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S/o What Does Your Husband Do?
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Cmon be nice


Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 9:07 am
Busymom104 wrote:
CPA in one of the Big 4
90 hour workweeks ...

15 hours a day, 6 days a week? Is that all year or just tax season?
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 9:09 am
[quote="amother"]Google consultant[/quote
Do u mind sharing a bit about it?
My husband is in law school and wants to go into cunsulting but I’m nervous and keep telling him to just go to a big firm and make money lol.
Does he have very long hours/ travelling? Did u have to relocate?
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 9:14 am
Kollel in the a.m. and evening
Learns with boys from the former USSR in the p.m.
Tutors boys of various learning levels (from super-bright to learning disabled.)
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 9:15 am
amother wrote:
Lawyer. He used to work for a big firm but was told he wasn't going to make partner back in the days when law firms were firing associates by the dozens. He took a compensation package to leave and then learned in kollel for some time while also job hunting. Now he works as a court attorney and is home every night in time for a family dinner. He doesn't bring home work anymore so he has time to prepare shiurim and bake and spend time with the family. Losing his job was the best thing that happened, although it didn't seem so at the time!

That’s amazing ! If u don’t mind me asking if that’s financially challenging? (My husband is in law school and we have now huge loans but he doesn’t know if/ for how long he will stick it out in a big firm)
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 9:34 am
Cmon be nice wrote:
15 hours a day, 6 days a week? Is that all year or just tax season?

From the end of January through the end of June he came home around midnight, some nights at 2 or 3 am and worked on Sundays at home. He’s in audit, not tax. In the summer it’s calmer. It’s really not easy, he’s burnt out.
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 10:22 am
High school Rebbe in the morning, high school principal in the afternoon
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 10:32 am
Beingreal wrote:
Works in B&h and learns at night. Also a great dad!

Mine too!. Store operations manager. He works HARD.
But no biking. We live too far.

When we lived in the city he once gave it a test run.... and his jacket flew out the basket somewhere.... that was the last time....

If anyone event finds a super long chassidish navy jacket size 38 in Manhattan somewhere it's his.......
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 10:56 am
Director of IT infrastructure (don't ask me what that means!!)
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 10:59 am
amother wrote:
That’s amazing ! If u don’t mind me asking if that’s financially challenging? (My husband is in law school and we have now huge loans but he doesn’t know if/ for how long he will stick it out in a big firm)

I'm not sure if this will help you as we have somewhat unique circumstances. My in laws paid for law school out of pocket so we don't have student loans to pay off. We didn't have kids right away so we were able to save a lot of money in the beginning of our marriage by living simply in a studio apartment so we could put our money towards investments and buying a house. We currently are only paying tuition for 1 child in elementary school and 1 in preschool, so we definitely can live within our means. I work from home part time so we don't have childcare expenses either. Once our baby is in school and our bills increase I will hopefully be able to work more to offset them.

If your husband can get a job in a big firm (not a given these days) then it might be worth putting in some time to get the big $$$ and the experience. It's soul sucking work so not everyone is cut out for the long haul, but if he can stick it out for a few years then he'll be very marketable if he wants to move in house somewhere. It will mean you'll barely see him though.

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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 1:31 pm
amother wrote:
Kollel (30+ years so far b”ah)

It's very interesting that this and the following quote from jewishmom8:

full time kollel
19 years so far Very Happy

are the 2 most liked posts right now.

After all the discussions here on kollel lifestyle this seems to indicate that it's still something very much admired by a lot of people.
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 2:16 pm
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 3:41 pm
potatoes wrote:
That's very impressive and what nachas for you!

Do you mind me asking how ypur able to do it so Long? Do youchave a great job? Or receive outside family support.

I just wonder how ppl can pull this amazing thing off! For so long!

Re: Kollel 30 yrs.+

Yes. B”H I do have a great (professional) job, for which I went to school many years with the support (emotional, helping in house and with kids, etc.) from DH. We also own a multi-family home, so we live rent free and then some (when all goes well) - so that is sort of the second job We have some money invested, and we put some away for the future. On occasion, DH has tutored (bein hasedarim or in evenings), worked as a rebbe in a day camp, etc., and I have taken on extra work (when necessary) as well. Most importantly, we are very careful to live within our means. If we can’t pay it off by the end of the month (when the bills are due) we don’t buy it. We make due with 1 (old) car, live in an apartment (rather than a house), don’t spend summers in the country, don’t go on any lavish vacations, don’t spend on takeout food, dining out, entertainment, expensive chol hamoed trips, etc. and have very limited cleaning help. We’re happy with what we have and don’t need the latest of anything. We do our best to teach our kids about the difference between needs and wants, and how to make choices within the available resources. (It is a very fine line to walk - to keep kids from feeling deprived, so we may try to do a little extra to earn whatever a child needs.)

