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Shouldnt we be placing seniors in quarantine rather than..
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 4:29 am
Quarantine of those exposed also helps us all gain more time to develop weapons to fight this disease and save more lives..
Time to slow the spread of the disease.
Time to learn more about this disease.
Time to learn more about how best to fight it.
Time to develop a vaccine.
May Hashem Watch Over us all.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 4:41 am
etky wrote:
FF why are you in quarantine? Did you come into contact with any confirmed patient?

I could never live with myself if I ever CVS made anyone else sick - or worse.

I am as sick as a dog. It started out with a fever and sore throat, moved into a dry cough, and now a wet cough and sinus congestion. I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now, and it's not getting any better.

The thing is, it may very well be "just a flu", or a cold, or whatever, but there is no way of telling unless you get the Corona test. If people can be contagious up to two weeks before they show any symptoms, how would I know who I came in contact with?

Think about every single person you've been within 5 feet of, over the course of the last week. Now think of a virus that is extremely communicable, where people have NO natural immunity.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 4:59 am
Context is important. I've also been feeling sick for the last two weeks, but I live out in the sticks, and I'm constantly in contact with very runny-nosed children. It's been a really tough winter, and we're concurrently catching viruses here. I can't help but think that this isn't coronavirus, and I go about my day with my usual care, and my usual schedule.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 5:36 am
etky wrote:
FF why are you in quarantine? Did you come into contact with any confirmed patient?

This attitude of assuming you needed to be near a confirmed patient is what allowed it to get this bad. The US was short on tests and told people to assume it wasn’t corona if they weren’t near confirmed cases and go about their lives, so they did, infecting others.
FF I hope it’s nothing, but kudos to you for being proactive.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 7:46 am
etky wrote:
Overwhelming the health care system and the other economic considerations are precisely the reason for the quarantines here in Israel.
Totallly agree that it is obvious that the elderly need to take extra precautions. Doesn't mean that the overall measures are superfluous at all.
And btw, the only Corona patient in severe condition of the 25 (mostly over 50 yrs. old) currently diagnosed here in Israel is a 38 year old who is on a respirator and getting an experimental drug.

I never called the quarantine measures absurd or over the top. I'm fine with whatever measures any government wants to take. The US cannot go as far as Israel because of the economic concerns, but that doesn't mean Israel is unreasonable. Israel appears to actually be under control of the virus spread.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 8:11 am
My DH drives our 90 year old next door neighbor to shul every day. DH came to me before Shabbos upset, because he asked neighbor if he was at all concerned about going out, with the stories, and somehow, the neighbor jumped to the conclusion that DH didn't want to take neighbor to shul any more because he was afraid neighbor would give him the virus. Sad

Eventually, they straighted out the communication.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 8:48 am
FranticFrummie wrote:
I could never live with myself if I ever CVS made anyone else sick - or worse.

I am as sick as a dog. It started out with a fever and sore throat, moved into a dry cough, and now a wet cough and sinus congestion. I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now, and it's not getting any better.

The thing is, it may very well be "just a flu", or a cold, or whatever, but there is no way of telling unless you get the Corona test. If people can be contagious up to two weeks before they show any symptoms, how would I know who I came in contact with?

Think about every single person you've been within 5 feet of, over the course of the last week. Now think of a virus that is extremely communicable, where people have NO natural immunity.

Sounds like a possible sinus infection at this point.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 9:20 am
It's like arguing measles with anti-vaxxers all over again. Can't Believe It

Here's what you need to keep in mind about statistics - numbers that sound small can still be a really big deal.

A 0.2% fatality rate is, like, almost zero, right? So by definition, not a big deal?

Not if you're talking about an extremely contagious illness.

There are around 1,739,000 children living in New York City. If zero steps are taken to stop the spread of coronavirus, it's not inconceivable that most of them could get the illness. And if current fatality estimates are more or less accurate, that could mean around 1,000 deaths. Just among children ages 0-18, the lowest-risk age group.

Does 1,000 children dying within months sound like something we shouldn't even bother to try avoiding?

Let's take a shul with 200 families as members, with a total of 500 kids. If one person gets the virus and brings it to shul, and whoever gets it from them comes to shul, etc, odds are that at least one child and one healthy young adult (20-40 age range) will end up dead.

0.2% is a big deal. It's higher than the mortality rate in the US, among children ages 1-19, for all other causes combined.

Which is why it's so important to reduce the odds of getting the illness in the first place.

(not that healthy young people are the only people worth protecting, but other posters have already addressed that aspect beautifully)
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 9:21 am
etky wrote:
FF why are you in quarantine? Did you come into contact with any confirmed patient?

FF, how long does it take until you get the results of the test?

