Yes I watched the clip, and no I dont recommend anyone watch it. Its gross. But, I think it said the first 2 weeks to just drink liquids so as not to irritate the throat, but otherwise I didn't think it seemed painful.
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Post Mon, Feb 20 2023, 11:16 pm
I know someone who did the duodenal switch and lost all his weight super fast.
I think it’s similar to the sleeve and gastric bypass together.
To be honest, I did the lap band many years ago it never helped me. 3 years ago I had it removed cuz I was in a good place, over Covid I gained 50 pounds and been on the struggle boat ever since. I workout and eat right and the weight is just not coming off. This is a lifetime struggle, even when you do surgery or take medication it will still be hard to maintain. Gotta choose your hard..
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Post Mon, Feb 20 2023, 11:23 pm
amother OP wrote:
Yes keto is the only thing that works for me, but I'm not able to stick with it long term. Absolutely does not kill cravings in the slightest, I always end up falling off the wagon.

I have read tons of books and articles on weight loss. The statistics are really abysmal for keeping weight off. Over 80% of people don't succeed. This is why it's so important to change your lifestyle, find healthy foods you like, incorporate exercise that you like, etc.

Because it's a lifelong commitment, it's nearly impossible to maintain the exact weight forever. There are stages in life that are too busy, stressful, and not conducive to weight loss. Obviously it's a huge priority at all times. But you have to choose it every day. Cool and eat healthy. Sleep well. Stress also increases weight. There are times that will be harder for weight loss. Metabolism continues to slow down every year you age.

Weight fluctuates. I highly recommend reading atomic habits. That book showed me that all the motivation in the world is useless without a concrete plan. You can't just say I'll eat healthy or I'll exercise. You have to plan "I will exercise Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7am in my living room. You have to plan what you are going to eat and where and how or you'll just come home starving and eat anything. It isn't about the goal, it's about the journey. You're never done, even if you reach your goal weight.
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 12:18 am
amother Tiffanyblue wrote:
I tried very hard to lose weight for a long time. I cooked all my meals at home and had protein at every meal, ate the correct amount of calories for weight loss, exercised daily. I lost a couple of pounds over a few months but there was no movement. I used a health couch, paid for another app, tried tons of stuff. My doctor told me to try weight loss medication. I did not bring it up and really was hesitant as I didn't want the weight to just come right back on. She said she has seen mixed results and suggested I do it as long as I continue my healthy habits.

I have lost a lot of weight since starting medication. I am worried about when I stop it. But I am hoping my motivation of the weight I lost will keep my cravings and portions in check. I am already eating very healthy and do not keep any junk food in my house. The only thing that would really change is that I would eat more of the healthy food and go over my calorie limit.

For me, weight loss was not happening and I do not know why. I was so careful for so many months and had the right ratio of protein/veggies/carbs, drank tons of water, exercised. My doctor ran every blood test and everything was normal so there was no reason why I was not losing weight.

I do not know yet if I am against medication. I was against it but now that I am on it with no side effects and have lost a lot of weight, I have yet to see. The true test is if in a year or two, I have succeeded in maintaining the weight I lost while on medication.

What medication are you talking about? I'm looking into medication.
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 2:28 am
I am about 80 lbs overweight
I have been up and down my entire life-mostly up. I am 45
I exersize but sticking to a diet- I just cant do it long term. it just does not happen for a variety of reasons.
I did not want to do surgery. I know so many people who regret it.
about 5 weeks ago I started saxsenda shots and BH its working!
I don't care about eating anymore. its a miracle for me. a true miracle. the side effects are minimal.
I have lost 20 lbs easily. and I plan to stay on this for as long as I can.
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 4:05 am
I did the sleeve 3.5 years ago. Had 90 pounds to lose. Lost a total of 40. Gained 20 back. No matter what I did. I’m so glad for the people it worked for. But it’s not a be all and end end all for most people and I know I’m not original. Very depressing.
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 7:23 am
I’m holding at a 60lb Weightloss almost 2 yrs now
It took me about 9 months to lose the weight
But I do know the second I get off the program I go back to horrible eating habits and start gaining
So for me I need it to be a life long change
A little in moderation doesn’t work for me
The amount of support you get from this program is unreal
It’s real food, abundant amount, and yummy.
It works for me.
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 7:28 am
amother Iris wrote:
I am about 80 lbs overweight
I have been up and down my entire life-mostly up. I am 45
I exersize but sticking to a diet- I just cant do it long term. it just does not happen for a variety of reasons.
I did not want to do surgery. I know so many people who regret it.
about 5 weeks ago I started saxsenda shots and BH its working!
I don't care about eating anymore. its a miracle for me. a true miracle. the side effects are minimal.
I have lost 20 lbs easily. and I plan to stay on this for as long as I can.

Wow. So interesting. 20 lbs in 5 weeks is alot! Good for you. How do I found out more about saxsenda? Will a regular Dr be willing to give it or it needs to be some sort of specialist?
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 8:39 am
I'm down 80+ lbs. from the Fast Metabolism Diet, has been a life changer for me. I was very overweight and struggled with many diets. This is a way of life, not a diet....
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 10:55 am
Please read this article in full:

Regarding surgery- not only is it invasive but it very very often leads to nutrient deficiencies since salad takes up more room than carbs, etc. People also get dehydrated more frequently. In short, you'll get skinnier but not healthier. Overall health does not improve for most people.

Regarding medication- medications do seem quite promising but we don't know enough about them yet to know their long-term effects. It's certainly a better option than surgery. The question is still if it's overall good for your health.