B”H, we receive no family support, we are on no government programs, and we are not in debt (to gemachs or credit cards, etc.) When we got married, we agreed that DH would learn for as long as we could make it work. B”H, (although there have definitely been some very difficult times), Hashem has helped us, and here we are . . .

Note: This will not necessarily work for everyone. If, at any time, I had wanted DH to leave Kollel and get a job, he would have begun to look for a job on that day. He offered many times, when times were rough, but I always persuaded him that we could hold out a bit longer without him leaving Yeshiva. At this point, my earning power is very significantly greater than that of DH, so I no longer anticipate him ever having to work. I do feel privileged and very thankful to Hashem for helping/enabling us to pull this off . . .
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 3:44 pm
amother wrote:
Re: Kollel 30 yrs.+

Yes. B”H I do have a great (professional) job, for which I went to school many years with the support (emotional, helping in house and with kids, etc.) from DH. We also own a multi-family home, so we live rent free and then some (when all goes well) - so that is sort of the second job We have some money invested, and we put some away for the future. On occasion, DH has tutored (bein hasedarim or in evenings), worked as a rebbe in a day camp, etc., and I have taken on extra work (when necessary) as well. Most importantly, we are very careful to live within our means. If we can’t pay it off by the end of the month (when the bills are due) we don’t buy it. We make due with 1 (old) car, live in an apartment (rather than a house), don’t spend summers in the country, don’t go on any lavish vacations, don’t spend on takeout food, dining out, entertainment, expensive chol hamoed trips, etc. and have very limited cleaning help. We’re happy with what we have and don’t need the latest of anything. We do our best to teach our kids about the difference between needs and wants, and how to make choices within the available resources. (It is a very fine line to walk - to keep kids from feeling deprived, so we may try to do a little extra to earn whatever a child needs.)

B”H, we receive no family support, we are on no government programs, and we are not in debt (to gemachs or credit cards, etc.) When we got married, we agreed that DH would learn for as long as we could make it work. B”H, (although there have definitely been some very difficult times), Hashem has helped us, and here we are . . .

Note: This will not necessarily work for everyone. If, at any time, I had wanted DH to leave Kollel and get a job, he would have begun to look for a job on that day. He offered many times, when times were rough, but I always persuaded him that we could hold out a bit longer without him leaving Yeshiva. At this point, my earning power is very significantly greater than that of DH, so I no longer anticipate him ever having to work. I do feel privileged and very thankful to Hashem for helping/enabling us to pull this off . . .

Wow! Kudos to you. Reading this brought tears to my eyes and I really wonder what your SN is so I can give you the proper respect you deserve.
May the investment that you made in Torah repay you with nachas from your children and healthy long years to enjoy your grandchildren!
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 3:47 pm
simba wrote:
Wow! Kudos to you. Reading this brought tears to my eyes and I really wonder what your SN is so I can give you the proper respect you deserve.
May the investment that you made in Torah repay you with nachas from your children and healthy long years to enjoy your grandchildren!


Thank you, and the same to you Smile
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 3:48 pm
kgh180 wrote:

That's what I'd like DH to be but he's still an accountant.
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 3:52 pm
Chayalle wrote:
Kollel in the a.m. and evening
Learns with boys from the former USSR in the p.m.
Tutors boys of various learning levels (from super-bright to learning disabled.)

Hi Chayalle, what school/organization does your husband work for? Curious about this tutoring job, didn't know of Russian school in Lakewood?
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 4:13 pm
Info Sec Engineer for the US Government
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 4:17 pm
Busymom104 wrote:
From the end of January through the end of June he came home around midnight, some nights at 2 or 3 am and worked on Sundays at home. He’s in audit, not tax. In the summer it’s calmer. It’s really not easy, he’s burnt out.

Can we be friends lol?!
My husband has crazy hours like that too in a big four firm. Not in audit though
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 4:54 pm
He has a PhD in programming and was until recently a tenured university professor. He’s just given up his job though, to look after our son who has severe mental ill health problems. So really , he’s super-dad 😊 and I’m vvv grateful.
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Post Thu, Jul 19 2018, 11:06 pm
Rosh Yeshiva
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