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Mikvah turned someone away
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:47 pm
amother [ Pumpkin ] wrote:
From what I understand, there is an inyan that husband and wife should not be together when the tzibur is in an eis tzarah (usually they say e.g. famine). Yes I know there were babies born during the holocaust etc. (I guess this should be a spin-off but ...) and maybe leil tevilah is different though I doubt it. (I guess I will go over to the Who's not going to mikvah thread & see if this was discussed.)

I think DH has corona and I asked him to sleep in a separate room several days ago because he insisted on going out way past when he should have, while I very carefully stayed home...

May Hashem watch over all of us.

Please provide a source to this.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:48 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
It has NOTHING to do where you are from
You can be from Davis, California
BTW- I heard they have 0 cases of the virus but I’m not sure if this is 100% true.
We are not turning away NY/NJ ppl
We are turning away ANYONE from OOT, out of our town.

I don't have a problem with what you're doing. On the contrary, I think it's a good thing. I have a problem with the way imamother's are making all NY'ers out to be disease infested, and I have a problem with people being nasty to each other because of it.

So maybe next time you want to come to NY or NJ stay out of OUR town. How does that sound to you? Obnoxious? Of course it does, because it is.
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Ema of 5


Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:49 pm
amother [ Scarlet ] wrote:
That is just horrible, any way you look at it. You should never turn away anyone that wants to use the Mikvah. I have news for you OP, Florida is full with it you're probably exposed as well.

So why not just send the whole world there, right? Why should anyone stay home, if everyone is anyway infected? What’s the point of no school, no work, staying home, limiting how much you leave the house....do you guys really not get it?
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:50 pm
It's not obnoxious
Ppl are dying
Ppl going away are KILLING ppl

Thank you for stopping them from going to your mikvah
Please dont refer them to others
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:51 pm
crust wrote:
Please provide a source to this.

Maybe she means in time of war.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:51 pm
amother [ Tangerine ] wrote:
I guess none of you are coming from Brooklyn. People live in tiny tiny apartments with large families. Some ppl need this for their sanity, shalom bayis...
Imagine having 7 kids (or more) in a 2 bedroom apartment. Having kids home all day and cant go out. Would u stay sane?!?! Dont think I would. I bh moved out of Brooklyn not long ago and appreciating my house lot more now. Thinking back how I lived before - dunno how I wouldve been able to stay sane.

Yes people live in close quarters and there is widespread CV amongst the community, which has spread even further due to this. Just yesterday I spoke to someone in Brooklyn who tested positive and was convinced that "everyone here already has it or was exposed already."

Feeling confined doesn't give you a right to bring a magepha to another community. It's hypocritical to violate everything related to not harming other people and potentially being a rodeph to then crying about how you're so frum you need mikvah right then and there in another community.

Meanwhile the mikvah lady was following her Rav so if you think you can override their local psak, what are your credentials?
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:55 pm
lilies wrote:
Maybe she means in time of war.

I'm waiting for Pumpkin to quote a source because in times like this it is very irresponsible to throw around statements like these without backing them up.

There are no maybes.

Last edited by crust on Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:55 pm
amother [ Pumpkin ] wrote:
From what I understand, there is an inyan that husband and wife should not be together when the tzibur is in an eis tzarah (usually they say e.g. famine). Yes I know there were babies born during the holocaust etc. (I guess this should be a spin-off but ...) and maybe leil tevilah is different though I doubt it. (I guess I will go over to the Who's not going to mikvah thread & see if this was discussed.)

I think DH has corona and I asked him to sleep in a separate room several days ago because he insisted on going out way past when he should have, while I very carefully stayed home...

May Hashem watch over all of us.

Ummm no!
Only if someone is Ch”v sitting shiva.
Please don’t spread rumours.

If youre worried of catching it from dh it’s your own decision, but there’s no inyan.
Unless you heard a kol korai otherwise.
I didn’t.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:56 pm
amother [ Forestgreen ] wrote:
I don't have a problem with what you're doing. On the contrary, I think it's a good thing. I have a problem with the way imamother's are making all NY'ers out to be disease infested, and I have a problem with people being nasty to each other because of it.

So maybe next time you want to come to NY or NJ stay out of OUR town. How does that sound to you? Obnoxious? Of course it does, because it is.

I don't get this. NYC is the current virus epicenter of the US. Half of the US cases are from NYS. NYC is lining up refrigerated trucks as makeshift morgues.

So right now, anyone who is from NY or has made a recent stop in NY is considered to be from a disease infested location. What's wrong's with the truth? It's not a time to shield feelings, it's a time to shield health and life.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:56 pm
crust wrote:
I'm waiting for her to quote a source because in times like this it is very irresponsible to throw around statements like these without backing them up.

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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:57 pm
crust wrote:
Please provide a source to this.