The best thing generally is to focus on health and ignore size. Eat healthy food, keep active, and ignore the scale. If your clothes don't fit you, buy bigger clothes. Stop judging yourself based on how big you are.
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 11:36 am
amother Wallflower wrote:
I'm down 80+ lbs. from the Fast Metabolism Diet, has been a life changer for me. I was very overweight and struggled with many diets. This is a way of life, not a diet....

Wow… 80 pounds!! I wish I could lose even 25 lbs…
Do you feel hungry when following this diet? Is it hard on shabbos? Do you ever cheat?
Is the only way to understand what to eat by reading a book?
What do you eat everyday?
I wouldn’t even know how to start.. it sounds so complicated and restrictive.
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 3:29 pm
amother OP wrote:
Yes keto is the only thing that works for me, but I'm not able to stick with it long term. Absolutely does not kill cravings in the slightest, I always end up falling off the wagon.

I was a size 0 in my 20s. Then I got hypothyroid
If I’m not on keto then I’m gaining weight!
I’ve gone on and off keto a few times now.
I have lots of weight to lose and am wondering if I should go back on keto again. I hate this cycle!
But regular dieting just doesn’t seem to work for me
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 4:04 pm
After exhausting many methods
Dieting , excersize , nutrition programmes … even resorting to eating only veggies for a week , which is mentally I guess not ok! I finally realised I can’t do this without intervention
Ozempic literally changed my life! Mentally and physically !
I am slowly trying to wean myself off , but just like diabetes , weight gain and obesity can be a chronic disease , and I also have to accept I may need to be on it forever
Although on a very low dose now and still loosing !
I’m surprised your doctor said there are many risks
My doctor was so pro Ozempic , and even went through the many health benefits it adds to our organs like kidneys and the liver

The thing I love about Ozempic , is that it took the “ pressure “ off weigh loss
It does a lot of the work for you by sending all the right messages to your brain
So even if you not in the head space ,or finding the whole process daunting , this literally puts you in the mindset , especially when you stray to loose ! The best motivator

For me though I also needed medication to loose weight and set my hormones straight as dieting and excersize , even if I was doing it , was not working !
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 4:09 pm
amother Indigo wrote:
After exhausting many methods
Dieting , excersize , nutrition programmes … even resorting to eating only veggies for a week , which is mentally I guess not ok! I finally realised I can’t do this without intervention
Ozempic literally changed my life! Mentally and physically !
I am slowly trying to wean myself off , but just like diabetes , weight gain and obesity can be a chronic disease , and I also have to accept I may need to be on it forever
Although on a very low dose now and still loosing !
I’m surprised your doctor said there are many risks
My doctor was so pro Ozempic , and even went through the many health benefits it adds to our organs like kidneys and the liver

The thing I love about Ozempic , is that it took the “ pressure “ off weigh loss
It does a lot of the work for you by sending all the right messages to your brain
So even if you not in the head space ,or finding the whole process daunting , this literally puts you in the mindset , especially when you stray to loose ! The best motivator

For me though I also needed medication to loose weight and set my hormones straight as dieting and excersize , even if I was doing it , was not working !

So what happens? You just don’t feel hungry?
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 5:23 pm
amother Heather wrote:
Wow… 80 pounds!! I wish I could lose even 25 lbs…
Do you feel hungry when following this diet? Is it hard on shabbos? Do you ever cheat?
Is the only way to understand what to eat by reading a book?
What do you eat everyday?
I wouldn’t even know how to start.. it sounds so complicated and restrictive.

No I don't feel hungry at all. This diet says DIET stands for Did I eat today?
You get to eat 5 times daily. 3 meals and 2 snacks. It works very well with Shabbos.
It's not complicated or restrictive. You don't have to read the whole book. As long as you read the do"s the don't s and the 3 phases, you should be good....
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Post Tue, Feb 21 2023, 5:30 pm
amother Heather wrote:
So what happens? You just don’t feel hungry?

Well there’s a few things that go on
For me it was more than just not eating a lot , because I already was not eating a lot

But it gets your levels right , sugar levels etc
I don’t know all the medical terms and nitty gritty
My doc did explain to me in detail and made so much sense

But say I would feel like a “treat “ I would prob land up eating half of what I would have
Like even a chocolate bar , after half iv had enough , where in the past I would prob have eaten the whole thing
Like I said in simple terms … it sends the right messages to your brain
Less cravings , full quicker

You still have to put in the work though
Like over Sukkos I put on 4 pounds
Difference is that was able to loose that in a week after Sukkos by going back to my normal routine
In the past that would have stayed with me for months or forever
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Post Tue, Mar 14 2023, 9:31 am
amother Wallflower wrote:
I'm down 80+ lbs. from the Fast Metabolism Diet, has been a life changer for me. I was very overweight and struggled with many diets. This is a way of life, not a diet....

Just came back here to thank you! I ordered the book when u posted this. I'm on day 2 of week 3 now and so far I've lost 5 lbs. I know it's not alot and I have 50 more to go but I feel like a different person. I feel lighter on my feet, I have more energy and am much more focused throughout the day. I don't find it too hard, only phase 2 is pretty annoying. But I know that its only for 2 days so it keeps me going. I really hope this will help me reach my goal in afew months iyh.
Thank You again.
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Post Tue, Mar 14 2023, 10:23 am
Ozenpic has serious side effects. Don't let your family make your medical decisions.
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