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Will corona anxiety ever go away?
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 12:27 am
In NY, we did not get covid although everyone around did. We were super OCD careful while Corona was raging around us, and relaxed when it dwindled. I made a conscious decision that I will not worry or be anxious because when there are so many unknowns, it's not worth the fear. Contradicting studies- I'm happy to believe the optimistic ones. Hashem will help and protect us. I wear a mask when indoors if required. I listen to my dr (who says reinfection is so rare it's not a concern) and I daven for the world. Otherwise, my life focus is on other things like camp ending and school starting once again iyh.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 1:03 am
All crises end eventually. There are dozens of groups working feverishly to develop vaccines. I assume at least a handful of them will work and eventually we will be past this.

Until then, I am taking the recommended precautions (masks, SD, hand washing, etc.)

Our ability to treat covid patients has improved dramatically over the past few months, so the lethality of this disease has been reduced significantly.

Looking forward to things getting back to normal eventually.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 2:44 am
I am not panicking about covid but I am anxious about the possibility of my elderly parents catching it. What would make me feel calmer?
1) If schools open up and there are no new cases.
2) If there is a reliable vaccine.
3) If my parents somehow catch it (not that I actually want that to happen) and recover.
4) We have more clear/conclusive evidence that having antibodies protects the person who has them and prevents him from infecting others.

Also, there is a difference between being cautious and being anxious. I am not generally anxious every time I or my kids get into a car, but I am cautious and very careful with proper carseats/boosters etc. I am not anxious every time I walk out of the house that I will catch or transmit covid (I have antibodies) , but I am cautious- I wear a mask indoors (like in stores or such), maintain social distancing as much as I can manage, and avoid large gatherings.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 3:08 am
I will breathe easy when we have a vaccine or a truly effective protocol to treat.
My family does not have antibodies and my community does not have herd immunity as I do not live in any of the chassuvah lands of BP/Willy/KJ/Monsey/Lakewood.....
My DH has multiple high risk factors.
I work in an outpatient healthcare setting and I am at risk of exposure on a regular basis. I have seen about 15% of my patient population die-some were very old and ill with chronic diseases, but others took me by complete surprise. And I have seen the slow and incomplete rehabilitation of some of my patients who BH have survived. We still do not know all the long term effects.
We have lost friends in their 40s! With young children! The MDs with whom I consult on a regular basis with are not confident about the success rate of meds and those who are infected, especially with my DHs risk factors.
I would love to stay home but I do not have that luxury. I envy those of you who do. I minimize my non-work exposure as I don't go to public places but my children will be going to school. I wear my mask and PPE at all times but there is a percent error, which decreased significantly if those around you are properly wearing theirs, but at work not everyone does or do they respecting my SD space-its a few coworker's, but mostly the patients who have difficulty following directions.

So yes, I am worried. It is in the hands of Hashem, but we need to do our histadlut and Ein Somchim Al Haneis.
I worry, and I daven, and I don't sleep, and I cry to Hashem.

And I come here and am hurt so badly because I feel very uncared for and mocked. I feel that as a Healthcare worker I put my family at risk to care for others, and the complaint are boundless, but nobody else can be bothered to do anything but whine and brag about how they flout the rules put on place for the good of the Klal, because they know better and /or are more special.

Please daven for the safety of my husband because yes, I am scared and will be until we have an effective vaccine.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 3:20 am
Bc I have close friend and a family member had no other issues pass recently from covid! It might be rare to u but it's still happening. U r the ones that need to be opening ur eyes and looking around....
(One already had it march the other we still not sure)
Not everyone on imamother lives in USA! There is a whole world out there where we al come from (I'm starting to think if u think USA is the world u would be really surprised to hear where I live)
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 5:17 am
mommy3b2c wrote:
Do you know that a person dies of heart disease every 60 seconds in the US?
What will it take for you to start panicking that you will die of heart disease?

It isn’t the same. Heart disease isn’t contagious. Hypothetical: If I indulge in risky behavior that increases my chance of heart disease, it has no impact on your heart or your family. Just my heart. If you don’t wear masks or SD and send your DC to play with my DC, my father-in-law in his 80s is at risk of death due to your selfishness.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 5:20 am
amother [ Mistyrose ] wrote:
I am not panicking about covid but I am anxious about the possibility of my elderly parents catching it. What would make me feel calmer?
1) If schools open up and there are no new cases.
2) If there is a reliable vaccine.
3) If my parents somehow catch it (not that I actually want that to happen) and recover.
4) We have more clear/conclusive evidence that having antibodies protects the person who has them and prevents him from infecting others.