See Rashi Bereishis 41:50, quoting Taanis 11a, which forbids marital relations during a time of famine, except for those who have not yet fulfilled the mitzvah of p'ru u'revu
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:59 pm
I live in a small town and we have also restricted visitors from using the mikva, per the guidance of rabbonim and medical professionals. The virus has not hit our area hard yet BH and it's our obligation to keep our community safe. If you must travel call ahead to find out mikva policies and be prepared to make your own arrangements.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 7:59 pm
amother [ Apricot ] wrote:
See Rashi Bereishis 41:50, quoting Taanis 11a, which forbids marital relations during a time of famine, except for those who have not yet fulfilled the mitzvah of p'ru u'revu

Thanks there is no famine now. Ok?
Please let all stressed out women have some fun thank you.

Amother pumpkin please provide the source you are referring to.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 8:02 pm
lilies wrote:
Maybe she means in time of war.


Only in shiabud mitzrayim we know amram separated from Yocheved.
And Miriam told him he’s worse than paaro.
Because paaro wanted to kill only the boys and he’s “killing” also the girls.
And this big giant listened to her.

And got back together with Yocheved.

Is that the source for your confusion?
A husband and wife bring the shchina into their home when they are together according to halacha.
We all need the shchina now more than ever, and always.
Only halacha exception is shiva , Yom Kippur, and Tisha b’av.

(And only ’inyan’ exception is certain Yomim Tovim like first night of pesach and shvuos, shmini atzeres, Rosh hashana etc. There is such a inyan but not everyone goes by it).
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 8:02 pm
amother [ Brown ] wrote:
I don't get this. NYC is the current virus epicenter of the US. Half of the US cases are from NYS. NYC is lining up refrigerated trucks as makeshift morgues.

So right now, anyone who is from NY or has made a recent stop in NY is considered to be from a disease infested location. What's wrong's with the truth? It's not a time to shield feelings, it's a time to shield health and life.

Exactly this. In Israel they were teaching chevra kadisha how to bury people without doing tahara. If the fact that people are getting sick and dying isn't enough to move these "frum" people, maybe you care about the fact that the people you might kill may not get tahara before being buried? Or does that not matter either to you in your world of highly selective frumkeit where above all else, going to Florida is yeeharag val yaavor.

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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 8:03 pm
amother [ Forestgreen ] wrote:
I go to Florida multiple times a year for vacation from NJ. I'm not there now and I wouldn't go for health reasons but I think the way FL are talking to NY people is disgusting.
How about FL people don't come to NJ? I have several friends coming from FL to NY/NJ for Pesach and you don't see us checking ID's or turning them away from Mikvahs despite the fact that our health system is more strained than theirs at this point.

I think that for future vacations I will find somewhere else to spend my money.

My Mikva in Lakewood is turning away anyone who arrived from overseas in that past 14 days.
Is that diff?
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 8:04 pm
amother [ Orchid ] wrote:

Only in shiabud mitzrayim we know amram separated from Yocheved.
And Miriam told him he’s worse than paaro.
Because paaro wanted to kill only the boys and he’s “killing” also the girls.
And this big giant listened to her.

And got back together with Yocheved.

Is that the source for your confusion?
A husband and wife bring the shchina into their home when they are together according to halacha.
We all need the shchina now more than ever, and always.
Only halacha exception is shiva , Yom Kippur, and Tisha b’av.

(And only inyan exception is certain Yom I’m Tovim like first night of pesach and shvuos, shmini atzeres, Rosh hashana etc. There is such a inyan but not everyone goes by it).

I am not confused. What made you think I am?
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 8:04 pm
amother [ Tangerine ] wrote:
I guess none of you are coming from Brooklyn. People live in tiny tiny apartments with large families. Some ppl need this for their sanity, shalom bayis...
Imagine having 7 kids (or more) in a 2 bedroom apartment. Having kids home all day and cant go out. Would u stay sane?!?! Dont think I would. I bh moved out of Brooklyn not long ago and appreciating my house lot more now. Thinking back how I lived before - dunno how I wouldve been able to stay sane.

I live in a tiny apartment with a large family, BH. None of that is an excuse for risking someone else's LIFE. Which is why the rabbanim have made this psak. And why the government has made this law (which BTW was extended to include anyone coming by car).
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 8:05 pm
lilies wrote:
I am not confused. What made you think I am?

Sorry not you.
I meant the woman he mentioned this ‘inyan’ might be confused, and this may be why.
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Post Wed, Mar 25 2020, 8:06 pm
WhatFor wrote:
Exactly this. In Israel they were teaching chevra kadisha how to bury people without doing tahara. If the fact that people are getting sick and dying isn't enough to move these "frum" people, maybe you care about the fact that the people you might kill may not get tahara before being buried? Or does that not matter either to you in your world of highly selective frumkeit where above all else, going to Florida is yeeharag val yaavor.


Young healthy ppl are dieing
Families aren’t attending levayas
Ppl are sitting shiva all alone for Spouses as their children sit separately in the same town with no visitors.

Yet it’s still a game to some.
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