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Does your baby 9 months or older STTN?
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Does your baby 9 months or older STTN?
I breastfeed and my baby sleeps through the night  
 36%  [ 19 ]
I breastfeed and my baby still wakes up to nurse 1+ times per night  
 34%  [ 18 ]
I bottle feed and my baby sleeps through the night  
 19%  [ 10 ]
I bottle feed and my baby still wakes up to eat 1+ times per night  
 9%  [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 52



Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 4:58 pm
I am beginning to wonder if it's possible for DS to sleep the whole way through the night while I am still nursing him. I love nursing and plan to BF until DS doesn't want it anymore, be that tomorrow or next year, but lately I have become obsessed with the idea of getting eight hours of consecutive sleep. Seven would be fine too. Or six. But you get my point. I don't want to stop nursing, but I can't seem to get him to drop the 5 am (or 4, or 6) feed. He does eat real food too, three meals a day of it!

If you answered that your breastfed baby sleeps through the night, please indicate if you sleep trained and which method you used, and at what age. By "sleeps through the night" I mean you put him/her down and s/he sleeps until the next morning when it's time to get up for the day. No regular wakeups to nurse.

I'm open to anything at this point Smile
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 5:17 pm
My 9-month old doesn't sleep through the night when she's teething, which is usually. When she's not she sleeps just fine.

Her older sister didn't sleep through the night either, same reason, even after she was bottle fed.

I never tried sleep training.
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 5:49 pm
Non of my kids (4 others) slept through the night while bf. I don't see my baby now being any different.
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 6:58 pm
My DD is 9.5 months and goes to sleep at 10, wakes at 3 and 6. She doesn't eat a lot of solids. I found that none of my other children ever slept through the night until I stopped bf. (that is after 4 months, for some reasons my 2 youngest slept through the night - 10 hours - from 3 weeks until 4 months, and then they stopped and started getting up every 3 hours. I'm grateful for that time though)
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 7:32 pm
I wish! He's almost 11 months and I'm BF. When he's not teething, he usually wakes up 2-3 times in a 12 hour period. When he is teething, or we're traveling, or he's sick. . . he wakes up around 5 times a night. Can I join the tired mommy's club?
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 7:47 pm
My breastfed baby didn't sleep through the night until I put him in a crib to sleep. As long as he was in my bed it was an all night buffet lol. He's for the most part been sleeping through the night since around 9-10 mths.
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Laughing Bag!


Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 8:53 pm
at the moment im not nursing anyone, lol. However dd did nurse full time and slept through the night at about 6-7 months. I would nurse her last at about 10/11pm and she woke up at about 6/7am. she did not sleep in my room at that time. she had her own room from age 4.5m so if that makes a diffrence here we go!
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 8:54 pm
I trained my twins at 8 months to sleep through. each time they cried, I just went to put in the pacifier, may it be 8 times a night as well. but it only took like 3 days, and it worked. put them to bed 8:00 they wake up about 6:00. then fall back to sleep. good luck!!
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 8:55 pm
My breastfed baby was sleeping through the night before then, but I did let him CIO. Letting him cry in the middle of the night was easy - he barely cried then. He really wasn't hungry at that point (when I WAS feeding him, he fell asleep very quickly without eating much, just comfort sucking). It was letting him cry when going to sleep for the night the first time that was very hard.

Good luck, whatever you decide.
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 9:05 pm
My breast-fed baby is still waking up to nurse. I find that as long as they still sleep in my room, they wake up. I don't move them out until they're fully eating solids, so I know that they're not waking up because they're hungry. Usually 10-11 months.
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Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 9:21 pm
I have this feeling that it may also have something to do with him being in my room. When we move he'll get his own room, hopefully that's in the next couple months. Until then...sigh....

I have tried Ferberizing, but the problem is that we get to the point where he will sleep until 6 or 7 for two nights, then he'll wake up to eat at 5:30, then the next night it's 5, then 4:30. Then I have to let him cry a little bit and he'll move the wake-up back. It's like a game of chess that I am constantly losing and I hate having to re-train him. Listening to him cry is horrible not to mention since he's in my room, it disturbs DH who really needs his brain at work. It seems simpler just to deal with the night feedings for now but I am SO TIRED. I want to think about having another, but I can't imagine pregnancy will make me feel less tired. LOL.

So I flirt with the idea of stopping nursing in the hopes that it will help but from reading everyone's responses it seems as though that may be hit or miss too.
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 5:37 am
My baby put herself on a 6 hour stretch at 1 month, and stayed there until 10 months.
Since then she sleeps a full night.
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 7:04 am
15 months old - wakes up 2-3 times Sad
where do I sign up for the tired mommy club??
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 9:00 am
At 9 she was bottle fed and sleeping through the night bh for a long time. She started when she was still nursed.
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Chava Golar


Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 9:03 am
Mistake. My baby is not yet 9 months. Just started inconsistantly sleeping through the night abt a week ago.
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 9:40 am
DD just hit 9 months and is not STTN (BFing + solids). We're in a one bedroom, so she's in our room, but we just put up a partition that seemed to help for a few days...and then she got really bad croup. So now she's in my bed again, feeding all the time.

Hopefully the croup will go away soon, and then we'll be able to get her to sleep a whole night... Confused
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 10:07 am
DS #1 did not sleep through the night until we made him CIO. (11 months)

DS#2 did not sleep through the night until we took him to a chiropracter. That night he slept all the way through (instead of waking 3-4 times to eat). He is 11 months now and only wakes up when sick.

Although for us, daytime starts at 5:45 am, so I'm not sure that's a help. With our schedule there is no way for him to get 12 hours straight.
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 10:21 am
One breastfed baby slept through before 6 months, no sleep training required. Happened as soon as baby was moved to a different bedroom. Current 6.5 month old baby not sleeping through the night yet but still in our bedroom- I'm not ready to move baby out yet and can function fine with the sleep interuptions.
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Hippi Dippi


Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 10:24 am
I breastfeed and my baby just recently started sleeping through the night; she is 1.
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Post Tue, Aug 31 2010, 11:07 am
Sigh - we're not near the 9 month mark yet but I can't seem to see the forest for the trees in terms of sleeping - DD is 7 months. Yesterday we even got 3.5 consecutive hours. She won't take a bottle, is in our room (we're staying with our in-laws, a whole different story!) and won't settle till gone 9 pm...

I'll echo what chatouli said - is there any help if you start using the CIO method?
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