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These Annoying Masks!!!!! Vent!
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 10:01 am
Ema of 4 wrote:
Unless you spend your entire mask-wearing time talking, singing, coughing, etc., you are breathing through your nose as well. If you wear your mask under your nose, there is nothing to hold it to your face when you sneeze or cough, so who knows whether droplets will fly out or not.
(I’m not really a mask wearer in the first place, but I do it when I have to, like when I go to a store. However, I try to avoid places that need masks as much as possible, because as less uncomfortable as cotton masks are, they’re still not so comfortable.)

I'm just saying the amount emitted is less. Meaning there's still a benefit to wearing it wrongly, it's not eliminating the barrier completely.
You need a certain amount of the virus to get infected. If the mouth exhales 75%, you're giving 3/4 of the total protection to someone else and not transmitting at the same level to infect someone if you wouldn't wear a mask at all.
I don't know about others, but I personally feel if I need to sneeze. If these half wearers at least responsibly put up the barrier when they sneeze, I think what they're doing is wrong but not at the same level as not wearing a mask at all.
Does that make sense?
This is all a spectrum.... It's not like your original mashal where it's all or nothing. Here even partially helping reduces the chance of giving over a heavy viral load.

I'm not condoning it, I'm just trying to tone down the negative feelings toward others.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 10:04 am
Hashem_Yaazor wrote:
I'm just saying the amount emitted is less. Meaning there's still a benefit to wearing it wrongly, it's not eliminating the barrier completely.
You need a certain amount of the virus to get infected. If the mouth exhales 75%, you're giving 3/4 of the total protection to someone else and not transmitting at the same level to infect someone if you wouldn't wear a mask at all.
I don't know about others, but I personally feel if I need to sneeze. If these half wearers at least responsibly put up the barrier when they sneeze, I think what they're doing is wrong but not at the same level as not wearing a mask at all.
Does that make sense?
This is all a spectrum.... It's not like your original mashal where it's all or nothing. Here even partially helping reduces the chance of giving over a heavy viral load.

I'm not condoning it, I'm just trying to tone down the negative feelings toward others.

I've seen people with drippy noses wearing their masks under their noses. And people who sniffle wearing masks under their noses.

Until we have data on how much is spread from the nose versus from the mouth, no one has a right to wear a mask under their nose when other people are around.

There might be a spectrum for mask efficacy, but there is no spectrum if a person is presymptomatic and infects someone else. Someone who infects another person, and that person later dies, is a murderer.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 10:59 am
Many people see right through this shtick of the liberal government that is trying to control us while driving the state into the ground. Businesses closed and ruined, people's lives ruined...I was in Manhattan recently and it looks like a ghost town... The virus has passed in NY and we refuse to be cowed by the madmen and mad women in office. Independent thinkers all over the US see this for what it is. Anyone who wants to live normally and not be cowed by these power-hungry mesheguim in office who think they can control destiny can take off their masks and take deep breaths.

Someone in Florida told me how upset she is that the governor is not making a lock-down, I said that there was a lock-down in NY and tens of thousands of people died anyway.

Constantly breathing in carbon dioxide is very unhealthy. I see people in cars and people on the empty streets with masks and I realize how easily people can be brainwashed.

The fact it is that it is highly likely that this virus will not completely disappear, certainly not in the near future, so I feel bad for all you all mask wearers as the government will try to keep you from taking off your masks for the unforeseeable future. I'm breathing in Hashem's wonderful air and trying to eat healthy and do exercise to build up my immune system. That is the hishtadlus I'm doing at this point. I hope there will not be a second wave, but if c"v there is one, ONLY THEN is it justified to enforce mask wearing.

And now I'm waiting for the tomatoes to be thrown at me...

Last edited by CiCi on Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:03 am
CiCi wrote:

Constantly breathing in carbon dioxide is very unhealthy. I see people in cars and people on the empty streets with masks and I realize how easily people can be brainwashed.

All the air you breathe contains carbon dioxide. Also, you couldn't possibly see people in the empty streets--if you saw them, you were there.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:07 am
Also, wearing a mask when there's nobody around is easier than not. You don't take off your skirt when you get into a car to drive alone.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:10 am
amother [ Linen ] wrote:
All the air you breathe contains carbon dioxide. Also, you couldn't possibly see people in the empty streets--if you saw them, you were there.

Well, the difference in levels in carbon dioxide is obviously huge because the masks trap exhaled air...

