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Ben Shapiro's reasons for depression
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 12:18 pm
So I don't think it's fair for anyone to point to another person and say XYZ is the reason why you're depressed.

It's one thing if a person decides to introspect and say XYZ is the reason for me being depressed

I will however, admit that having some sort of faith can help alleviate depression symptoms.

But I don't think that the absence of it is the cause for the depression.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 12:23 pm
smss wrote:
They don't go to church? Isn't he Jewish?

Yes. But he is hypothesizing about depression in the US, where most people's (nominal) religion is some form of Christianity.

He's using the term "church" as a catch-all term fir all houses of worship.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 12:48 pm
A Jew should still not be endorsing church.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:12 pm
Chickensoupprof wrote:
It’s a hurtful, insensitive and stupid comment of someone who finds himself so important and enlightened, Baruch HaShem he never dealt with mental health issues. But I already know a bunch of people who will feel incredibly hurt by this not to mention that there is an increasing amount of suicide within the frum society what are u going to say Ben Shapiro to these relatives and friends and orphans? That your loved one didn’t had emunah…. Ugh

I think you're missing the point. Leah223 above explained it very well.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:17 pm
shoshanim999 wrote:
I think you're missing the point. Leah223 above explained it very well.

Yes was just going to post that.

No need to get triggered over this.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:17 pm
ectomorph wrote:
Best Bubby, Karl Marx, And Ben Shapiro walk into a bar....

You mean a shul.

No need for alcohol when you have emuna.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:17 pm
chestnut wrote:
He posted it on his FB page.
"Why are so many people depressed nowadays? They don't have God, they don't attend church, and they don't value traditional families."
He isn't stupid. Surely he understands that even deeply religious people can have depression. Or does he?

There is something to what he’s saying.

It’s known in 12 step addiction programs that many become addicts because of a “G-d sized hole” inside, and many people, after learning about and forming a personal relationship with a Higher Power, do in fact feel much happier inside and can even give up their addictions…
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:20 pm
NotInNJMommy wrote:
Many people like to nurse the idea that bad things happen for a reason, rather than as a goral. It feels safer for all of us, so we like to erect all these systems consciously or unconsciously around what is safer or more dangerous, or what is more protective and what is more risky. This is one way it's often done. There are a lot of people, especially those who come from a religious bent, who take this way. It's rather tone deaf and wishful thinking.

So are you saying you’re one of those who thinks it’s a goral and that bad things don’t happen for any specific reason?
Very hard to decipher your post.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:35 pm
Belief in G-d also gives life meaning.

Without Belief in G-d, life is meaningless and easy
To have depression and/or anxiety

Even if everything in your life is going well.

Famous Psychatrist Victor Frankl said having a purpose in life is a very basic. Need.

Frankl is jewish and Holocaust survivor.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:38 pm
Cheiny wrote:
So are you saying you’re one of those who thinks it’s a goral and that bad things don’t happen for any specific reason?
Very hard to decipher your post.

This was belief promoted by Reform rabbi

After his child died.

Wrote book "why bad things happen to good people"

Said things are random and not Hashems fault.

Stops people from being angry at G-d.

But creates more depression and anxiety.

Tragedy is a meaningless accident.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:41 pm
chanatron1000 wrote:
A Jew should still not be endorsing church.

Jews should be promoting belief in G-d,

One of the Noahide Commandments.

It is good for whole society.

Look what happened to America since secularism has taken hold.

Rampant crime

Rampant mental illness

Rampant put of wedlock birth.

All predictable.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:50 pm
Many people write that they “found gd” after a tragedy or whatever and that is what keeps them going. There is some sense to it
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:53 pm
Like Viktor Frankl said, we all need deeper meaning in our lives in order to feel fulfilled. Religion is a very easy way to get there. Atheists and agnostics tend to develop their own pseudo religions, such as veganism and gender ideology, and that does help them to some extent.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 1:56 pm
I was actually depressed specifically because I was raised atheist. I struggled from elementary school with the idea that there was no purpose to my life because nothing is eternal. My siblings still struggle with this.

That's not to say I never have struggles or depression anymore obviously. But it's not relentless and all consuming the same way, and much easier to come back from.

Religion doesn't prevent depression, but in my experience, and this is also backed up by research, it is beneficial to mental health.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 2:05 pm
chestnut wrote:
He posted it on his FB page.
"Why are so many people depressed nowadays? They don't have God, they don't attend church, and they don't value traditional families."
He isn't stupid. Surely he understands that even deeply religious people can have depression. Or does he?

I wonder how he would explain mental illness in the frum community, then.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 2:13 pm
Shapiro and DW are total hacks. There are countless and legitimate reasons for Americans being depressed. Mayyybe it's the corrupt oligarchy Shapiro continues to shield while distracting his fans with culture war b.s. America goes to the highest bidder while we fight over meaningless stuff among our disenfranchised selves. We just foot the bill
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 2:16 pm
BaltoMom65 wrote:
Shapiro and DW are total hacks. There are countless and legitimate reasons for Americans being depressed. Mayyybe it's the corrupt oligarchy Shapiro continues to shield while distracting his fans with culture war b.s. America goes to the highest bidder while we fight over meaningless stuff among our disenfranchised selves. We just foot the bill

To which oligarchy are you referring?
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 2:16 pm
Ben Shapiro isn't exactly tactful. He is honest and factual and says it as it is.

If the numbers really show that it's a big cause of depression he isn't wrong.

Could he have stated it better, implying there's other reasons for depression as well? Yeah...
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 2:19 pm
Chayalle wrote:
I wonder how he would explain mental illness in the frum community, then.

He never pretended that religious people are immune to depression.

Imagine if I said, "Unsanitary conditions lead to disease" and then people got insulted.

"Are you claiming that if I'm sick, it's because I'm not clean enough?? How offensive."

"How can you say that? There are plenty of very clean families who suffer from disease!"

"I wash my hands 30 times a day and I still got sick. My brother never washes and he is as healthy as an ox. You are just pandering to your audience."
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2023, 2:27 pm
flowerpower wrote:
Many people write that they “found gd” after a tragedy or whatever and that is what keeps them going. There is some sense to it

Which is the reason G-d gives people challenges, tests, problems… to come closer to Him. When there’s nowhere else to turn, that’s when many people finally find G-d. “There are no atheists in foxholes.”
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