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Do you wear modest nightgowns?
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Post Wed, Feb 06 2019, 10:40 pm
amother wrote:
Do you wear the wrap robes or the zip ones? The wrap ones don’t keep me covered.

I wear the wrap ones, but have the same problem, but if what is underneath is particularly 'scandalous' I'd change clothes
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Post Wed, Feb 06 2019, 11:08 pm
Fully tznius nightgown- from neckline to sleeves and floor length. Won't say that I never went to sleep in a slinky skirt Smile

To the poster asking why and if it's for the kids- the kids are not even something that I ever thought of in that context. Kind of like anything else in my life that I do. Of course ultimately I wouldnt want my kids seeing me doing xyz, but that's not *why* I'm doing it.
In terms of tznius pjs- in Lubavitch we are makpid on tznius from age 3, and ideally that means day and night. Even if it's let's say between husband and wife before there are kids- the default mode is tznius, and I was taught that anything else is reserved for the special times when a couple gets together in their room. So yes, if I'm not intimate with my husband I don't see a reason to walk around not tznius. (Note the difference in wording- I guess it's the difference in mindset of- needing a reason to not be tznius vs the other way around. I guess tznius is a way of life)
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Post Wed, Feb 06 2019, 11:22 pm
Nope. In winter sweat pants and long sleeve top and in summer shorts and a tank top and I dont specifically wear slippers. I actually walk around my house, even in the winter if its not freezing, in my sandals.
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pesek zman


Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 2:24 am
aliavi wrote:
Slippers are for modesty, for women that don’t wear sandals and show feet.

I don’t wear sandals outside of my home. Inside my home with my family I show my feet (plus more)
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 2:31 am
amother wrote:
I wear pajamas pants and shirts with long sleeve or short sleeve but with good neckline. I never wear nightgown even when niddah.

Pretty much the same for me. I own 1 tznius nightgown that I wear when we go away for Shabbos if I know we won't have our own bathroom in case I have to go in the middle of the night. I really hate sleeping in a nightgown because it always rides up and gets tangled around my thighs.
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 2:48 am
Nightgowns, not terribly revealing, but not tzniut. I often buy t-shirt dresses from old navy or H&M at the end of the summer when they're on sale to use as nightgowns. They usually have some sort of sleeve and reach above or on the knee length. I wear these around the house in the morning and in the evening. My oldest son is 10. I have several more revealing nightgowns (spaghetti strap, lace) that I'll wear only in the bedroom. If I have to come out I'll put on a robe over it.

I've just begun thinking that I'd like to find more modest sleeping attire for non-nidda times as my boys get older... I haven't found anything really comfortable yet though.
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 3:18 am
Moonlight wrote:
Wow your DH wears a modest nightgown? Talk about עמו אנכי בצרה
Just joking around

amother wrote:

Some chassidish men wear nightgowns which is probably what that amother meant.
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 3:32 am
All my nightgowns are short, cap sleeve, and low neck.
During niddah I wear a t-shirt (generally long sleeve) and pants instead.
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 3:43 am
None of my pjs or nightgowns are close to being modest. Lately I wear a sports bra and leggings a lot. Yes I have boys. Yes they see me in all my immodest attire. No, I don’t care. They are my kids. There’s no reason to be tznius in front of them.
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 3:49 am
mommy3b2c wrote:
None of my pjs or nightgowns are close to being modest. Lately I wear a sports bra and leggings a lot. Yes I have boys. Yes they see me in all my immodest attire. No, I don’t care. They are my kids. There’s no reason to be tznius in front of them.

You let your oldest son see you in a sports bra?
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 3:54 am
amother wrote:
You let your oldest son see you in a sports bra?

We even were socks in front of our boys so totally tznius but for many a sports bra is not lingerie and is just work out attire and can be worn in public etc.
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 4:02 am
sequoia wrote:
No Smile

I meant the color pink. Pjs, socks, undies, sheets, pillowcases, t-shirts, watch, ring, Magen David necklace... everything pink Smile

I just got a pale pink coat too.

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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 4:04 am
amother wrote:
You let your oldest son see you in a sports bra?


Why are you anonymous?
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 4:09 am
I always wear a tznius night gown.
I like how it feels. It’s cotton and cool and I can take off my bra and pantyhose and still feel covered.
My kids are a little older. Often I’ll get ready for bed before my kids are asleep so if I’m wearing a tznius nightgown I don’t feel uncomfortable being seen.
Sometimes a kid needs me early in the morning (like my bar mitzvah boy did yesterday asking where his shirts are... insisting there are none... ummm “here ds, hanging in your closet!”) so being available to run out of my room at the spur of the moment is important to me.

I don’t think tznius nightgowns are ugly, frumpy looking. They are somewhat regal, covering a woman probably while keeping her comfortable and pretty.

I’m not looking to turn on my dh every time I get ready for bed. Actually many nights I’m sleeping before he even comes home! There’s a time for everything...But at least he sees a pretty, happy, cozy wife...
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 4:28 am
FYI for all those who have s-xy babyd0lls and naug-hty nighties- hide them well...
My husband has a weekly chevruta in our apartment with a super shtark Bnei Brak bochur while I'm out at a shiuir. A few weeks ago my 3 year old daughter who was SUPPOSED TO be asleep paraded into the room they were studying in with my black lac-y babyd0ll thrown on and announced "ani kmo imaaaaa!" ("I'm like mom")

Nearly died when I came home and heard what happened.

In short- don't leave that stuff under your pillow. Hide them far, far away from little hands...
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 4:34 am
I could never do slip at day or a robe around the house. I need my comfort. Slippers I don't own don't want.

I wear modest nightgowns I can wear in the house, but they're untznius. You can be beautiful and tznius (or modest) and I would never on purpose think" ok let's be immodest". I just adapt to the situation. I hate pj, I need to feel comfy.
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 4:39 am
I don't care what my daughters wear as long as there is "a sleeve" and "a skirt" basically it can be short I don't care
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 5:03 am
I’m okay with having a situational “double standard”, and I think kids understand it as well and may appreciate being able to “let loose” at home without expecting the same freedom outside. My oldest is a 9 year old boy and I currently don’t plan on changing my approach, but I’ll see how things go.

I wear loose ankle-length pajama pants and an oversized T-shirt that doesn’t cover my elbows or collarbone, but doesn’t reveal cleavage or anything. I wear it around upstairs between all bedrooms and bathrooms but usually put a sweatshirt and skirt on before going downstairs, though I’m not super makpid.

I currently also wear a nursing tank top under my pajama shirt to hold pads in. I feel more comfortable having a layer over my torso when I pull my regular T-shirt up for nursing access.

I hate getting nightgowns tangled around my legs and they make me feel dowdy and fat rather than pretty and feminine.
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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 5:18 am
Fully tznius nightgown, socks when I leave the room. I don't have older kids but tznius isn't about other people, it's about me.

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Post Thu, Feb 07 2019, 5:22 am
I have a lot of brothers and growing up I was not comfortable wearing pants pjs in front of them
I wanted the freedom to wear pants pjs and wore them sometimes when I first got married
DH explained that he doesn’t view it as feminine at all. Neither does he find oversized t shirts too feminine. He’s probably right! I am very comfortable in my pretty (and expensive!) nightgowns.
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