I see them through my window Smile

Last edited by CiCi on Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:12 am
If the mask traps exhaled air, why doesn't it pop?
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:12 am
CiCi wrote:
Many people see right through this shtick of the liberal government that is trying to control us while driving the state into the ground. Businesses closed and ruined, people's lives ruined...I was in Manhattan recently and it looks like a ghost town... The virus has passed in NY and we refuse to be cowed by the madmen and mad women in office. Independent thinkers all over the US see this for what it is. Anyone who wants to live normally and not be cowed by these power-hungry mesheguim in office who think they can control destiny can take off their masks and take deep breaths.

Someone in Florida told me how upset she is that the governor is not making a lock-down, I said that there was a lock-down in NY and tens of thousands of people died anyway.

Constantly breathing in carbon dioxide is very unhealthy. I see people in cars and people on the empty streets with masks and I realize how easily people can be brainwashed.

The fact it is that it is highly likely that this virus will not completely disappear, certainly not in the near future, so I feel bad for all you all mask wearers as the government will try to keep you from taking off your masks for the unforeseeable future. I'm breathing in Hashem's wonderful air and trying to eat healthy and do exercise to build up my immune system. That is the hishtadlus I'm doing at this point. I hope their will not be a second wave, but if c"v there is one, ONLY THEN is it justified to enforce mask wearing.

And now I'm waiting for the tomatoes to be thrown at me...

I do feel bad for people who are unable to comprehend that this virus wasn't engineered by their local government, and who cannot for the life of them understand that what they are hearing about masks being dangerous isn't actually based in science.

The fact is that hishtadlus never comes at the expense of "lo taamod al dam rei'echa" "lo tirtzach" and "kol yisrael areivim zeh lazeh" and anyone who thinks she is doing right by endangering the lives of others is drinking the conspiracy theorists' Kool Aid.

I don't know where you live but in many areas the first wave is only getting serious now, and in many other areas there is already a second wave.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:13 am
amother [ Linen ] wrote:
Also, wearing a mask when there's nobody around is easier than not. You don't take off your skirt when you get into a car to drive alone.

Has it comes to this that masks and skirts are in the same category of clothing? LOL Can't Believe It
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:13 am
amother [ Linen ] wrote:
If the mask traps exhaled air, why doesn't it pop?

Because they don't trap exhaled air, they just catch the droplets coming out of people's respiratory systems. Smile
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:16 am
amother [ Linen ] wrote:
If the mask traps exhaled air, why doesn't it pop?

The masks are still porous to some extent so the air doesn't actually build up. But it does trap air to the extent that you are breathing in high levels of carbon dioxide.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:21 am
CiCi wrote:
Many people see right through this shtick of the liberal government that is trying to control us while driving the state into the ground. Businesses closed and ruined, people's lives ruined...I was in Manhattan recently and it looks like a ghost town... The virus has passed in NY and we refuse to be cowed by the madmen and mad women in office. Independent thinkers all over the US see this for what it is. Anyone who wants to live normally and not be cowed by these power-hungry mesheguim in office who think they can control destiny can take off their masks and take deep breaths.

Someone in Florida told me how upset she is that the governor is not making a lock-down, I said that there was a lock-down in NY and tens of thousands of people died anyway.

Constantly breathing in carbon dioxide is very unhealthy. I see people in cars and people on the empty streets with masks and I realize how easily people can be brainwashed.

The fact it is that it is highly likely that this virus will not completely disappear, certainly not in the near future, so I feel bad for all you all mask wearers as the government will try to keep you from taking off your masks for the unforeseeable future. I'm breathing in Hashem's wonderful air and trying to eat healthy and do exercise to build up my immune system. That is the hishtadlus I'm doing at this point. I hope there will not be a second wave, but if c"v there is one, ONLY THEN is it justified to enforce mask wearing.

And now I'm waiting for the tomatoes to be thrown at me...

The looters destroyed what was left of Manhattan after the lockdowns so it isn't a single issue problem. In places where everyone is eating in restaurants, they are taking home an unwanted souvenir but, hey, at least the economy is thriving.
I am happy for you that you are taking care of yourself but if I owned a store, you would need a mask to shop there.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:33 am
I can guarantee you all that in five years time studies will come out proving the adverse effect of prolonged mask wearing. Just wait for these studies because it will be here eventually.

