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Scared - will vaccine be required -
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 3:17 pm
LittleDucky wrote:
But the vaccine does not stop you from spreading it. It has also not been shown to work as effectively on the many variants out there. It just reduces risk of serious disease from it. So it stops you from being symptomatic or needing the ICU, which is a very good thing. But even vaccinated individuals can "infect their population".

Vaccinated individuals are less likely to spread it. Numerous studies have shown this.

And so far, the vaccine has been shown to be almost as effective against the more aggressive variants as against the primary variation.

Sounds like it has a lot of benefits to me.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 3:20 pm
amother [ Seagreen ] wrote:
The media had a story recently about a child who was not vaccinated and the public school refused to let the child participate in remote lear because vaccines were not up to date. Parent was told child needs to get all vaccinations or homeschooling.

I don't know about all states but Cuoumo has stated that in NY, all students must be up to date in order to attend school, either in person or remote. Child not up to date on vaccinations cannot attend remote classroom learning. California is also very strict about this rule.

So, it seems c that when covid19 vaccinations become mandatory in ny, which will probably happen in 2 years, the govt will be strict about it

This news story doesn't make sense. Remote learning means the child is at home and never enters the school building. Prior to covid, remote learning for a public school student wasn't really a thing, unless you were enrolled in a special online public school (like a charter school, which were pretty rare..
Now however the schools have figured it out, with online learning management platforms, etc and it won't be a big deal going forward.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 3:26 pm
amother [ Gray ] wrote:
If it becomes law, public schools will have to continue to offer the remote option as many students (and a nice handful of my colleagues btw) won't be taking it by force. Students are entitled to an education and I foresee lawsuits right and left.

Most parents don't want their child to spend their entire school years learning via the remote option.

Everyone I know wants their kids back in school, where they can interact with other kids the way kids were meant to.
All the kids are zoomed out and very few will want to continue learning like that once all their peers return to school.

I can definitely foresee a future where kids need to be vaccinated to go to school.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 3:48 pm
amother [ Apricot ] wrote:
Most parents don't want their child to spend their entire school years learning via the remote option.

Everyone I know wants their kids back in school, where they can interact with other kids the way kids were meant to.
All the kids are zoomed out and very few will want to continue learning like that once all their peers return to school.

I can definitely foresee a future where kids need to be vaccinated to go to school.

And if someone feels that strongly about their child not getting vaxxed, the remote learning will be a viable option. So, in that sense, any lawsuit will be a no-go, they can't claim their child will be denied an education.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 4:00 pm
Amarante wrote:
Public schools require vaccination for other diseases so they will also require vaccination for Covid unless one has a valid medical or religious exemption. Depending on location, these are not easy to get and are increasingly difficult. California tightened the law a few years ago and exemptions went way down.

Remote is not an option that most parents want for their children because it makes working almost impossible and in person education is seen as beneficial for children for a variety of reasons. Most people don’t homeschool their children.

Ardent anti-vaxxers have been homeschooling for a long time in states where personal preference exemptions are not an option.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 4:11 pm
amother [ Navy ] wrote:
Ardent anti-vaxxers have been homeschooling for a long time in states where personal preference exemptions are not an option.

That is true as homeschoolers tend towards certain extreme beliefs.

However the majority of mainstream parents do NOT homeschool nor do they want to homeschool.

For many parents home schooling or remote learning is not even an option since they need to work.

Remote learning was a disaster or extremely difficult for many parents. Even those who could work from home still found it difficult to supervise children when they were supposed to be working. Perhaps children over a certain age can do it without parental supervision but most grade school children need supervision.

However, public schools and most private schools are going to require vaccinations absent limited LEGITIMATE medical or religious reasons.

By summer there should be enough vaccine for everyone who wants it to be vaccinated. Although there are currently short term supply issues, vaccine production is rapidly rising and actual vaccinations have exceeded the 1 million shots per day that was originally promised by Biden and are now at approximately 1.5 million sots per day.

I don't think most people are scared that vaccines will be required since those with legitimate medical concerns will be exempted. Most people are scared that they won't get a vaccine before they are infected. As I told my friend, it would be like getting killed in the trenches an hour before the Armistice is signed since there is now a reliable way of avoiding death or severe symptoms.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 4:15 pm
Rappel wrote:
Adding to the list:

I know 2 preterms with complications afterward, 2 "failure to thrive in the womb," 1 stillbirth, 1 minuscule placenta, 1 clotting emergency, and a whole lot of suffering people whom have everything from chronic ear aches to the inability to walk down the street they're so tired, long after their actual Covid symptoms went away.

