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Does ur baby girl have earrings?
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Post Mon, May 28 2018, 8:54 pm
My girls are practically born with earrings!!

same here
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Post Mon, May 28 2018, 11:00 pm
amother wrote:
I strongly disagree.
Growing up, I never met a single woman without ears pierced. In my world, it's a given. They will get pierced. Could care less about buying cutesy earrings for my daughter or showing her off. I want her to have pierced ears like the rest of society, and better to do it when she is 3 weeks old and cries for 5 minutes and forgets about it right after.

Here’s what I don’t get.

You think that ear piercing is so traumatic and so painful that you can’t imagine an 8 year old going through it. So instead, you put a newborn who doesn’t even want it to go through it.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 2:43 am
amother wrote:
Here’s what I don’t get.

You think that ear piercing is so traumatic and so painful that you can’t imagine an 8 year old going through it. So instead, you put a newborn who doesn’t even want it to go through it.

I never said it's traumatic. I think it's painful, and it is less painful and memorable for a 3 week year old.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 3:01 am
amother wrote:
Here’s what I don’t get.

You think that ear piercing is so traumatic and so painful that you can’t imagine an 8 year old going through it. So instead, you put a newborn who doesn’t even want it to go through it.

I don't get it either.

Besides, it's not all that painful.
Women here are talking like it's equivalent to a circumcision.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 4:32 am
amother wrote:
I never said it's traumatic. I think it's painful, and it is less painful and memorable for a 3 week year old.

I would buy that argument for something that is a medical necessity or a brit- something that has to be done. But for something totally unnecessary, that argument is ridiculous. It's jewelry, for crying out loud. JEWELRY!

Last edited by moonstone on Tue, May 29 2018, 4:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 4:40 am
DrMom wrote:
I don't get it either.

Besides, it's not all that painful.
Women here are talking like it's equivalent to a circumcision.

Ha, good point! I had my ears pierced when I was 9 because I really wanted to wear earrings. The first hole was a bit painful, but more shocking (for lack of a better word) than anything. While my mouth was open in surprise or shock or whatever, the girl did the other ear and I didn't even notice.

So actually, its probably worse for a baby. At least I was prepared, knew what was coming and why it would hurt. A baby doesn't have a clue- she's lying there minding her own business, and from out of nowhere, pain in the ears.

In any case, regardless of the pain or lack of pain, I still think that piercing a baby's ears is ridiculous and just looks dumb.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 5:24 am
moonstone wrote:
I would buy that argument for something that is a medical necessity or a brit- something that has to be done. But for something totally unnecessary, that argument is ridiculous. It's jewelry, for crying out loud. JEWELRY!

I hear you logically.
I don't know, my emotions tell me that this is the norm and it's something that is a given.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 5:33 am
So, OP, which advice did you take? Was your DH persuaded that it's worthwhile, or were you persuaded that it's not necessary?
Differences of opinions come up between spouses. Either one has to convince the other of their opinion, or someone has to give in.
Either way, don't let it spoil your shalom bayit.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 7:44 am
amother wrote:
Here’s what I don’t get.

You think that ear piercing is so traumatic and so painful that you can’t imagine an 8 year old going through it. So instead, you put a newborn who doesn’t even want it to go through it.

I got earrings as an adult. It's not really painful. The worst part is the fear. So it would make sense that it's less traumatic for a baby. I do worry about it being a choking hazard.

That being said, I waited till my girls asked for earrings.
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anon for this


Post Tue, May 29 2018, 9:21 am
Piercing infant's ears wasn't common in my community growing up. I had mine done around my bat mitzvah. When my daughter was born some other relatives were getting their daughters' ears pierced, and one told me that she had it done so people won't mistake her daughter for a boy.

That didn't seem like a good reason to put a hole in my daughter's ears so I didn't bother. When she was 4, we were out walking and someone assumed she was a boy and said, "its too bad they have to lose that beautiful hair". because my daughter's hair reached halfway down her back. My daughter was wearing bright pink sweats, had hair reaching halfway down her back, and doesn't look much like a boy, so I doubt earrings would've even helped.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 9:28 am
I got earrings for my kiddush, and my girls did too. Like creditcards said, I have never met a girl who complained that her mother pierced her ears for her as a baby.

My oldest was asleep, and remained that way, for the procedure. My other two girls barely cried. It was so not a big deal, and I really think that their lack of touching the area made it heal faster with less issues.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 10:58 am
Didn’t do it until she asked.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 11:19 am
Op, theres no specific correct answer up to u
..I pierced at 3 wks bec they say the younger the less pain but ny sis did her baby at like 12 mnths and she was totally fine..they hv this pain free system now w tiny little earring gun tht they say barelt hurts im so happy I did now and shes so used tot hem x touhcebthem jst b sure to clean in the beginningand to turn them
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 11:19 am
I pierced my daughter's ears when she was about 14 months, around the time she got shoes. I don't like the look of a newborn with earrings - I think it ruins the pure newborn look...
Reason why I got her earrings then was due to pressure from relatives. IY"H when I have more girls, I think I'll wait until they're a little older.
She did cry for a couple of seconds, but I gave her a bottle and held her and hugged her and she was fine. They got infected once, and I put bacetracin and it never happened again. Once in while she still pulls at it, but it's mostly ignored.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 12:04 pm
I love the pure and natural newborn baby look, just the way Hashem made them... I find earrings takes away from that.

And I do think it's weird to make holes in your baby just for your own personal agenda.
It doesn't matter that it hurts less than a vaccine...a vaccine is for your baby's benefit, whereas ear piercing is for your own.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 5:41 pm
Its not holes tht r unaccepted its earring holes....uts a regular normal thing to do but its based on wat u feel comfortable doing meaning its ur kid and ur life so do wat ypu think is rite eo based on their own circles is gonna hv their own opinion. If u do it tho dont feel guiltyits a normal thing to do and happens to look heav...doesnt takeaway it enhances!!
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 7:55 pm
Does your baby wear a headband? It's so uncomfortable. I can't imagine doing that to my baby. She has to wear something on her head because you think it's cute?
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 8:54 pm
observer wrote:
I love the pure and natural newborn baby look, just the way Hashem made them... I find earrings takes away from that.

And I do think it's weird to make holes in your baby just for your own personal agenda.
It doesn't matter that it hurts less than a vaccine...a vaccine is for your baby's benefit, whereas ear piercing is for your own.

But amothers here have explained that the reason we do it is not for our own personal agenda.

Let's not turn this into a moralistic issue.
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Post Tue, May 29 2018, 9:06 pm
Just saying, it’s not like the only options are newborn or bat mitzvah. There are a lot of years in between. Though, my pediatrician recommends not piercing ears between 1-4 years because they touch the area too much and it could get infected etc. so op I don’t know if your baby is a good age for piercing anyway.
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Water Stones


Post Tue, May 29 2018, 9:06 pm
I have two girls, 2 years old and almost 1 year old.
I think it's very cute little girls with earrings, but I'll wait until they say to me they want it.

My ears were pierced 13 years old when I asked for it.

My mother doesn't have ears pierced.
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