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I hate that cooking is my job
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If you’re the cook at home, do you enjoy it?
 48%  [ 79 ]
 39%  [ 65 ]
 12%  [ 20 ]
Total Votes : 164



Post Thu, May 25 2023, 10:51 am
I like cooking and I like eating and my kids are bli ayin hara not picky but I work full time and my life is busy so cooking can get blah fast. I work full time and really am trying to reduce my kids screen time so I am out with them when I get home from work.

I found the best way is to meal prep at the beginning of the week and then I get a few days off before I have to think about food again.
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 10:56 am
I'm another one who basically enjoys cooking, but the every day grind gets a bit much.
I actually found it easier when the kids were younger ...they were all home at the same time and we had a set dinner time. Now everybody's schedule is different, I never know who'll be home when.

I myself only get in at around 4:00pm so to start cooking is an effort. I ve never been organised enough to cook in advance. Also I tend to cook what I feel like on the day, which makes cooking in advance about difficult.

Sometimes I go to the trouble of making something and keeping it for them when they come home, but by the time they get home they're tired and don't feel like eating.

Lately I've been cooking mainly for shabbos, and I go to a fair bit of trouble to make everyone something that they particularly enjoy and I do take special requests. But during the week it's simple...minute steak or grilled chicken in a bagette or pita with a salad. I have the stuff out there and who ever feels like it can make themselves a sandwich. On a day that I know in advance that everyone will be home, I will cook a full proper meal.
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 11:37 am
amother Seablue wrote:
I hate that I have to work and I have to cook. If I was home all day I don't think I would mind cooking as much.

Not necessarily. I'm retired, still hate cooking, and don't cook any better, fancier, or more often.
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 11:39 am
Cooking is an outlet. I love to experiment flavors I also love to eat!
I hate baking. I have a good arrangement with my local bakery for that. I give them a cc and they give me baked goods. They never request an excuse note
You do you. Dear friend of mine raised a beautiful family serving cottage cheese bananas and a sprinkle of granola. Nothing happened to her kids
You don’t need instagram meals.
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 12:03 pm
I think in general we don't love doing things that are our "job". People who do things they love but happen to make money doing it. I don't love cooking, but I do it. My husband is the one who works from home so he does more of the cooking--but he doesn't love it either.

You know what, fish sticks and chicken nuggets, noodles--that's cooking. That's what we do most nights because as much as we CAN cook, my kids don't like the food we make, so not worth our time. They are healthy and generally eat lots of fruits and vegetables as snacks so I can't complain.
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 12:50 pm
I don’t love it or hate it. I prefer it over laundry, which I outsource. I make everything as simple as possible, with minimal prep time. I cut corners wherever possible like ex: buying precut veggies for soup etc. my family still loves my food. Complex things like desserts I buy or let the kids make.
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 12:56 pm
I really do not enjoy domestic duties but I think I prefer to clean than cook. I am good at neither. My husband really enjoys to cook but isn't home early enough to make food. I find the stress of trying to improvise or follow exact recipes overwhelming. If I am missing an ingredient I get panicked. Maybe I am making excuses but my kitchen is really small and I think if I had a larger area to spread out ingredients it would be more palpable. I love to eat though!
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 1:00 pm
giftedmom wrote:
I don’t love it or hate it. I prefer it over laundry, which I outsource. I make everything as simple as possible, with minimal prep time. I cut corners wherever possible like ex: buying precut veggies for soup etc. my family still loves my food. Complex things like desserts I buy or let the kids make.

I prefer to do a million loads over cooking one meal. Maybe we can swap he he.
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 1:03 pm
amother Alyssum wrote:
I prefer to do a million loads over cooking one meal. Maybe we can swap he he.

It takes so much more time!
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 4:18 pm
giftedmom wrote:
It takes so much more time!

Not for me. I’m a master at the laundry stuff. Cooking, neh eh…
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 4:54 pm
I love cooking. But I've recently been noticing how under appreciated I am by dh.
We are making a simcha soon & I've been comparing options of places & menus & deciding what ppl will like, when I said it's actually a job, he was like, why can't you just hv chicken & fish & salad.
And I was like, since when do we just hv fish, a salad & chicken??
Every week we hv fish, *multiple* salads, soup, kneidlach, 1 main, 1 starchy side, & at least 1 hot vegetable.
When I have even one guest, I make a 2nd main & additional side.
Every supper consists of soup, protein, starch & veg. Every. Single. Night.
How does he not see that & realize the time & effort that goes into making healthy & beautiful meals???
If I didn't care abt this simcha & the child it's for, I would do it his way & let him see how embarrassing & insufficient it is.
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 6:56 pm
You're doing the cooking for your simcha?
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 7:13 pm
I love cooking and baking and being creative in the kitchen! I work all day and I would love to be a stay at home mom and cook beautiful yummy foods for everyone! I still cook but I don't have time to make fancy complicated recipes all the time. Maybe one day!
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 7:30 pm
amother Lemonchiffon wrote:
May I ask what location and how you found someone to cook? I would love to hire someone for this! Is it on a regular basis? Your recipes? Nightly suppers?

Not sure where you are but I would love to do that for people
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Post Thu, May 25 2023, 7:35 pm
amother Ivory wrote:
It's funny that you say your DH bakes. I've been watching a lot of male chefs on YouTube, and their cooking style is so different. As women, we (or at least I) tend to cook/bake by feel. 1 cup of flour? Sure, could be a pinch less or a pinch more. But men are so much more precise. They'll pull out the rulers and scales and give so much more attention to technical details. That's probably why most professional chefs are men.

ETA: The opposite is also true with female professional chefs, with the exception, perhaps, of Claire Saffitz.

When I was 15, I went to my friends house where her 17 year old brother was making cinnamon buns. He mamash had a TAPE MEASURE on the counter cuz it said to cut them in 1 inch cuts. Cinnamon buns. Could you imagine? LOL
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