Refuah shleimah.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 9:22 am
Not that people should be panicking... But there's a healthy middle ground between "we're all going to die" and "meh, let's just all get sick, most of us will survive, right?"
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 9:50 am
OP, ask yourself this; did you ever send a child to school with "a slight cold" or low grade fever because they were shrieking their heads off that they cant miss their Shabbos party? Or because you couldn't find a babysitter? Or go to a family party with a kid who had strep? Or unknowingly had a stomach bug?

Sadly, almost everyone is guilty of that. I would know. That's literally exactly the same thing. One immunocompromised kid in the class and your child made people sick. Period. So let's quarantine kids, doctors offices, hospitals, nursing homes, schools...

Daven. Do good deeds. And whatever Hashem decides should happen, WILL happen. Period.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 9:55 am
So who is going to start paying a salary to all of us immunocompromised people to stop working and quarantine ourselves ?
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 12:26 pm
FranticFrummie wrote:
I could never live with myself if I ever CVS made anyone else sick - or worse.

I am as sick as a dog. It started out with a fever and sore throat, moved into a dry cough, and now a wet cough and sinus congestion. I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now, and it's not getting any better.

The thing is, it may very well be "just a flu", or a cold, or whatever, but there is no way of telling unless you get the Corona test. If people can be contagious up to two weeks before they show any symptoms, how would I know who I came in contact with?

Think about every single person you've been within 5 feet of, over the course of the last week. Now think of a virus that is extremely communicable, where people have NO natural immunity.

FF, you are not contagious for 2 weeks before you show symptoms. Likely a day or two before and generally most contagious when actively coughing and spreading the viral load around. Two weeks is the standard incubation period.

Also, if you have a lot of congestion and a productive cough, it is likely not COVID19, but the only way to know for certain would be via testing or blood draw for antibodies.

I'm glad you're doing better and so sorry you went through whatever you did.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 10:26 pm
From the trenches in Italy:

"In an alarming development, Dr Nattino said younger patients were being affected, saying the ages of patients ranged from 46 to 83 with only a small number having important underlying conditions.

He added: “The last days are showing a younger population involved as if the elderly and weaker part of the population crashed early and now younger patients, having exhausted their physiological reserves, come to overcrowded, overwhelmed hospitals with little resources left.”

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mamma llama


Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 10:34 pm
amother [ Sienna ] wrote:
OP, ask yourself this; did you ever send a child to school with "a slight cold" or low grade fever because they were shrieking their heads off that they cant miss their Shabbos party? Or because you couldn't find a babysitter? Or go to a family party with a kid who had strep? Or unknowingly had a stomach bug?

Sadly, almost everyone is guilty of that. I would know. That's literally exactly the same thing. One immunocompromised kid in the class and your child made people sick. Period. So let's quarantine kids, doctors offices, hospitals, nursing homes, schools...

Daven. Do good deeds. And whatever Hashem decides should happen, WILL happen. Period.

I sincerely hope most of us are not guilty of that.
Coronavirus is besides the point. I find it extremely irritating when parents know their child is sick and intentionally mask it with Tylenol. At wits end Is it so difficult to do the right thing and keep your child home?
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2020, 10:52 pm
nchr wrote:
FF, you are not contagious for 2 weeks before you show symptoms. Likely a day or two before and generally most contagious when actively coughing and spreading the viral load around. Two weeks is the standard incubation period.

Also, if you have a lot of congestion and a productive cough, it is likely not COVID19, but the only way to know for certain would be via testing or blood draw for antibodies.

I'm glad you're doing better and so sorry you went through whatever you did.

I read that the average person shows symptoms 4 days after exposure to Covid 19 but that symptoms could take up to 14 days to develop.
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Post Mon, Mar 09 2020, 12:07 am
FranticFrummie, I am so sorry to hear that you are still so sick! Hug
Please keep us posted on the test results.
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mamma llama


Post Mon, Mar 09 2020, 1:48 am
southernbubby wrote:
I read that the average person shows symptoms 4 days after exposure to Covid 19 but that symptoms could take up to 14 days to develop.

New research suggests it could take up to 38 days for some people to show symptoms, which is a little nervewracking because the 14-day quarantine isn't doing much for those people. Confused
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Post Tue, Mar 10 2020, 10:16 pm
ra_mom wrote:
FranticFrummie, I am so sorry to hear that you are still so sick! Hug
Please keep us posted on the test results.

I can't get the test, because I haven't been overseas recently, and there is a shortage of tests in Israel. They are rationing the tests very closely. All I can do is assume the worst, and take general precautions in case I am CVS contagious with something more serious than the flu.

Meanwhile, doctors are bringing hundreds of tests to Palestinians in the West Bank. Can't Believe It
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Post Wed, Mar 11 2020, 10:05 am
mamma llama wrote:
New research suggests it could take up to 38 days for some people to show symptoms, which is a little nervewracking because the 14-day quarantine isn't doing much for those people. Confused

I hadn't heard that one yet. Do you remember where you read it?
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