When I predicted that as soon as Israel opens up their first lockdown the virus will spread was I bashed for it on this forum! Sure enough it happened anyway despite many here not being happy with what I said... I'm just a realist not living in lala land. You cannot control the spread of viruses. The curve can temporarily be flattened at the height of a pandemic and that's when masks and quarantining come in. And it would've been successful in NY had the idiot Coumo not sent corona-infected patients to nursing homes and hospitals would have been better prepared. However that does not mean that businesses and schools should be closed indefinitely and masks worn until the virus will completely disappear. A virus does simply not disappear!

Anyway, it's a free country and it's supposed to stay like this. Many people are against mask wearing for good reason. And many are for it, obviously. Everyone can choose to do what they feel is right.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:36 am
CiCi wrote:
I can guarantee you all that in five years time studies will come out proving the adverse effect of prolonged mask wearing. Just wait for these studies because it will be here eventually.

When I predicted that as soon as Israel opens up their first lockdown the virus will spread was I bashed for it on this forum! Sure enough it happened anyway despite many here not being happy with what I said... I'm just a realist not living in lala land. You cannot control the spread of viruses. The curve can temporarily be flattened at the height of a pandemic and that's when masks and quarantining come in. And it would've been successful in NY had the idiot Coumo not sent corona-infected patients to nursing homes and hospitals would have been better prepared. However that does not mean that businesses and schools should be closed indefinitely and masks worn until the virus will completely disappear. A virus does simply not disappear!

And in five years' time we will be seeing the horrible long-term side effects of covid-19, and beginning to fully understand how it affects even asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic patients.

Thank you for volunteering to be one of our guinea pigs.

But please wear your mask around me and my family, because we'd rather NOT be guinea pigs.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:38 am
southernbubby wrote:
The looters destroyed what was left of Manhattan after the lockdowns so it isn't a single issue problem. In places where everyone is eating in restaurants, they are taking home an unwanted souvenir but, hey, at least the economy is thriving.
I am happy for you that you are taking care of yourself but if I owned a store, you would need a mask to shop there.

Honestly, have you been in midtown Manhattan recently? Its less crowded, some stores have closed, and there are places blocked off for outdoor eating. Otherwise, no different. Looters didn't "destroy" it.

In fact, I was in midtown at the height of the protests, at my office in Rock Center. No destruction visible.

The real estate market in Manhattan is down for a few reasons. First, businesses are realizing that a lot of their staff can operate remotely, and are giving up space. Next, (older) people prefer to be in less crowded places, particularly in light of the fact that so many cultural attractions remain closed. But if I had the money, I'd invest it now. It will be back in a couple of years.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:38 am
amother [ Aqua ] wrote:
And in five years' time we will be seeing the horrible long-term side effects of covid-19, and beginning to fully understand how it affects even asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic patients.

Thank you for volunteering to be one of our guinea pigs.

But please wear your mask around me and my family, because we'd rather NOT be guinea pigs.

Your welcome. I did indeed have covid-19 for a looong time and was tested positive with a very high number of anti-bodies.

I don't wear a mask but you are welcome to wear one around me. Smile
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:44 am
SixOfWands wrote:
Honestly, have you been in midtown Manhattan recently? Its less crowded, some stores have closed, and there are places blocked off for outdoor eating. Otherwise, no different. Looters didn't "destroy" it.

In fact, I was in midtown at the height of the protests, at my office in Rock Center. No destruction visible.

The real estate market in Manhattan is down for a few reasons. First, businesses are realizing that a lot of their staff can operate remotely, and are giving up space. Next, (older) people prefer to be in less crowded places, particularly in light of the fact that so many cultural attractions remain closed. But if I had the money, I'd invest it now. It will be back in a couple of years.

I don't know in which part of Manhattan you were, but I was just in Midtown Manhattan. Stores are boarded up, the majority of them are closed. There was only approximately 25% of the amount of people I usually see on the streets. Restaurants are closed, entertainment venues are closed ( at least one positive outcome...).

The fact is that residents and businesses are fleeing NYC with many of them leaving NY altogether.
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:52 am
[Political post removed. Please stop wasting the mods time with these posts. Thanks -mod]

Last edited by #BestBubby on Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:52 am
I hate wearing it and I only do so I can go into stores and such.
I barely leave the house. Im expecting and I cant breathe in them.

Can someone explain to me why people are wearing masks in their car when they're alone? I dont get it
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Post Thu, Aug 13 2020, 11:53 am
Like I said before, do you take off your skirt in the car?
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