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Do You Love Shabbos?
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Do You Love Shabbos?
 76%  [ 73 ]
Are you kidding? with the kids home all day? No way!  
 5%  [ 5 ]
only if I get to go away (or buy take-out)  
 0%  [ 0 ]
I wouldn't say "love," but I do like Shabbos.  
 17%  [ 17 ]
Total Votes : 95



Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 10:21 am
Do you?

I do. More than ever. Best part - Friday night in the winter. Long evening. Read, leisurely meal.
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 10:36 am
I absolutely love Shabbos! I try to instill the love in my daughter too. I let her pick out special "shabbos flowers," special "shabbos nosh," special "shabbos games". nebuch! my poor daughter's going to grow up calling them shabbos flowers & the such! Smile she does it already! This past tuesday she said: Mommy, look, our shabbos flowers are still good LOL
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Pickle Lady


Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 10:46 am
I am the only one that doesn't like shabbos. I tottally looked forward to it ending. All I do it try to entertain my kids in my tiny apt. I can't call anyone and I can't go anywhere since my baby is still too young to walk. If there was an eruv, I would like shabbos better. Yom tov is even worse all I do is cook and watch kids. Atleast on shabbos I am not cooking.
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chocolate moose


Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 11:14 am
I sure do!

But I do think it's a self-fulfilling prophecy - it's so much work to get ready for, I'm tired the whole time!
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 11:16 am
I love Shabbos....
I wait the whole week and look forward to it every second.
I love to spend time with dh - just the two of us. Have leisurely meals - no distractions like phone or TV or internet. Read the whole day in bed. Take walks. Its heavenly.
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 11:18 am
I love shabbos. I love the build up to shabbos. The hectic work of getting ready, and preparing delicious food and making the house clean for shabbos. My favorite time is just after candle lighting when peace descends and there is nothing left to do but enjoy the shabbos. It is tiring though.

I love the serenity of shabbos, no computer, no phone, no work, no stress. Just time to be with family and guests and spend quality time with my ds! I also love having guests for shabbos.
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 11:33 am
I love it! On Friday morning I get excited already and can't wait! The idea of it being just me, dh and kids for 24 hours just eating, sleeping, reading all in pjs with no interuptions is just amazing. I dont mind staying in all day and I dont have an eruv either but the day usually goes really fast. This summer I cant even go for walks since I have a baby..but im sure Ill be fine.
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 11:36 am
Pickle Lady wrote:
Yom tov is even worse all I do is cook and watch kids. Atleast on shabbos I am not cooking.

Pickle...I hear you. Is there any way you could cook most of the yomtov things ahead so that you wouldn't have the burden of cooking all yomtov? fridge space is a big problem, I know, but if you could make at least some main things ahead? Or process and freeze or refrigerate ingredients so they are ready to throw into the pot when you need them? For example, you could chop ahead of time all veggies for soup, plus fry onions and freeze in portions to eliminate the steps of washing, peeling, chopping and frying. or make ahead some of your own "mixes"--just the dry ingredients for a cake, say, or just the seasonings for a salad, so that that part would already be done and eliminate a good deal of taking out/opening/measuring/closing/putting back.

also I hesitate to say this b/c I don't know your family situation, but where is dh in all this? (I assume there is one in the picture b/c IIRC you had a baby a little while back? Belated MT BTW.) Why can't he watch the children some of the time so you can get a break, take a nap or even go out for a walk? If he's concerned about bittul torah (though how a father can call parenting his own children bittul torah is beyond my limited understanding), he can take the time to teach the wee ones brochos, zmiros, the aleph-beis or something.
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 11:38 am
I absolutely love it, I look forward to it every week, its such a great time to relax and connect to your familly and just exclude the world for a day, no phones, computers, college(well I do study but still) etc. its great. the only draw back is summer times because its so long that by the rime the end nears your going somewhat out of your mind lo. but I do love it 100%
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 11:48 am
Friday nights are my favorite.... I'm always sorry when it's over and the new week begins.
I try to have a stock of ready made kugels/soup/chix in the freezer to make preperation easy. Once I'm already preparing one kugel for shabbos, I'll triple... or quadruple the recipe. This way I measure out all ingredients once and only have to wash up once- vs. four diff. times/four diff weeks
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 11:49 am
hard question. I also love shabbos in the winter - nice long friday nights, and by the time the kids have time to get bored during the day, it is over. In the summer it is really hard. None of the kids friends live nearby.

