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Why is [non jew] not a PC word?
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:02 pm
PinkFridge wrote:
Daniel Pearl was a journalist who was brutally murdered and his last words were, "I am a Jew and my father was Jew." (I don't know if he read a script or if he said it on his own, but as I said, Hy"d.)

That's what I intended. In googling to check my recollection, some sources say he said "I am a Jew," others say, "I am Jewish." I guess it was the latter because his father wrote a book:

But, while googling "I am a Jew" I found this:

He was making a statement.

I would never say in my office "I am a Jew. I am leaving today at 3pm" - and my ears would twitch if my colleague said "Since Shani is a Jew, she leaves early on Fridays".
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:03 pm
nchr wrote:
Sorry, I don't understand this comment. Mind elaborating?

Pearl was a journalist who was kidnapped and executed by Al Qaeada. While Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh was convicted of the murder, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed claimed that he murdered Pearl, stating, "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan."

Pearl's last words, on video, were “My father is Jewish. My mother is Jewish. I am Jewish.”
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:04 pm
Squishy wrote:
What's chassidish-adjacent ? Does mean that Chassidish people live on adjoining property to me? Is Chassidish contagious? Should I be worried?

Do you live in a Chassidish community - or not.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:08 pm
JoyInTheMorning wrote:
Regarding the bolded:

1. I'm not offended if someone uses the term "American Indian" instead of "Native American," but I don't want other people to feel offended. That's what I would advocate (not dictate, but advocate) for people using the terms that groups want to be called.

2. There are probably no Native Americans on imamother, but one never knows. People do convert.

3. You ask how many people do we know doing blackface or moonwalking? On imamother, I'm guessing that it's small. In fact, I've never seen it on imamother. So your comparison of blackfacers on imamother to Native Americans on imamothers strikes me as odd.

That said, I agree that the blackface controversy seems to have run amok. I've never done blackface. I've always found blackface performances in old movies to be cringeworthy, but didn't think more about it. I think that most people who did blackface in their youth never thought about it. I think that once we find out that it's an offensive practice, it makes sense to stop it, but I don't understand the need to punish those who did it in their youth before they knew it was offensive. I think also that there should be a distinction between doing blackface and darkening one's skin to play Othello. (After all, when I took acting classes and worked on a monologue of Joan of Arc from Shaw's Saint Joan, I got yelled at for doing it in a skirt and with my hair down over my shoulders. If you're supposed to look the part, I don't see what's wrong with altering oneself with makeup, etc., the same as I was supposed to put on different clothing / put up my hair to be Joan of Arc.)

4. I have no idea how abortions and murder fit into this conversation, but I think you are swallowing the Kool Aid handed out by Christian-based media. There is no such thing as after-birth abortion. Read the laws.

You're OK for a liberal.

1. Advocating and not dictating shows respect for the other person and allows other points of view.

2. ITA

3. I was talking about hypocrites like the congresswoman with her nazi cross being part of a throuple with her estranged husband and staff member and blaming her naked photos on Republican operatives.

4. I listened to what Governor Ralph Northam (D) had to say about keeping the baby comfortable after it was born and then the mother and the doctors deciding the baby's fate. Some refer to this as after-birth abortion. I call it murder. Even the koolaid you drink would say terminating a living baby is murder. But he did offer to moonwalk for the reporters when the blackface pictures came out.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:11 pm
amother [ Floralwhite ] wrote:
Do you live in a Chassidish community - or not.

I can't believe you have people liking your posts. I don't have a high tolerance [edited to remove insult]. Maybe they do. You write too many things that are untrue.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:11 pm
groovy1224 wrote:
I didn't know it was considered by anyone to be offensive till I joined this site. Growing up, it was used the same way we say shabbos instead of Saturday, or shul instead of synagogue. Literally the same meaning, no connotation at all, just the Yiddish/Hebrew version of the word.

