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S/o losing weight. Are you overweight because you weren't ed
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Post Mon, Jun 05 2023, 12:04 pm
No. My nutritional education is superb. Knowing doesn't mean being willing.
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Post Mon, Jun 05 2023, 12:04 pm
amother Hibiscus wrote:
I would go one step further.
90% of moms who educate have fat kids. Why? Because it's genetic. The same reason they are into it because they need it, their kids need it as well. Nothing to do with education. Total genetics.

Another important fact is that when parents (or spouse or anyone else) gets on their family member’s case to lose weight, many times it will have the opposite effect and cause the person to eat more (closet eating or not). So if anyone here struggles with a child or spouse being overweight, please know that getting on their case about it, even with the best intentions (which of course it is), will NOT work. Quite the opposite. The only way is by getting to the source of the issue, whether physical (thyroid or other issue) or emotional.
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Post Mon, Jun 05 2023, 12:12 pm
amother Cantaloupe wrote:
Thyroid health and obesity "genes" have a whole lot to do with food, even if you're not eating a lot of it.

Ok. can you be so kind and tell us what to do about it, instead of throwing out random, vague sentences, which reek of blame too?
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Post Mon, Jun 05 2023, 12:15 pm
amother Pistachio wrote:
Ok. can you be so kind and tell us what to do about it, instead of throwing out random, vague sentences, which reek of blame too?
I'm really not sure why you're defensive. I'm ch"v not looking to blame anyone. I am overweight myself, was overweight as a child, and am a parent of overweight children. I find information empowering. If you're truly interested, you may find this book helpful https://www.amazon.com/Thyroid.....r=8-3
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Post Mon, Jun 05 2023, 12:16 pm
I have a masters in nutrition, yet I am still overweight.

Amazing isn’t it? Maybe they should revoke my degree.

Chocolate and cake are delicious!!!
It is easier to grab cookies than make a salad.
Eating is social-especially if the people in your life are sweet eaters
My job is sedentary.

I could write a book
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Post Mon, Jun 05 2023, 12:24 pm
amother Blue wrote:
No. Education would not have helped. I was educated about health. My mother stuffed it down my throat. Made me feel bad for eating anything under the sun. And not things that were necessarily bad. She always put me down because I was always overweight.
So, no, education would not have helped. I knew it and know it all. But because of all of that shame, I became a closet eater and a major emotional eater. Education would not have done anything.

You weren’t educated. You were shamed and deprived.
Look at Alyssum’s posts. She had dieting advice shoved in her face as a child. That’s not education. Now she’s getting herself educated and finding it helpful.
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Post Mon, Jun 05 2023, 1:08 pm
amother Gold wrote:
You weren’t educated. You were shamed and deprived.
Look at Alyssum’s posts. She had dieting advice shoved in her face as a child. That’s not education. Now she’s getting herself educated and finding it helpful.

Meaning, as I grew up, I knew what I should or should not eat. But that didnt matter. I ate what I wanted to because I could.
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Post Mon, Jun 05 2023, 1:27 pm
Psychology is a part of weight gain that is often overlooked.

We all have hard to break habits due to well established mental models . Since kids we are rewarded with sweets. Later on, we reward or punish ourselves with food.

That's why therapy also helps with weight loss, you have to break the type of connection you have with food. Food should be satisfying and nourishing, not a source of guilt, or reward and punishment.
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Post Mon, Jun 05 2023, 2:28 pm
amother Tiffanyblue wrote:
Education solely is not enough.

Healthy eating habits at home and exercise though make a difference.

Children will eat whatever food they get at home, if there's nosh at home of course they will eat, just like we would.

I grew up in a home where we had plenty of nosh available and cakes etc and I was a very average/ slim child, I didn’t eat it a lot at all because I knew it was there when I wanted. It was the kids who did NOT have nosh and “unhealthy” snacks that came to my house after school and raided our closet while I stood there wondering why they were so desperate to eat these things.

I find the opposite is true. The kids who don’t have sweets etc at home are way more desperate for it and will find ways to access it. That’s not to say you shouldn’t offer nutritional food as well of course that’s important but it’s important to be balanced and not restrict too much
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 1:04 am
amother Marigold wrote:
I'm fat because I have a super slow metabolism. Always have.

Was a chubby kid.

Of course I knew about nutrition and health. A lot more than my thin counterparts.