I live very close to our shul, so that is not a problem anymore. (although it would be nice to take family walks to the park.....)

I emphasise with you pickle. Sounds awful. Do you live close to friends who could come to visit you or vice versa? Maybe ones who have older kids?

I definately hate fridays!!!
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 12:02 pm
Our local Women's Orthodox League had a chasseedishe guest speaker who said that the next world is like Shabbos. To prepare for 'life' after passing away, we must learn to put aside our routine affairs and thoughts of routine affairs on Shabbos or we will be bored in the next world. That was the first time that I had ever heard anything like that. Did any of you ever hear that? Do any of you believe that?
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 12:08 pm
Of course I love Shabbos, though those endless Shabbos afternoons in the summer are a bit much. I love my kids, too, but I don't want them around my neck for 25+ hours straight, either.

In my youth I used to think how much easier life would be without Shabbos--no busting my kishkes to get home friday afternoons in winter, no racing around like a lunatic to get to the dentist, the bank, the cleaners, the grocery, the department store and so on after work or during lunch (in my childhood dept. stores were closed Sundays, and they still are in places with blue laws), no marathon cooking sessions...aaaah!

Then I realized that without Shabbos, Saturday would be just another work day, during which I would race around like a lunatic to the dentist, the bank, the cleaners, the grocery, the department store and so on...
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 12:09 pm
I heard that if you always are in a rush for shabbos to end - like are sitting there counting down the minutes, then when you are in gehenem (cv"s) and you are allowed to spend shabbos in heaven - you will not be allowed to spend even one extra second in heaven. You are rushed right back to gehenem after shabbos is finished.
Scary huh.
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 12:13 pm
southernbubby wrote:
Our local Women's Orthodox League had a chasseedishe guest speaker who said that the next world is like Shabbos. To prepare for 'life' after passing away, we must learn to put aside our routine affairs and thoughts of routine affairs on Shabbos or we will be bored in the next world. That was the first time that I had ever heard anything like that. Did any of you ever hear that? Do any of you believe that?

never heard it expressed that way, but have often heard it expressed the other way around: that Shabbos is a taste of the next world. It's right there in zemiros: Me-eyn olom Habbo...Shabbos menuchoh. Looked at from that perspective, perhaps we can conclude that by diluting our earthly shabbos with mundane thoughts and activities we are dooming ourselves to a diluted olom habbo experience.
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 12:13 pm
I'm so glad I started this thread. So nice to see how many love Shabbos and write so passionately about it! Very Happy

picklelady - chen gave you some good ideas, I wonder what you think about them, I wish you can arrange things so Shabbos is wonderful for you too!

southernbubby - there is definitely the concept of relating to things in the next world as you did in this world, maybe I can find a source for what yo heard (how about calling the speaker and asking for the source?)
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 12:19 pm
The speaker was Shloimtzy Weiss (sp?). Does anyone know who she is? She does some sort of kiruv I think. I will try bli neder to contact the WOL and see if anyone can give me her number.
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 12:24 pm
I agree with you MOtek , I LOVE Shabbos in the winter. It's the only time that I can actually read in peace, also I love to have guests, and it's so much more enjoyable in the winter when the meal is early and you're not dropping from exhaustion.

I LIKE shabbos in the summer, but those long afternoons can get exhausting.
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 1:35 pm
I haven't found the speaker's number yet but in a book called Sabbath Day of Eternity by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (obm) it states that olam haba is the yom shekulo Shabbos (mesechta Tamid 7:4).
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Post Fri, Jun 16 2006, 1:39 pm
cindy324 wrote:
I agree with you MOtek


(Just wanted to copy this so that you can't retract later, saying you have never agreed with Motek. Very Happy )
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