Correlation does not equal causation.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 4:16 pm
Amarante wrote:
That is true as homeschoolers tend towards certain extreme beliefs.

However the majority of mainstream parents do NOT homeschool nor do they want to homeschool.

For many parents home schooling or remote learning is not even an option since they need to work.

Remote learning was a disaster or extremely difficult for many parents. Even those who could work from home still found it difficult to supervise children when they were supposed to be working. Perhaps children over a certain age can do it without parental supervision but most grade school children need supervision.

However, public schools and most private schools are going to require vaccinations absent limited LEGITIMATE medical or religious reasons.

By summer there should be enough vaccine for everyone who wants it to be vaccinated. Although there are currently short term supply issues, vaccine production is rapidly rising and actual vaccinations have exceeded the 1 million shots per day that was originally promised by Biden and are now at approximately 1.5 million sots per day.

I don't think most people are scared that vaccines will be required since those with legitimate medical concerns will be exempted. Most people are scared that they won't get a vaccine before they are infected. As I told my friend, it would be like getting killed in the trenches an hour before the Armistice is signed since there is now a reliable way of avoiding death or severe symptoms.

Right. I meant that the people who REALLY do not want to vax their kids can homeschool and it is always an option for that extreme group (whether extreme in general or just regarding the covid vaccine).
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 4:23 pm
imorethanamother wrote:
Correlation does not equal causation.

You're right. But there is a strong correlation between Covid 19 and cardiovascular incidents, which inherently also link into fetal growth and development. Scientists are only beginning to study the data and examine whether there is causation. But the correlation is notable, leaving aside my anecdotal experiences.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 4:37 pm
DrMom wrote:
Vaccinated individuals are less likely to spread it. Numerous studies have shown this.

And so far, the vaccine has been shown to be almost as effective against the more aggressive variants as against the primary variation.

Sounds like it has a lot of benefits to me.

From what I have read, there is not enough strong scientific evidence for public health officials to definitively state that those who are vaccinated can not spread the disease so it is far better to err on the side of caution.

I have read a lot about how viral load can impact whether one becomes infected and how severe the symptoms are which is why being masked in a well ventilated large space or outdoors where you pass an infected person for a short period of time is probably not going to infect you because you simply wouldn't have been in contact with enough viral particles.

There is now so much evidence that good masks worn by "spreaders" and "receivers" are almost as good as vaccines as preventing the spread of diseases. Not that I am suggesting that masks should be worn in lieu of being vaccinated but just that there are currently ways to help protect yourself and protect others just by masking and taking other precautions.

Once most people have been vaccinated, there would be statistically almost no spread among those who are vaccinated - the pandemic would have been conquered.

I got my first Moderna jab in January and am scheduled K/H for Wednesday for my second jab. And then two weeks from then I should have 95% immunity. I will continue to wear a mask because I think it is recommended and also because I think the optics of walking around without a mask are terrible and could potentially cause others who aren't vaccinated to use me as an example and feel that their being maskless is justified because others aren't.

I do think that there is going to be some form of digital passport showing vaccination status that will enable one to have access to various public forums like theaters or arenas or even simchas.

For me one difference will be that I won't feel that every move I make is potentially infectious. What if the exterior of my mask becomes contaminated and then I inadvertently touch it and then touch my eyes or face. I go crazy when I see people who are fiddling with their masks constantly Very Happy
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 6:20 pm
amother [ Babypink ] wrote:
This news story doesn't make sense. Remote learning means the child is at home and never enters the school building. Prior to covid, remote learning for a public school student wasn't really a thing, unless you were enrolled in a special online public school (like a charter school, which were pretty rare..
Now however the schools have figured it out, with online learning management platforms, etc and it won't be a big deal going forward.

I can verify that it's true. Antivaxxers who have kept up with the shenanigans of the religious exemption repeal law are aware of this. I can link the news article when I have time, but it is absolutely true and no, it does not make sense. Even when remote learning became a "thing" during the pandemic, the unvaccinated kids were not allowed to participate. Expect the same thing with the covid vaccine.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 6:23 pm
amother [ Pearl ] wrote:
I can verify that it's true. Antivaxxers who have kept up with the shenanigans of the religious exemption repeal law are aware of this. I can link the news article when I have time, but it is absolutely true and no, it does not make sense. Expect the same thing with the covid vaccine.

Ok, I will take your word for it. But with all the extra scrutiny going on nowadays, any weird loopholes are going to be closed up tightly. There will be very clear legal protocols to follow.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 8:41 pm
My daughter is in seminary now. The admin doesn’t care if she gets the vaccine. There is less than a 5pct chance having the vaccine or proof of having had corona will let you back in, but it’s likely you won’t be let back in regardless. Leaving Israel for pesach is a risk and expect not to be let back, vaccine or not.