Me too!
I can literally fast all day, eat only salad and protein etc etc etc
Weight watchers, South beach, Saxenda
I was a chubby kid, a chubby adult and I have grown to be a fat middle aged woman.
It is miserable.
And I hate people who gently explain to me what I'm doing wrong.
Believe me honey, I know it all. I've done it all. Every. Single. Thing.
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 1:37 am
Without being harsh as I have struggled with weight, it's an excuse to say it's easier to eat packaged foods than prepare a salad. You can buy baby carrots and other fruits and veggies that need no preparation. Your snacks can be nuts, popcorn, or other low calorie options that are just as easy to eat as cake and ice cream.

While it's true that protein costs more than carbs, there is a huge amount of savings when you're not buying cookies or chocolate or eating out and buying other junk. There are also shortcuts like canned salmon or other cheaper proteins.

At the end of the day, it comes to a choice. Unfortunately for me I chose junk food which tasted better until I had a wake up call. I hope no one else has to decide to lose weight for health issues. It should never come to that.
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 1:56 am
amother Pink wrote:
Without being harsh as I have struggled with weight, it's an excuse to say it's easier to eat packaged foods than prepare a salad. You can buy baby carrots and other fruits and veggies that need no preparation. Your snacks can be nuts, popcorn, or other low calorie options that are just as easy to eat as cake and ice cream.

While it's true that protein costs more than carbs, there is a huge amount of savings when you're not buying cookies or chocolate or eating out and buying other junk. There are also shortcuts like canned salmon or other cheaper proteins.

At the end of the day, it comes to a choice. Unfortunately for me I chose junk food which tasted better until I had a wake up call. I hope no one else has to decide to lose weight for health issues. It should never come to that.

I am 100 pounds overweight and nuts and popcorn are my main snacks (these are NOT low calorie btw). I rarely eat cake and almost never ice cream. I eat food. I like food.

My friend who eats licorice for breakfast, lunch and supper is skinny as a stick.

The only cheap proteins are tuna and eggs and you can get tired of both pretty quickly... pasta and bread are cheap and easy to prepare.

It's really not as simple as you're making it sound.
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 2:18 am
amother OP wrote:
I'm overweight. Current around 80lbs overweight.
I was a chubby kid and a chubby teen and an overweight adult.
Why am I fat?
Because I stress eat.
Because cake tastes better than an apple.
Because carbs are cheaper than fruits and veggies and way more shelf stable.
Because when things are hectic, it's easier to microwave 2 slices of frozen pizza rather than cut up a salad.
Because I'm lazy.

The one reason I'm overweight is NOT because I didn't or don't know.
I've known since I'm 5 years old that fruit are better than cake, to eat the rainbow, that whole grains are a better choice than white, that lean protein makes me feel fuller.
I know it all. My mother educated me. I educated myself.
And I'm still fat.

Do YOU think education would have made you skinnier?

Do you think hands on cooking classes at a preteen and teen and adult (geared to age) that focused on how to make eating healthy easy and fast, meal plan well, and get faster would have helped?
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 6:28 am
LovesHashem wrote:
Do you think hands on cooking classes at a preteen and teen and adult (geared to age) that focused on how to make eating healthy easy and fast, meal plan well, and get faster would have helped?

Yes. I probably still would have run into trouble because of the binge eating, but healthy meal planning is an important tool.
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 6:55 am
amother OP wrote:

Why am I fat?
Because I stress eat.
Because cake tastes better than an apple.
Because carbs are cheaper than fruits and veggies and way more shelf stable.
Because when things are hectic, it's easier to microwave 2 slices of frozen pizza rather than cut up a salad.
Because I'm lazy.

It's so so hard. All of these excuses are really valid!
But I think the real reason is that we make the choice of temporary pleasure vs long term benefits.
IMO It all boils down to a lack of self-love to one degree or another.
Education alone won't do much. If we would only "feel" the gift that our body is, our food choices will reflect that, wanting to keep the body as healthy as we can for the sake of love.
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 10:03 am
amother OP wrote:
I'm overweight. Current around 80lbs overweight.
I was a chubby kid and a chubby teen and an overweight adult.
Why am I fat?
Because I stress eat.
Because cake tastes better than an apple.
Because carbs are cheaper than fruits and veggies and way more shelf stable.
Because when things are hectic, it's easier to microwave 2 slices of frozen pizza rather than cut up a salad.
Because I'm lazy.

The one reason I'm overweight is NOT because I didn't or don't know.
I've known since I'm 5 years old that fruit are better than cake, to eat the rainbow, that whole grains are a better choice than white, that lean protein makes me feel fuller.
I know it all. My mother educated me. I educated myself.
And I'm still fat.

