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How could the world fall for the false BLM narrative?
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 4:33 pm
How could the Jewish community forget that just a week ago BLM and their supporters wrote Fvck Jews and free Palestine on shuls and Jewish schools in LA? somehow so many Jews forgive and forget and go marching with people who hate Jews.
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 4:34 pm
Amarante wrote:
I don't take small fringe elements seriously in terms of a debate over police. I know people who participated in various BLM protests this week and NONE of them believe that there should be no police force at all. I haven't read any serious analysis in which this has been suggested - it is a question of police reform as well as smarter allocation of money.

It's not very different than no one except lunatic fringe groups believing there can be complete disarmament which is quite different than believing that defense funds can be allocated in wiser ways INCLUDING human relief money which can stabilize areas and thus lessen the risk of armed intervention and threats.

It's interesting that you're saying NONE want the police department completely disbanded. I think that black people have been lied to and so corrupted by the media and their leaders that while I don't claim to know how many would like to completely disband the police department it's way beyond a fringe movement. The liberal mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey was at a large protest today, probably several thousand people. He was asked point blank if he agrees to work to COMPLETELY ABOLISH the Minneapolis police department. When he said no, the crowd began chanting "go home Jacob" and "shame".

I think the liberal mayor was stunned at how completely insane and nonsensical the liberal movement has become. I think he assumed that even people way to to the left realize that the consequences of abolishing the police department would be catastrophic to the very people who want to abolish the PD.
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 4:45 pm
amother [ Gray ] wrote:
How could the Jewish community forget that just a week ago BLM and their supporters wrote Fvck Jews and free Palestine on shuls and Jewish schools in LA? somehow so many Jews forgive and forget and go marching with people who hate Jews.

The protesters were marching in Williamsburg screaming "Black Power". Not sure how anyone can still think that these protest are about equality instead of black supremacy and their need to dominate America.
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 5:19 pm
shoshanim999 wrote:
It's interesting that you're saying NONE want the police department completely disbanded. I think that black people have been lied to and so corrupted by the media and their leaders that while I don't claim to know how many would like to completely disband the police department it's way beyond a fringe movement. The liberal mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey was at a large protest today, probably several thousand people. He was asked point blank if he agrees to work to COMPLETELY ABOLISH the Minneapolis police department. When he said no, the crowd began chanting "go home Jacob" and "shame".

I think the liberal mayor was stunned at how completely insane and nonsensical the liberal movement has become. I think he assumed that even people way to to the left realize that the consequences of abolishing the police department would be catastrophic to the very people who want to abolish the PD.

This is what happens every time the left gets hold of a good idea.

The original video footage showing George Floyd being restrained was literally condemned by everyone. The most "pareve" response I heard or read was, "We should wait for all the facts, but this is really, really bad."

At that point, there wasn't a person alive who wasn't calling for police reform, whether you believed the incident was racial or simply the case of an angry bully in a uniform.

But within a week, the rioting had started and the narrative had been pushed to more general grievances that somehow explained why 20-year-old hooligans of all races were looting. Then the inchoate demands shifted to white apologies, defunding the police, and the need for "unity." And, of course, George Floyd was elevated from an obviously troubled man who shouldn't have died the way he did to a righteous martyr for a cause.

Funny, but the nation was pretty unified a couple of weeks ago against the kind of action taken by the Minneapolis officer. Activist groups would have had zero pushback if they'd demanded specific changes to decrease the possibility of such an event occuring again to anyone of any race.

However, there's no good idea or needed reform that the left can't ruin. Racial equity; equal rights and protections for women; LGBT tolerance; body positivity; entertainment and literature with character diversity; curriculum changes . . . the list is endless. Each agenda is pushed beyond the extremes of logic or practicality, usually with a lot of screaming accompanying the effort.

And eventually, even well-intentioned people who acknowledge the original problem are so sickened by the results of extremism that they throw up their hands in disgust and walk away.
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 5:36 pm
Hey what happened to "Covid we are all in this together!"
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 6:00 pm
The media and leftists are taking a tragedy and turning it into a political push and narrative in advance of the presidential election.
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 6:03 pm
amother [ Gray ] wrote:
How could the Jewish community forget that just a week ago BLM and their supporters wrote Fvck Jews and free Palestine on shuls and Jewish schools in LA? somehow so many Jews forgive and forget and go marching with people who hate Jews.


I support the March to show solidarity, but the phrase "black lives matter" or
"no justice, no peace" (Al Sharpton's slogan) should not be used. We should distance ourselves from those rabble-rousing anti-semites / racists (anti-white).
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 6:20 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
I think this "Defund the Police" is going to be one (of many reasons) why the Democrats will
lose in a landslide in November.

It is insane. Even African Americans (ESPECIALLY African Americans) know they need
police or there will be looting, murder, robbery 24/7.

Big blunder - but good for Trump and Republicans.

What do right wing libertarians think about the Police?
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