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Post Thu, Mar 27 2008, 7:12 pm
If I bash in rhyme
Does that negate the crime?

I can post as amother I suppose
But I prefer to do it in prose

Everyone to the left of my beliefs
Are as heathen as Indian chiefs

And those of you to the right of me
Why take things so excessively?

Natural parenting is wrong to do
But so is formula and daycare too

Don't pay full tuition; that's a crime
But so is going to work full time

Your sheitel's too long, too curly, too short
Our kids can't marry, you're not our sort

You don't wear makeup to take out the trash?
Your husband pays you an allowance in cash?

If you're not just like me I have a right to abuse
I don't have to travel a mile in your shoes

Since this is written with poetic sense
Even my [gentile woman] can't take offense
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Post Thu, Mar 27 2008, 7:24 pm
wow- awesome
you can join the business-
mwa ha ha
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Post Thu, Mar 27 2008, 7:32 pm
so what exactly is the cause
of the vitious laugh of yours
it creaps me out to no end
chills up my spine it does send

about failing english theres a lesson we learn
its never to late around to turn
u can teach it to yourself later on in life
whether your a bobby, mommy, or even just a wife
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Post Thu, Mar 27 2008, 10:23 pm
If I never flunked English
Am I still welcome here?
I even used to teach it
Filling up the the kids with fear.

I used to believe in goodness
That we all knew right from wrong
Now I've heard different opinions
Cuz I've been on here too long.

How many guys are fakers
And seek out all kinds of [filth]?
I feel so sick and disgusted
I wish I was never born.

Don't even want a PM
Of that self-censored rhyme
Don't want to hear more ridicule
Of their immodest crime

My reality is shaking
My whole world rent asunder
How could these yeshivish guys
Make such a sicko blunder?

Humans are are too faulty
Though G-d is true and just
Yet how to live, what to think
If you can never trust?

All the goodness and the chesed
That I see every day
On this site is called a smokescreen
That they try to blow away

On my block I have a shul
Late at night I hear them learning
People here think they are just phonies
And for a hooker they are yearning

I liked my old world better
Taking people at their word
Seeing their sacrifice for torah-
Which truth is more absurd?
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Post Thu, Mar 27 2008, 10:33 pm
That's what I'm talking about!
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Post Thu, Mar 27 2008, 11:08 pm
Don't even want a PM
Of that self-censored rhyme
Don't want to hear more ridicule
Of their immodest crime

But I want it please.
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 2:46 am
miriamf wrote:
If I never flunked English
Am I still welcome here?
I even used to teach it
Filling up the the kids with fear.

I used to believe in goodness
That we all knew right from wrong
Now I've heard different opinions
Cuz I've been on here too long.

How many guys are fakers
And seek out all kinds of [filth]?
I feel so sick and disgusted
I wish I was never born.

Don't even want a PM
Of that self-censored rhyme
Don't want to hear more ridicule
Of their immodest crime

My reality is shaking
My whole world rent asunder
How could these yeshivish guys
Make such a sicko blunder?

Humans are are too faulty
Though G-d is true and just
Yet how to live, what to think
If you can never trust?

All the goodness and the chesed
That I see every day
On this site is called a smokescreen
That they try to blow away

On my block I have a shul
Late at night I hear them learning
People here think they are just phonies
And for a hooker they are yearning

I liked my old world better
Taking people at their word
Seeing their sacrifice for torah-
Which truth is more absurd?

Oy, this made me feel bad on so many levels!
at composing rhyme you are my better
Our world's troubles you laid out so neatly
A reminder to follow our Torah to the letter
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 9:07 am
miriamf WAKE UP!
the world is full of trouble....
Hope imamother....
didnt burst your bubble...............

wait- Im getting too cynical for myself.....

Im hungry and tired...
want to indulge
I need a donut...
without the bulge!!!
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 9:22 am
the world is full of people
some are good and some r bad
theres possitvie in everyone
from old man to young lad
its how u wish to persive things
value people for the good they do
hashem will punish those who do wrong
dont judge them and he wont judge you
dont u realize we live in gulas
there is no black and white-...-just gray
last I heard noones talking to g-d
so dont assume how and wat he'll say
I understand its hard to trust
things seem so unclear
ur only reading one page of his book
so if u dont understand thats fare
just trust the one above
and all will be ok
he's looking out for you
make sure everything u need comes ur way

