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Potty mouthed Frum boy on Americas Got Talent.Chillul Hashem
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:02 am
b from nj wrote:
But Saw, having our kids go on AGT to tell dirty jokes is not the way to show others that we are regular, good ppl even though according to R. Fink it shows the world that we are 'normal'. Then again, if this is what normal is I'd rather not be normal!!!

I agree with that too.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:06 am
saw50st8 wrote:
I disagree with R' Fink (though I agree with him on many of his general hashkafic points).

However, I do want to address your point about being a "light unto the nations" - as a religion, we have been doing a TERRIBLE job in the US. Sure there are a lot of great Orthodox Jews. There are also a lot of liars, thieves, molesters etc. Judaism does need PR! I don't think this is the way to go about it, but we have a lot of terrible press. That doesn't mean assimilation - but showing others that we are regular, good people too is important.

It was actually my point about being a light unto the nations. Wink
Yes, Judaism has had a bad rap lately - between the Bernie Madoffs and the Solomon Dwecks and the "molesting rabbis" scandals. So why make our reputation WORSE? I don't see how this is positive PR. Look, Jews are s--xually preoccupied just like everyone else! Wow. NOW I like them. I dont want to see
I'm embarrassed.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:07 am
***Are his parents on crack?????***

What a disgusting chillul HaShem. His parents must be out of their minds.

This boy is below bar-mitzvah age, so I lay the blame entirely on his parents.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:10 am
Saw, we tend to forget the positive press (not that I think we "need PR") -- Rabbi Noach Muroff returning $98000 less than a year ago was certainly a kiddush Hashem, and probably served as good PR Wink
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:17 am
Hashem_Yaazor wrote:
Saw, we tend to forget the positive press (not that I think we "need PR") -- Rabbi Noach Muroff returning $98000 less than a year ago was certainly a kiddush Hashem, and probably served as good PR Wink

And the every day exchanges. Thanking the cleaning people in the airport for taking care of the bathrooms, noticing a cashier, acknowledging someone as you pass them on the street. Many many more opportunities.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:21 am
PinkFridge wrote:
And the every day exchanges. Thanking the cleaning people in the airport for taking care of the bathrooms, noticing a cashier, acknowledging someone as you pass them on the street. Many many more opportunities.

Aside from that, most of us work with non Jews and have interactions with them all day. We all can show the world who we are and what we stand for. We do not stand for this.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:21 am
I once posted this but this may be along R' fink's thinking but isn't a Chilul Hashem

These 2 brothers are BT (used to be beach bums in Eilat), now they're full-fledged Chareidim

In Israel where there is much strife between the secular and Chareidim, these two men performed a secular song on the TV show Rising Star showing chilonim that Chareidim don't all fit the stereotype. The show and song might not be something that most Chareidm would ever go near but it's not like dirty jokes. MO and DLs would definitely listen to this music and watch this show (and let their children watch too)

Note: The audience doesn't see them till they get 80% of the vote so they're not being voted on cause it's so cute to see these 2 Chareidi Rabbis sing Simon and Garfunkle. First they prove that they're like other people and only after they're "accepted" by the people do they say - OH BTW, we're chareidim

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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:34 am
Sanguine wrote:
I once posted this but this may be along R' fink's thinking but isn't a Chilul Hashem

These 2 brothers are BT (used to be beach bums in Eilat), now they're full-fledged Chareidim

In Israel where there is much strife between the secular and Chareidim, these two men performed a secular song on the TV show Rising Star showing chilonim that Chareidim don't all fit the stereotype. The show and song might not be something that most Chareidm would ever go near but it's not like dirty jokes. MO and DLs would definitely listen to this music and watch this show (and let their children watch too)

Note: The audience doesn't see them till they get 80% of the vote so they're not being voted on cause it's so cute to see these 2 Chareidi Rabbis sing Simon and Garfunkle. First they prove that they're like other people and only after they're "accepted" by the people do they say - OH BTW, we're chareidim

Oh, yeah, they're amazing. Not exactly the same thing.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:39 am
PinkFridge wrote:
Oh, yeah, they're amazing. Not exactly the same thing.

No, not the same thing. You can show the world that you're not that different but you don't have to stoop lower than acceptable values
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:51 am
I just don't see it as a value to "show the world you're not that different." It would be perfectly fine to be "that different" if we were what we are supposed to be in terms of ehrlichkeit and menschlichkeit--towards each other and towards the world. Then, I just don't think anyone would care that we're "that different" in terms of dress or culture or whatever. When will we learn that in this world, we will not gain respect for anything other than being who and what we are meant to be as Jews?
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 11:56 am
ugh. despicable! I couldn't get through 2 minutes. I stopped after he said nuts... gross!! inappropriate regardless of religion. sick sick sick.
this is his dad: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GnG1DqI16lM
the yarmulke was just an added shock factor.
now we all know what his p'shetal will sound like...
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 12:00 pm
b from nj wrote:
But Saw, having our kids go on AGT to tell dirty jokes is not the way to show others that we are regular, good ppl even though according to R. Fink it shows the world that we are 'normal'. Then again, if this is what normal is I'd rather not be normal!!!

I agree with you and totally disagree with R' Fink on this point.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 12:02 pm
Hashem_Yaazor wrote:
Saw, we tend to forget the positive press (not that I think we "need PR") -- Rabbi Noach Muroff returning $98000 less than a year ago was certainly a kiddush Hashem, and probably served as good PR Wink

That was excellent press. I think we need more of it!

I do think we need more positive PR. Especially in the NY/NJ area.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 12:02 pm
Does anyone agree with R' Fink? LOL
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 12:10 pm
Coming accross as human and normal is something I strive to in my every day life. But NOT when unfortunately a bad habit or attitude has become normal/common, nope! People like it, actually, when you keep some nice, friendly clean conservative attitude to you... Non J often comment they wish children were more like mine, even when they are not accustomed to, say, obedient kids or kids saying they like school.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 12:12 pm
Hashem_Yaazor wrote:
Does anyone agree with R' Fink? LOL

Start a new thread and make a poll. Wink
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 12:14 pm
5*Mom wrote:
I just don't see it as a value to "show the world you're not that different." It would be perfectly fine to be "that different" if we were what we are supposed to be in terms of ehrlichkeit and menschlichkeit--towards each other and towards the world. Then, I just don't think anyone would care that we're "that different" in terms of dress or culture or whatever. When will we learn that in this world, we will not gain respect for anything other than being who and what we are meant to be as Jews?

Sometimes you have to get past the outer prejudices before you can see what's really inside
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 12:27 pm
I watched the clip the other day and was shocked at the words coming out of 12 year old boys mouth. As the judge said " and you didn't even have your bar mitzvah yet". The fact that his parents were standing there and acted proud was not a good thing either.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 12:30 pm
Hashem_Yaazor wrote:
Does anyone agree with R' Fink? LOL

No. But there's something almost endearing, even if naive and misguided about his trying so hard. We should look at life with an ayin tovah, after all. But we do have to call spades spades.
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Blue jay


Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 12:37 pm
I know that the jokes were dirty.
But I have to say, the boy has presence and you can see that he is a funny guy. He can model himself in the comedic stylings of bill cosby or Jerry Seinfeld.
He really could clean up his jokes and make them about his life. He could be hilarious, there is so much more funny material out there.
He could go on and on about jewish mothers... the pressures of being a perfect son.....technology... sibling rivalry etc.

Where do lambs go for haircuts?

At the Baa-Baa-shop..... ( now there is a good joke)

He could really turn this around and make people laugh in a wholesome way......
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