Do YOU think education would have made you skinnier?

Weight and body composition can be influenced by various factors, and it's important to approach the topic with empathy and understanding.

Weight management is a complex issue that goes beyond simple education. While knowledge about nutrition and healthy choices is essential, it's not the sole determining factor for weight loss or gain. Stress eating, food preferences, accessibility, convenience, and personal circumstances can all play a role.

It's important to remember that weight is not solely an indicator of health or worth. Health is multifaceted and encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Body diversity is a natural part of human existence, and it's essential to focus on self-care, self-acceptance, and overall well-being rather than solely on weight.

Remember, you are worthy of love, respect, and care, regardless of your weight. Your journey to health is about finding balance, self-compassion, and nurturing a positive relationship with your body.

If you're looking to make changes, consider seeking support to understand all the areas mentioned before and get personalized guidance and strategies to fit your unique situation. They can help you explore sustainable lifestyle changes that align with your preferences and goals.

I am myself within the nutrition field and I know it can be very confusing to find the right balance with resources available to support you along the way.
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 10:13 am
Yes, I think education would help but not the kind you say, not teaching which foods are better.

Rather education about biology, psychology and generally about behavioral choices, not about food itself.

Like when you are stressed these are the behaviors you turn to, when you are pregnant don't listen to the old wives tales about eating for two, when you have a baby be patient, most bodies snap back but after much longer than you'd like, dieting kills your body. You can't be sedentary and expect your body to thrive. Stuff like that.
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Ema of 5


Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 10:15 am
amother OP wrote:
I'm overweight. Current around 80lbs overweight.
I was a chubby kid and a chubby teen and an overweight adult.
Why am I fat?
Because I stress eat.
Because cake tastes better than an apple.
Because carbs are cheaper than fruits and veggies and way more shelf stable.
Because when things are hectic, it's easier to microwave 2 slices of frozen pizza rather than cut up a salad.
Because I'm lazy.

The one reason I'm overweight is NOT because I didn't or don't know.
I've known since I'm 5 years old that fruit are better than cake, to eat the rainbow, that whole grains are a better choice than white, that lean protein makes me feel fuller.
I know it all. My mother educated me. I educated myself.
And I'm still fat.

Do YOU think education would have made you skinnier?

I wasn’t overweight until I had my first baby. I am now 25-30lbs overweight. I don’t stress eat, but I don’t really exercise much, and I don’t eat as healthy as I can or should. Education would not have made me weigh less.
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 10:19 am
I'm not overweight because of lack of knowledge of the importance of eating healthy but I would be a lot more overweight and less healthy without that knowledge.

I exercise daily and try very hard to eat healthy but I also know that my mental health would suffer greatly if I cut out all cake , never ate pizza for lunch etc. However if I wasn't taught to value healthy eating so much I would eat pizza almost every day, never eat oat meal or whole wheat bread for lunch, would snack on something unhealthy instead of grapes when I want a sweet snack etc.
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Post Tue, Jun 06 2023, 10:22 am
fullyinbalance wrote:
Weight and body composition can be influenced by various factors, and it's important to approach the topic with empathy and understanding.

Weight management is a complex issue that goes beyond simple education. While knowledge about nutrition and healthy choices is essential, it's not the sole determining factor for weight loss or gain. Stress eating, food preferences, accessibility, convenience, and personal circumstances can all play a role.

It's important to remember that weight is not solely an indicator of health or worth. Health is multifaceted and encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Body diversity is a natural part of human existence, and it's essential to focus on self-care, self-acceptance, and overall well-being rather than solely on weight.

Remember, you are worthy of love, respect, and care, regardless of your weight. Your journey to health is about finding balance, self-compassion, and nurturing a positive relationship with your body.

If you're looking to make changes, consider seeking support to understand all the areas mentioned before and get personalized guidance and strategies to fit your unique situation. They can help you explore sustainable lifestyle changes that align with your preferences and goals.

I am myself within the nutrition field and I know it can be very confusing to find the right balance with resources available to support you along the way.

You sound like someone compassionate who actually works with people who are overweight. I personally have sought out quite a bit of help for this area of my life. I have worked with a weight management clinic, done hormone testing, seen nutritionists/dieticians, tried various diets and programs, taken weight loss meds (basically all that exist), seen a therapist who specializes in eating disorders/disordered eating, everything except surgery.... These things have helped me. Though I am still very overweight, I have better awareness of what is going on in my head and heart. I have strategies I could use if I feel like it. I have come to better, neutral acceptance of my body and size.
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