edited bec wanted to add some more

Last edited by chayitty on Fri, Mar 28 2008, 9:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 9:23 am
I must say that this is truly one of the most enjoyable threads for me. I keep coming back to read the wit and rhyme. I love the little chuckle I get from the unexpected realizations here.
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 10:22 am
chayitty wrote:
the world is full of people
some are good and some r bad
theres possitvie in everyone
from old man to young lad
its how u wish to persive things
value people for the good they do
hashem will punish those who do wrong
dont judge them and he wont judge you
dont u realize we live in gulas
there is no black and white-...-just gray
last I heard noones talking to g-d
so dont assume how and wat he'll say
I understand its hard to trust
things seem so unclear
ur only reading one page of his book
so if u dont understand thats fare
just trust the one above
and all will be ok
he's looking out for you
make sure everything u need comes ur way

edited bec wanted to add some more

Chayayitty, that was an impressive poem!! But guys, don't worry about me. This poem supposed to be what a frum person's reaction would be if she accepted all the points of view expressed by many here. Don't worry about me...I'm 40 years old and have been around the block many times. I have had my moments of disbelief at unfortunate behaviour, but with Hashem's help I have more moments of awe at seeing the heights to which a Jew can rise. My world exists in total shades of gray, and I am a strong follower of Rav Eliyahu Dessler's line of thought that everything depends on the nikud bechira. I may do many more mitzvos in a way that is more chumradik than a person who only does a few, but only G-d knows for whom the actions are more difficult and more meaningful. If I was taught well and it comes easily, than perhaps a woman who does little but was not brought up that way, or who was given a different nature, may be greater in the eyes of G-d. My job is to do the best I can the best I know how and leave the rest of running the world to G-d.
But that peom was not a true reflection of my own feelings, but of a theoretical person.
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 10:23 am
I've read the rhymes from all of you
You're all quite funny it is true
But now I have some work to do.

If only I knew how to rhyme
I'd finish this and still have time
To make a Shabbat quite sublime.

Perhaps if you would send me bread,
A kugel, or some fish instead
I would not have to break my head.
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 10:25 am
the contoversal issues are interesting to discuss
it funny to see people making such a fuss
from expensive matzo covers to revolving bookcases
who knows how many tvs are hidden behind the spaces
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 11:07 am
[quote="sleepless-n-ny"]the contoversal issues are interesting to discuss
it funny to see people making such a fuss
from expensive matzo covers to revolving bookcases
who knows how many tvs are hidden behind the spaces[/quote

I don't want to pick on you, But I don't find it funy at all to speculate how many people are really hypocrites. This is part of what I meant about the discussions here emphasizing how we shouldn't trust anyone.
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 11:09 am
miriam-we are sadly living in a place called galus
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chocolate moose


Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 1:42 pm
I think that putting a computer in a easy to hide/cover place would make our living space more Shabbosdike, actually.
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 3:11 pm
I just came upon this thread
Boy! It almost knocked me dead
We have talent here that's so vast
Yay! Imamother, you're unsurpassed.
Your members are the hippest kind
They come here and speak their mind
Sometimes nice
Sometimes naughty
Sometimes humble
Sometimes haughty
Sometimes happy
Sometimes sad
Sometimes good
Sometimes bad
But most of the time TERRIFIC!!!!
(okay, I won't get specific)
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 5:17 pm
sleepless-n-ny wrote:
miriam-we are sadly living in a place called galus

I know, but I am not sure I understand what you mean. Why in golus should we speculate on who is hiding TVs?
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Post Fri, Mar 28 2008, 9:27 pm
All the goodness and the chesed
That I see every day
On this site is called a smokescreen
That they try to blow away

Yup Sometimes that saying 'ignorance is bliss' is soo true Sad
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Post Sat, Mar 29 2008, 8:29 pm
Am I the only nutter
That doesnt understand
Why the cops are arresting
The cheaters in this land

Hashem gave us laws
And there are morality rules
But whats the point in arresting
These really h*rny fools?

The ones that should punish
Are their girlfreinds and wives
They're the ones involved
The people in their lives

Yes its an avera
But sleeping with girlfreinds is too
And sleeping with your wife in nidda
is an avera if you're a jew

So many things are problems
Are morally not very nice
But why are police interfering
With those looking for a bit of spice?

Yes, they are paying
A service for a nice fee
But don't police have better to do
They should let these people be

If you want to arrest someone
Arrest the whores- its a bad career
Instead of rounding up guys
Who want fun after a bit of beer

I think police go a bissle far
In rounding up guys like these
Men are nutters, look for fun
But they're numerous as fleas

So yes, they straighten up these guys
send them for some school
So they'll stop with harlots
They'll be the exception, not the rule

Whoring in the world
Is the oldest profession
Even Yehuda, our father
Had a slight confession

Hashem holds people accountable
I'm not negating that
But a secular police system
What are they aiming at

So instead of paying these girls
They'll sleep with girls for no pay
And how is that any different
They're making no changes today

I think theres more productive things
For the police to do with their time
Since when is it illegal
To pay for the sublime?

embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed
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