Also, there is a difference between being cautious and being anxious. I am not generally anxious every time I or my kids get into a car, but I am cautious and very careful with proper carseats/boosters etc. I am not anxious every time I walk out of the house that I will catch or transmit covid (I have antibodies) , but I am cautious- I wear a mask indoors (like in stores or such), maintain social distancing as much as I can manage, and avoid large gatherings.

Yes, I too am cautious based on the facts not anxious. I am not sure why the perception is that it is anxiety.

In answer to OP’s question, the cautiousness will likely go away when Covid does or when it is controlled. Either we will indeed get herd immunity or a vaccine or it will die out. If none of these happen, then it may become part of our lives for a while.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 10:47 am
amother [ Forestgreen ] wrote:
Yes, I too am cautious based on the facts not anxious. I am not sure why the perception is that it is anxiety.

In answer to OP’s question, the cautiousness will likely go away when Covid does or when it is controlled. Either we will indeed get herd immunity or a vaccine or it will die out. If none of these happen, then it may become part of our lives for a while.

In response to the bolded, it is because to those who have decided that "covid is over" anyone who takes precautions or is concerned about it at all is labeled as "anxious." If I wear a mask even though I have antibodies, those people would consider me anxious. I call it following medical advice. I actually would not feel nervous or anxious walking in a store without a mask, but every doctor I know says that I should still wear one, so I do (and yes I have sensory issues and find masks extremely uncomfortable).
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Mama Bear


Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 11:16 am
people who wear a mask are not labeled anxious. OP is referring to the ppl who come on here on imamother and are as panicky now as we were in April. like the people who write that 1000 ppl die every day of covid-19. Yes - 1000 people in a country as big as Europe. Not 1000 people per state. Or other similar posters who post terrified posts about being terrified and makes it seem as if every wedding and shul gathering will kill half of the attendees. Which is what happened in March, and hasnt happened since. SHe isnt referring to the average person who wears a mask and takes precautions, but at the posters writing panicky doomsday posts. (none of them have come true as of yet)
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 11:21 am
Mama Bear wrote:
people who wear a mask are not labeled anxious. OP is referring to the ppl who come on here on imamother and are as panicky now as we were in April. like the people who write that 1000 ppl die every day of covid-19. Yes - 1000 people in a country as big as Europe. Not 1000 people per state. Or other similar posters who post terrified posts about being terrified and makes it seem as if every wedding and shul gathering will kill half of the attendees. Which is what happened in March, and hasnt happened since. SHe isnt referring to the average person who wears a mask and takes precautions, but at the posters writing panicky doomsday posts. (none of them have come true as of yet)

At least someone got it!
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 11:39 am
My personal level of anxiety is on keeping it out of my home, my ex's homes, my shul, the school, and my workplace.

Also, I need to keep my child healthy and in daycare and myself healthy and at work.

In the current environment, I must be strict because if there's any suspicion, I can't go to work, must spend a few hundred $$$ on going to the dr and put myself and my children (including young children) through COVID tests, possibly repeatedly. I can see managing PTSD on my youngest if I have to put her through 1 COVID test--all the more so repeatedly.

And I have to miss work (essential employee who can't work from home), kids miss school for potentially days or weeks if there's even a suspicion. We can't live like that. I will feel less anxious when there aren't draconian requirements (as I think there needs to be right now due to the situation and all that is unknown and at risk) and cautions that could really upset the entire cart and put at risk the little bit of normalcy that we've had all these months.

Also, I live OOT, I'm the only orthodox jew in my work place of thousands. It would be exceedingly embarrassing to have to deal with potential contact absences or even being positive due to sloppy practice of SD, etc. in my community (or with some members interacting with other communities). Thankfully, we haven't had that many cases, and most people aren't going to large gatherings. The one or two workgroups who did all got sick and it was not appreciated by management or coworkers...No one wants to be "that guy" in my company.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 11:42 am

Vineet Menachery, a coronavirus researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch, told NPR's Weekend Edition that one of the more likely scenarios is that the spread of COVID-19 will eventually be slowed as a result of herd immunity. He said that he'd be surprised "if we're still wearing masks and 6-feet distancing in two or three years" and that in time, the virus could become no more serious than the common cold.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 11:45 am
amother [ Mistyrose ] wrote:
In response to the bolded, it is because to those who have decided that "covid is over" anyone who takes precautions or is concerned about it at all is labeled as "anxious." If I wear a mask even though I have antibodies, those people would consider me anxious. I call it following medical advice. I actually would not feel nervous or anxious walking in a store without a mask, but every doctor I know says that I should still wear one, so I do (and yes I have sensory issues and find masks extremely uncomfortable).