I gave my kids vaccines but just like I don’t take experimental medications, I don’t take experimental vaccines. I too would not want travel restrictions, I value vacation, but in general it’s best not to get upset about something unless you are sure it will happen. Asking here is all speculation. I was going to Israel yearly, but if vaccine is going to be a requirement, I’ll wait 5-10 years until it’s FDA approved.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 9:53 pm
We don't vacation. Ever. My husband hasn't been to Israel in 19 years. He finally has a chance to go this summer. And I don't think he will be able to in the end. You guys think I'm a spoiled vacationer whining about flying? In the last 16 years, I have flown once. We are simple people. Some posters on this thread make assumptions.

And no, I don't trust Fauci for a second.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 10:28 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
We don't vacation. Ever. My husband hasn't been to Israel in 19 years. He finally has a chance to go this summer. And I don't think he will be able to in the end. You guys think I'm a spoiled vacationer whining about flying? In the last 16 years, I have flown once. We are simple people. Some posters on this thread make assumptions.

And no, I don't trust Fauci for a second.

The posts are not about any kind of assumptions about you. You asked a question, people are chiming in with what they think will be the protocol going forward. That's all. We don't have any control over it. Contact your lawmakers and government representatives if you feel strongly one way or the other instead of getting angry with people who tried to answer your question.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 10:33 pm
For the poster that mentioned JNJ, I would check out Novovax. JNJ used DNA technology instead of mRNA but Novovax is traditional. In addition to that, JNJ had asbestos in their baby powder and they knew about it for years and did nothing.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 10:45 pm

We don't vacation. Ever. My husband hasn't been to Israel in 19 years. He finally has a chance to go this summer. And I don't think he will be able to in the end. You guys think I'm a spoiled vacationer whining about flying? In the last 16 years, I have flown once. We are simple people. Some posters on this thread make assumptions.

And no, I don't trust Fauci for a second.

If you were referring to my post making assumptions, because I said I go to Israel every year, here's the whole story. I too had not been to Israel in 20 years by the time I started going every year. You did post that you were concerned about the no flying. I am too. I guess you are only concerned about schools and visiting family? I don't think it will be required in school tomorrow, as too many are refusing the vaccine. In terms of visiting family, if one of my children lived in Israel (one wants to) and has a baby, I would not go for simcha or to help until covid vaccination is FDA approved, which takes 10 years.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 10:47 pm
amother [ Magenta ] wrote:
My point was that the reason infectious diseases aren’t raging everywhere is because of vaccines to begin with. I’ll admit I was being a bit dramatic. There are other ways to contract hpv, although the chances are small. Made smaller with the vaccine.
And OP shouldn’t be comparing an std with Covid.

You still don't make any sense and I don't understand your point.

You shouldn't be comparing an STD with an airborne virus.

Just curious, what kind of healthcare worker are you?
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 11:01 pm
HealthCoach wrote:

We don't vacation. Ever. My husband hasn't been to Israel in 19 years. He finally has a chance to go this summer. And I don't think he will be able to in the end. You guys think I'm a spoiled vacationer whining about flying? In the last 16 years, I have flown once. We are simple people. Some posters on this thread make assumptions.

And no, I don't trust Fauci for a second.

If you were referring to my post making assumptions, because I said I go to Israel every year, here's the whole story. I too had not been to Israel in 20 years by the time I started going every year. You did post that you were concerned about the no flying. I am too. I guess you are only concerned about schools and visiting family? I don't think it will be required in school tomorrow, as too many are refusing the vaccine. In terms of visiting family, if one of my children lived in Israel (one wants to) and has a baby, I would not go for simcha or to help until covid vaccination is FDA approved, which takes 10 years.

School and my husband's trip.

I looked up the novanax vaccine. You mean it's totally traditional like a flu shot? I would be interested in that if it is proven totally safe. The article I read didn't make it sound totally "traditional" (a deactivated virus), it was different. Very interested in this.
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Post Mon, Feb 15 2021, 11:13 pm
While it doesn't make sense at all, the law in ny is very clear. Do a search on doe website and cuoumos speeches. The law states that all students must be fully vaccinated in order to attend school, live or remote. In the quoted case, the parent used the argument that the ch is not a danger to anyone since its remote learning. The child was not allowed enrollment in remote learning.

The same law is active in CA and they're strictly enforcing it.

By now, no one should be surprised by nonsensical laws
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