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Do You Love Shabbos?
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Do You Love Shabbos?
 76%  [ 73 ]
Are you kidding? with the kids home all day? No way!  
 5%  [ 5 ]
only if I get to go away (or buy take-out)  
 0%  [ 0 ]
I wouldn't say "love," but I do like Shabbos.  
 17%  [ 17 ]
Total Votes : 95



Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 1:53 pm
I love Shabbos. it gives chayus to everything else. the kedusha is tangible to me, the glow, the togetherness, relaxation (even though with my kids B"H it doesn't always feel relaxing!), and the Shabbos seudah with family and friends.

when I was converting and the Beis Din was asking me their myriad of questions, one of the main questions was why not live with Sheva Mitzvos.

my answer was: if you told me I couldn't convert, it would be like walking around dead. a body without a soul, if you take away my Shabbos. B"H, I am here.
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Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 1:59 pm
I feel like Pickle Lady. With an eruv it would be something else. Oh, and with other young shomer shabbes people in walking distance too. As for spirituality, we only have minyan for shabbes, so I don't go to shul. The worst is summer for sure. When it goes out it's so late you can't even go out.
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Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 2:08 pm
I enjoy shabbos a lot more now my kids are that bit older. (Oh yeah - and we moved next door to shul so I actually see people on shabbos) Also, a new playground just opened a few minutes walk away. All the shomer shabbos families end up there on shabbos afternoon, which is fun for the kids, and me - cause I have someone to talk to. The weather has also been nice recently - that makes a big difference.

Ruchel - what is the latest shabbos goes out in Paris? here it is after 11pm!!!!!

Ruchel, if you are anyway getting a babysitter for your dd, ask her to come on shabbos morning once in a while so you can go to shul.
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Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 2:24 pm
I love shabbos, but I must admit it's challenging with my little ones. they are very rambunctious (B"H) and shabbos can be very stressful for everyone.
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Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 2:50 pm
after 11 pm too here Raisin Sad
Yeah, maybe I'll ask the sitter to come. I feel bad to make my parents get up for that.
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Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 3:25 pm
I love it! It's so spiritual and relaxing. Away from the hustle bustle busy lilfe all week and no dumb computers or telephones.
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Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 3:41 pm
yeah, and don't we all need a break from imamother?
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Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 3:44 pm
I wish I liked Shabbos... Crying
For me.... shabbos means a hectic night singlehandedly preparing a meal for a bunch of bochurim, (I don't mind having them, I just don't like preparing for them...) and cleaning up after them...
it means a long boring day at home alone with the baby, while hubby davens, (He davens for four hours or more, including learning before davening). Now, I do appreciate that he davens so long, it's very special to me, I just get very bored. I can't even leave the apartment because of eiruv issues.

Maybe if I got to spend more time with husband it would be more enjoyable. Rolling Eyes
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Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 3:49 pm
I love Shabbos, soo relaxing... at least once a week I dont have to rush anywhere. I love spending time with by dh and ds. Plus I like the good food that I make...
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Post Fri, Jun 13 2008, 3:57 pm
baschabad wrote:

Maybe if I got to spend more time with husband it would be more enjoyable.

That's a pity. Shabbos is the only time I can talk calmly to my husband. That's one reason why I love it.
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Post Sat, Jun 14 2008, 2:26 pm
For the most part, yes, I love Shabbat. There are weeks where I feel I can hardly make it!

Then there are weeks where I feel stressed about work to be done or preparation not completed. I think that's normal, but with the good, you must take the less good. (And especially after having willingly accepted Shabbat after half a lifetime of not observing, sometimes the Friday night or Saturday things really beckon. Hello, yetzer hara!)

With no eruv and young kids, it can be tough, especially in the summers. BH for our walled in yard.

My oldest boy (just turned 4) has really got me thinking though. He gets excited about Shabbat and calls it his day. After Shavuot, he told me, "Mommy, you know, yom tov is my day, too. Kind of like a Monday or Tuesday Shabbat surprise." Very Happy BH we are able to raise him with this gift!
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Post Sat, Jun 14 2008, 7:40 pm
I do love Shabbos.
It's Erev Shabbos that's the problem. I wish my kids could see me going into Shabbos with serenity and patience. bh I've been a bit better lately (the long summer day helps) but I think part of the art of keeping Shabbos is preparing all week and not be nervous or panicked going into it.

I hate to think that my kids may dread erev Shabbos because that's the day Ima freaks out or just doesn't have time to say or listen to a word. Again, trying to improve. But I work 6 days a week, so it's not easy.
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Post Sat, Jun 14 2008, 11:13 pm
I learned to love Shabbos for the sole reason that Hashem says it's holy. I won't say I always feel the holiness, but once Shabbos started to feel like any other day of the week to me in terms of my role, I decided I better learn to love Shabbos for a different reason than relaxation, family time, etc. Shabbos took on a new meaning for me.

(Although I must say that this past Shabbos was extra special with my surprise visitor Very Happy. Thanks, visitor, for stopping by!)
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Post Sat, Jun 14 2008, 11:16 pm
I definitely love Shabbos. Especially in the summer time. Kids are out all day going to each other's houses and everyone socializes after a winter of hibernating.

The food tastes better and my bed feels best on Friday night.

I often say we would never have the time together with friends and family if it weren't for Shabbos. It's a total gift - even though the preparations can be daunting.
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Post Sat, Jun 14 2008, 11:27 pm
I truly love shabbos and make sure my kids hear me say "thank you Hashem for making us different and giving us Shabbos, how lucky we are" I feel the serenity and the calmness. All streses of daily living leave me. I do almost all the work on Thursday so my Fridays are not rushed or stressed and I welcome Shabbos calmly. BTW it took me years to achieve this.
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Post Sat, Jun 14 2008, 11:30 pm
Love every minute of it! W/ the hectic weekday schedule and the cooking and cleaning, shabbos is my time to relax. Although it can sometimes get a lil shleppy and boring in the summer, I still wouldnt give it up. I look forward to Shabbos every week!!
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Post Sun, Jun 15 2008, 12:29 am
I loooooove shabbos. it's the only time of the week the family is pretty much guaranteed to be eating together, except of course when this one or that one is going to a friend or a shabbaton. I love it that no one is on the computer or plugged into an ipod or glued to a Crackberry or any other infernal "communication" device that allows family members to be present from the neck down and absent from the neck up. I love that dh can't go to work or take phone calls from clients. I love not having to get up at the crack of dawn., not having to cook, not having to decide what to serve. I love being able to have company.

There's plenty of stuff about shabbos that I don't love, like climbing stairs, but the pluses outweigh the minuses.
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karen berzon


Post Sun, Jun 15 2008, 4:59 am
When you have a house full of little kids, Shabbos is a little tricky, but once you have an older child who can watch the kids while you rest or sleep on Shabbos afternoon - and then wake up refreshed and head to the park with the little ones, it changes the picture. So for all of you with a house full of little kids, hang in there it will get easier.
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Post Sun, Jun 15 2008, 5:02 am
I love Shabbos! though yOm Tov at times is another story............Pesach the preparation part I have to say is complete 'leshaim shomayim'- no ulterior motive there Twisted Evil
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Post Sun, Jun 15 2008, 6:29 am
I love shabbos for the peace it gives me. No phones. No work. No doctors. Nothing but family, davening, food, togetherness. As long as I am together with my dh for shabbos and hopefully as many kids as are home, it is the pleasure of my life, no matter how much work has to be put into it.
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