People who have decided Covid is over are delusional and can’t see past their own local area. I don’t consider you anxious. I applaud your common sense during this time. Thank you.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 11:47 am
amother [ Natural ] wrote:

Vineet Menachery, a coronavirus researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch, told NPR's Weekend Edition that one of the more likely scenarios is that the spread of COVID-19 will eventually be slowed as a result of herd immunity. He said that he'd be surprised "if we're still wearing masks and 6-feet distancing in two or three years" and that in time, the virus could become no more serious than the common cold.

Right so two or three more years with a bit of discomfort. Not much for us to do compared to hiding and rations during the war or the holocaust. It really isn’t a big deal to follow the rules and look out for each other for a few years.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 11:53 am
Mama Bear wrote:
people who wear a mask are not labeled anxious. OP is referring to the ppl who come on here on imamother and are as panicky now as we were in April. like the people who write that 1000 ppl die every day of covid-19. Yes - 1000 people in a country as big as Europe. Not 1000 people per state. Or other similar posters who post terrified posts about being terrified and makes it seem as if every wedding and shul gathering will kill half of the attendees. Which is what happened in March, and hasnt happened since. SHe isnt referring to the average person who wears a mask and takes precautions, but at the posters writing panicky doomsday posts. (none of them have come true as of yet)

Europe is a continent not a country.

The people who mentioned 1000s of new cases and are annoyed by large Simchas are not being “doomsday” in nature. The possibility of a second wave will only happen if we aren’t careful during the first one. Nobody wants to go into lockdown a second time. If we are cautious during the first, even when it looks like things have improved, we stand a better chance of not having a second lockdown. That is not anxiety, it is good old common sense.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 11:59 am
Europe is a continent not a country.

She meant 1000 people in America, which is a country that is as big as the whole continent of Europe.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 12:08 pm
amother [ Forestgreen ] wrote:
Right so two or three more years with a bit of discomfort. Not much for us to do compared to hiding and rations during the war or the holocaust. It really isn’t a big deal to follow the rules and look out for each other for a few years.

What I took from the article is that scientists are talking about herd immunity unlike imamothers who insist there is no such thing and that there is the possibility that covid will be no more dangerous than a cold.
This is good news. I look for good news wherever I can find it instead of wallowing in anxiety and what if worst case scenarios like people do on this site, spreading hysteria.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 2:44 pm
yes, it will. as soon as the elections are over.

Also, I think it's a community/societal thing. If you're neighbors are all doing things a certain way, you don't want to be the odd man out. I know it sounds ridiculous, but this can be easily observed.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 3:10 pm
amother [ Natural ] wrote:
What I took from the article is that scientists are talking about herd immunity unlike imamothers who insist there is no such thing and that there is the possibility that covid will be no more dangerous than a cold.
This is good news. I look for good news wherever I can find it instead of wallowing in anxiety and what if worst case scenarios like people do on this site, spreading hysteria.

People are not spreading hysteria or wallowing. We would all love if herd immunity happens great. There is some evidence that it is happening for sure but it isn’t a given. Being prepared for the worst-case scenario is sensible given that in a few months, if herd immunity hasn’t happened, we all may be in lockdown again. I personally would rather be prepared for that scenario versus skipping along happily like nothing is happening and only looking for good news.
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Post Mon, Aug 10 2020, 4:24 pm
OP, you want my opinion?

When the next crisis hits us hard, ppl will wake up and forget about covid...

Sorry there is no nice way of saying this, but some are idiots for thinking "social distancing" or " masks" will help an iota. There is abolutely no evidence that it helps anything, and all the people that have either lost a family member or themselves were sick, had nothing to do with these. Most were intubated against their will, treated poorly, starved or neglected. I spoke to them first hand, and they confirmed that this was the case.

So, when children start needing more psychiatrists, more people get unto antidepressants, lack of jobs and economy crashes, obesity rises, suicide rises, antisemitism peaks... Or a madman loses it and goes on a major killing spree... People may actually wake up and see how many more problems we have created from this anxiety.
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