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What do we need? Swing, bouncer, exersaucer, playpen?
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Post Tue, Jul 01 2008, 2:04 pm
Every baby likes different things. My ds is crazy about his exersaucer. He started using it when he was 3 months old (they have to be able to hold their head up) and hasn't left it since! It's my best friend and it is the only way I can leave him alone for a few minutes without worrying that he is getting into trouble.
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red sea


Post Tue, Jul 01 2008, 4:10 pm
My opinion is that for many the swing is a lifesaver. Especially the ones that rock side to side like a cradle. A bouncer is shorter term and you could easily use the swing or a playmat instead. The exersaucer is great for a very short time & really big for storage. The main use of a packnplay is for when you travel.
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Post Tue, Jul 01 2008, 11:44 pm
in my opinion a swing and bouncer are pretty similar, so there isn't really a reason to get both. and there are so many different kinds available, I've seen things that are more a bouncer than a swing but that rock from side to side. it really depends what functions you're looking for. but I can't see why one baby would need both.
I used a swing with my baby, he loved it! he could see what was going on, and when he was tired it soothed him when I couldn't hold him and he wouldn't sleep in his cot.
like others have mentioned, you do want to have different places to put a baby. when mine was newborn, I put him in the pram. once he was a little older I put a few blankets down and put him on the floor, either on his tummy or back, with a few toys sprinkled around.
about the exersaucer. my mil was convinced every baby needs one, so they bought one for us. we used it a bit, it was good for when I wanted him to be in one place and not moving around. but I wouldn't say it's a necessity.
often the simplest toys are the best, keeping the baby occupied and stimulated.
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Post Wed, Jul 02 2008, 12:20 am
Are you confused enough yet? LOL
My take on this:
A swing is much more valuable than a bouncy seat. It moves by itself and you will really need it once in a while in the beginning.

Exersaucer- those things are HUGE! We have a doorway jumper that we hang on an over-the-door hook when it's not in use. I can't even begin to fathom WHERE we'd put an Exersaucer, and our apt isn't tiny.

Playpen- I think that's important. I have had to put my babies in it when I washed floors. Not only did I not want them eating/touching the mop, but also the full bucket is a drowning danger.

I have used the playpen when going away. I have used it to put the kids for naps in another room. I also liked the changing station attachment on the playpen. And I have DEFINITELY used it to protect the new baby from the claws of his toddler brother! Wink

Um, can I advise about burp cloths, even though you didn't ask?
They're a waste. I actually use them for washcloths now so they aren't a complete waste... but for spit-up, do you think a 4x7 inch piece of cloth will be sufficient? I stocked up on receiving blankets. They are pretty large, soft flannel material, and come in the cuuutest prints! LOL
I used, and still use, them for everything! I use them now to line the bed before changing a dirty diaper. For babies I used them for burps/spit-up, emergency blankets, protection from dirty surfaces (if ever you'll need to put the baby down on the couch in the pediatrician's waiting room...)
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Post Wed, Jul 02 2008, 12:53 am
I also find that the cloths sold as burp cloths are thin and useless. I actually buy cloth diapers to use as burp cloths. They are bigger and much more absorbent.

ETA: I really needed the swing tonight. Dd was in the bouncer while we ate dinner, and she got really kvetchy. Dh ended up holding her while I finished eating. Then he had to go study for an exam and I had to do the dishes. Dd started screaming as soon as I put her back in the bouncer. She calmed down once I put her in the swing, and I was able to get a whole bunch of things done.
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Post Wed, Jul 02 2008, 1:04 am
Of the products you listed, the swing and bouncy seat were the best for my kids. I guess if I only had to choose one, I'd choose swing. But both of them were very helpful for all three of mine
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Post Wed, Jul 02 2008, 10:07 am
I'll have a crib fromt he time the baby is born. Will I need a packnplay ever, in your opinion, then?

And why would I want both a swing AND a bouncy seat? What's the difference in terms of when I'd put baby in one over the other?

And do I need an exersaucer if I get a packnplay?

Full size crib is fine, I just want the baby in my room so it has to be smaller. A pack n play you will only need then if you go away & the place doesnt have a crib for you to use.

A swing is better than a bouncy seat because it moves alone. I find that my newborn wont sit as long in the bouncy seat - its boring, even with the music.

An exersaucer is different than a pack n play. Its a seat that the baby goes in but ends up standing (kinda like the old walkers but stays in place) with a base & tray with toys. Keeps the baby occupied for quite a while.
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Post Wed, Jul 02 2008, 12:15 pm
What I enjoyed was-

infant seat
mobil for ontop of crib
porta crib(ds is a toddler and still sleeps in it, shes petite, you can always transition to a toddler bed or high riser with rail at a certain age)
the jumper(you attach to the door and jump-kids love it)
the exasaucer takes up a lot of room but if you have a content baby and have room then go for it
try to borrow a swing from someone and see if baby likes it
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