Same by me. Most of my close friends are g*yim.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:13 pm
urban gypsy wrote:
You only wish Good Shabbos to Orthodox Jews ???????

Not if I all wished good Shabbos first. I am wished good Shabbos by many non-Jewish people. They like to say it.

Otherwise, I will tell them to have a nice weekend or be well.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:15 pm
JoyInTheMorning wrote:
LOL. I also thought you were Chassidish, actually Chassidish-lite.

I am probably close to you in upbringing.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:19 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
Same by me. Most of my close friends are g*yim.

And you use the word to them?

If Suzy and Mary invite you out for drinks on Tuesday, do you tell them "I'm sorry, I can't go out with my g0yishe friends that night, I have another engagement."

Or, "I love that dress on you, but its really g0y1she, with that low neckline, I couldn't wear it.:

Or otherwise discuss the g0ys or g0y1m.

Most important of all, having now learned that the terms is widely considered to be derogatory, don't you think it would be more respectful of your friends to use a different term, such as "gentile."
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urban gypsy


Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:19 pm
Squishy wrote:
Not if I all wished good Shabbos first. I am wished good Shabbos by many non-Jewish people. They like to say it.

Otherwise, I will tell them to have a nice weekend or be well.

Why? Are you afraid that if you wish a non Orthodox Jew Good Shabbos they will be offended?
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:27 pm
amother [ Aqua ] wrote:
Well, you’ve mentioned you live in Airmont in Monsey so if you’re straight-out Chassidish, you’re either Chassidish-adjacent, heimish or Chareidi.

Whatever you want to call yourself, I grew up in that community until I got married and “[non jew]” was most definitely not used innocently. Ah, the relish with which people would say “ugh, look at that [non jew]” or “that’s so g0yish” - please. That’s exactly why it’s offensive.

I grew up in Monsey & I'm Chassidish - it was a word we used when we knew our parents weren't listening.

Apparently, or so I've heard, there are millions of chassidish families in Monsey. Different homes, different rules.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:28 pm
Squishy wrote:
What's chassidish-adjacent ? Does mean that Chassidish people live on adjoining property to me? Is Chassidish contagious? Should I be worried?

Nice try at deflection. You know exactly what I mean.

But it's ok, I know I'm not changing your mind about "PC culture" and the use of "[non jew]" therin - I honestly don't know why I bothered.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:29 pm
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:33 pm
amother [ Floralwhite ] wrote:
I do. I wouldn't say "I am a Jew so please order a kosher meal for me".

I am proud to be a Jew. Not just to be Jewish. We should let racists steal our name from us??

Practically, if I was ordering an airline meal I would say " I would like to order a kosher meal."

But I only say someone is a nonJew/not Jewish. "G.oy" is used in a derogatory way often enough that I'm not comfortable with my family using it at all.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:33 pm
At my elementary school, my 7th grade non Jewish English teacher told us that she found the word “[gentile]” offensive. We were all really surprised because we didn’t think it was offensive but since then I’m more careful not to use that word.
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:34 pm
I don't use the term gy in my house - doesn't align with my hashkafa, period. I don't see the world as "us and them".
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:35 pm
amother [ Black ] wrote:

The word we used for the Anti-Semitic teens down the block was "shkutzim".

I know you deleted, but since you're anonymous ...

you are literally the only other person I've met outside my old 'hood who used that term. Did we grow up together?

Except that [non jew] was used offensively as well.

[Yes, we used offensive terms as kids. Fortunately, we learned since then.]
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Post Fri, Nov 01 2019, 12:37 pm
cozyblanket wrote:
I am proud to be a Jew. Not just to be Jewish. We should let racists steal our name from us??

Practically, if I was ordering an airline meal I would say " I would like to order a kosher meal."

But I only say someone is a nonJew/not Jewish. "G.oy" is used in a derogatory way often enough that I'm not comfortable with my family using it at all.

My pride as a Jew has nothing to do with my work.
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