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I hate shabbos food!
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 7:12 pm
withhumor wrote:
I’m kind of out of the loop with recipes because my mother never made any appetizer stuff or pies with meat, it was always a main course.

My mother is the exact same way!
I think that's why I'm always so intent on making different types of side-dishes - b/c we had such boring food growing up!

I agree with another poster, even though you have to serve fish, challah, dips, chicken soup, and chicken every shabbos, you can definitely get new recipe ideas so that you won't feel as if you're eating the same thing every shabbos.

You can make chicken wrapped around pastrami, sweet and sour chicken, fried chicken, etc. Add dumplings or even perogies to your soup, or just try a slightly different chicken soup recipe. Go online and look up some different kugel recipes, you'd be surprised by what's out there. If you don't own any cookbooks - buy some! You can always find a nice twist on standard shabbos fare, and you won't have to deviate from the standards of your community.

I have a Satmar friend and she always buys different dips on shabbos, it's always adds something to the meal to try a new dip.

Check out this website:
tons and tons of great recipes for soups, kugels, and everything you would ever want to make for shabbos. I look at it all the time for ideas.
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 7:38 pm
Defy, B’H I don’t lack ideas for cooking. I simply have no idea which recipes would work for the shabbos process of over baking for so long! Also, many of these things can be perfect for Friday night but what are you supposed to do with all that stuff in the morning? I guess I have to look for some recipe that can either be eaten cold or has enough life in it to work even if it’s baked overnight on 225.
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 8:10 pm
However "ridiculous" people view this or judge it, thats not the point, its a reality in some pockets in communities, not to play with tradition. That includes Shabbos foods, there are even mystical connotations attached to certain foods, involving gematria.
here's a few:

Fish is spelt Da"g: daled Gimmel . numerical value is seven, alluding to Shabbos.

Twice during the six days of Creation, Hashem blessed His handiwork:

He blessed the fish on the fifth day, and said to them, be fruitful and multiply and fill the seas.

He blessed Adam on the sixth day and said: be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and conquer it.

Then, on Shabbos, Hashem completed the Heavens and Earth and blessed the day of Shabbos and sanctified it.

When on Shabbos, a Jew eats fish, there is a combination of three blessings, which makes for an incredibly powerful Brochah..

Kugel is "k'igul" - as a circle, alluding to the cycle of seven days of the week in Creation.

cholent is a way of showing that we believe in Torah she'b'al Peh, the Oral Torah. The Chachomim enacted this ordinance for the same purpose as lighting Shabbos candles. To "remove from the hearts of the tzedukim" the thought that we could keep Shabbos properly without accepting the interpretation of Torah by the Chachomim - Torah Sh'b'al Peh.

The Tzedukim didn't allow the use of fire that was lit before Shabbos, on Shabbos because they interpreted the verse "lo s'vaaru aish ...byom hashabbos" thou shalt not burn fire in all your dwellings on the Shabbos day" to mean that one has to sit in the dark, and be cold etc.. Therefore we light candles, and leave on a blech to warm food, from before Shabbos.
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 8:30 pm
How about if you make meat kreplach to go with your chicken soup on Friday night? Would someone object harshly if there was a small plate of roast on the table? Or how about a corned beef/roast beef/pastrami/salami platter on the table for shabbos lunch? Would that be too conspicuous?

I kind of understand what you are saying because a few people in my community serve milchigs for shabbos on occasion - and somehow it seems blasphemous! LOL I'm just kidding, of course, but the only time my family ever has milchigs on Shabbos or Yom Tov is Shavuous, and I know some people who strongly oppose having milchigs even on Shavuous. So, maybe that can compare somewhat.
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 8:31 pm
Thanks for those explanations, TzenaRena!
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 9:24 pm
Here are some interesting tidbits from sefer Taamei haminhagim:Why do we eat onions and garlic? We are commanded to enjoy Shabbos with all the taanugim of the world, which includes all the types of foods in the world.,Truthfully, the delicacies prepared for shabbos have the taste of the man, which included all the tastes in the world. However garlic and onions were not included in those tastes so as not to harm pregnant women. Therefore we eat them separately! (Geulas Yisrael)(similarly, fish was also not included in the tastes of the man, and therefore we eat fish to complete the spectrum of all the tastes in the world. - the Apter Rav)

It's traditional to eat something made from feet (ptchah or "gala") because in the time of galus it says "her feet descend to death", under the rule of the chitzonim (kelipos), but during the time of geulah, the Razal say "tezapeh l'raglah d'meshicha" -"wait for the feet (coming) of Moshiach." and Shabbos is similar to (mei'ein) Olam HaBa, therefore we eat a food made from feet to show that we are waiting to elevate the category of "raglaim" on high, and Hashem will shine upon us the original,Supernal light that was hidden (Yad Aharon)

We eat many things on Shabbos similar to the seudah of the future Shabbos= the seudah of Moshiach,therefore we eat fish and meat corresponding to the livyoson and shor habar and we make kiddush on wine corresponding to the yayin hameshumar.(from the Gaon, author of Toras Chaim)

Baal HaMaor -Whoever eats for delicacy foods that are customary amongst Israel to put away for Shabbos will merit to be resurrected. (e.g. cholent, chicken soup etc.)

Mateh Moshe in the name of the Avudraham: whoever doesn[t eat hot foods on Shabbos, one must investigate if he is a min-heretic. ( in the name of the Kalbo, he wrote that this is only if it's because he doesn't eat it because he thinks it's assur.- see post above this one.)
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 9:37 pm
Maybe you could try a meat pie-
you just put a puff pastry sheet on the bottom of a pan. In a frying pan, sautee chopped meat and add marinara sauce when its done cooking. Put the meat into the pan that has the puff pastry then put another puff pastry on top. bake it till its all puffed. Its kind of like a meat kugel.

Also- maybe you could alter your chulent recipie to be more like a stew or just for a change if you are interested in that.

I also have some good chicken and meat salad recipes- let me know if you are interested in them.

Last edited by MorahRachel on Mon, Feb 19 2007, 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 9:38 pm
I get you withhoumor.
If my mother ever changes her chicken recipe, my brothers go on strike.

However as everyone else said, there is nothing wrong with adding one item as long as you still have the traditional food.
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 9:55 pm
TzenaRena I feel so much better now, thank you. This week I want to make something warm for shabbos morning, but I haven’t decided on what yet. Most likely a brisket with gravy. I don’t know much about brisket yet (help?). I would like to stay away from vegetables and fruits, I’m sensitive to them (digestive wise). Thank you all!
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Post Mon, Feb 19 2007, 10:15 pm
You're welcome!
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