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My husband is trying to save his kids! need tefilla
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Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 3:23 am
Please daven for my husband and his kids. Its a horror story, some of you will have heard about it
His first wife went from being a kiruv rebetsin to now a born again xtian. What is worse than the fact that she takes his young kids (age between 5 and 10) to church and feeds them bacon and eggs for breakfast, is she is doing some serious parental alienation and has taken measures to ensure a restraining order against him. My husband is harmless as they come and a greatstep dad to my kids including a 10 and 12 year old girl.
She is taking his daughters skin rashes (that she often got) to "prove" that he is "dangerous" so she can shut him out of their life, and their non Jewish very young "step dad" meanwhile just got out of jail and she wants him to be "dad" and "abba" to be out of the picture. Well they have an upcoming court case where she is going for PERMANENT restraining order, nebuch, and we are hoping to have a change of custody- we feel its the only way to protect these kids from being totally messed up, yiddishkeit aside.
They had a great judge last time this scenario happened, and he was jewish and he "got it" (there was extensive evaluation) and threatened her with switch of custody if she carried on alienating them and didnt send them on visits. Unfortunately the judge has changed and the new one is so overly cautious that even for a "just in case" we feel he will edge on the side of caution- he is insecure type and doesnt want to lose his job!.
This whole situation baffles anyone who knows him or knew her, and it is tragic
Please daven for my husband to be matsliach in court, and we should be matsliach in saving the children from a situation which is totally messing them up and confusing them (they love their abba but havent seen him now for 6 months)
Husband is Shimon Aharon ben Ada Necha
kids are Rochel bas Shimon Aharon, Rivka Baila bas Shimon Aharon, Yecheskel Shalom ben Shimon Aharon, Yekusiel ben Shimon Aharon. (psak given is to use father's name)

if you can help with a perek of tehillim a day for 40 days till the court case please let me know which perek/im you can do!! Tisku l mitsvas good shabbos and happy Chanukah
p.s. we had a baby girl last week BH a simcha in all this mess!!!!!!
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Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 3:31 am

we wil for sure daven for them
mazel tov for you baby
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Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 4:47 am
What a horror story for you guys!
May this Chanukah bring you your miracle.

Shimon Aharon ben Ada Necha
kids are Rochel bas Shimon Aharon, Rivka Baila bas Shimon Aharon, Yecheskel Shalom ben Shimon Aharon, Yekusiel ben Shimon Aharon.

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Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 9:00 am
I'll say perek 30. Consider me on your list if you get one, pm me when I should stop, please.

BTW, things are slow here erev Shabbos so please bump this up after Shabbos if you don't get a response. It's not that people don't care, and I'm sure a lot of women will think about you during candlelighting.
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chocolate chips


Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 10:48 am
Thinking of you and your family and will have you all in mind.
Gut Shabbos
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Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 10:50 am
Will daven.
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Ema of 5


Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 11:26 am
Leah613 wrote:
Please daven for my husband and his kids. Its a horror story, some of you will have heard about it
His first wife went from being a kiruv rebetsin to now a born again xtian. What is worse than the fact that she takes his young kids (age between 5 and 10) to church and feeds them bacon and eggs for breakfast, is she is doing some serious parental alienation and has taken measures to ensure a restraining order against him. My husband is harmless as they come and a greatstep dad to my kids including a 10 and 12 year old girl.
She is taking his daughters skin rashes (that she often got) to "prove" that he is "dangerous" so she can shut him out of their life, and their non Jewish very young "step dad" meanwhile just got out of jail and she wants him to be "dad" and "abba" to be out of the picture. Well they have an upcoming court case where she is going for PERMANENT restraining order, nebuch, and we are hoping to have a change of custody- we feel its the only way to protect these kids from being totally messed up, yiddishkeit aside.
They had a great judge last time this scenario happened, and he was jewish and he "got it" (there was extensive evaluation) and threatened her with switch of custody if she carried on alienating them and didnt send them on visits. Unfortunately the judge has changed and the new one is so overly cautious that even for a "just in case" we feel he will edge on the side of caution- he is insecure type and doesnt want to lose his job!.
This whole situation baffles anyone who knows him or knew her, and it is tragic
Please daven for my husband to be matsliach in court, and we should be matsliach in saving the children from a situation which is totally messing them up and confusing them (they love their abba but havent seen him now for 6 months)
Husband is Shimon Aharon ben Ada Necha
kids are Rochel bas Shimon Aharon, Rivka Baila bas Shimon Aharon, Yecheskel Shalom ben Shimon Aharon, Yekusiel ben Shimon Aharon. (psak given is to use father's name)

if you can help with a perek of tehillim a day for 40 days till the court case please let me know which perek/im you can do!! Tisku l mitsvas good shabbos and happy Chanukah
p.s. we had a baby girl last week BH a simcha in all this mess!!!!!!

I am anyway saying 141-150 for some other things, so I will add all of those names to my list of people to daven for

hatzlacha raba!!
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Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 1:02 pm
I will say perek 121. Please add me to the list, pm when you will be matzliach.
"tracht gut v'zeyn gut"

All the best.
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Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 1:16 pm
I have their names written down, and will be davening for all of you. May you be matzliach!!
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Post Fri, Dec 03 2010, 1:16 pm

First of all, Mazel tov on your new baby and you should only have simchas and good news to share.

I am so sorry that you are going through this situation. it must be so difficult.

When I donated today to Vaad Harabanim and Kupat Hair, I gave in your husband's name to both places, that him and his children should have bracha vihatzlacha biruchnius vigashmius.

the names are going to five gedolei hador, including Reb Chaim Kanievsky, Reb Elyashiv, Reb Shteinman, and others that Vaad Harabanim send the tehillim names to.

how do you spell Ada Necha in hebrew? when I gave in the names they asked for the spelling, but I wasn't sure. so I gave them the english spelling.

please keep us updated. I hope there will be good news.
as you said, Tisku l mitsvas good shabbos and happy Chanukah
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Post Sat, Dec 04 2010, 1:16 pm
I'll do perek 1.
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Post Sat, Dec 04 2010, 8:19 pm
my dh knows yours from the old days at aish. we've been davening for his children for quite a while now. :-( may we hear besoros tovos soon. it's a terrible situation, and as you say, so hard to understand how the ex could have become like this. I will bli neder take 100 and 101. may you have tremendous rachamei Shamayim. Hug

p.s. mazel tov on your beautiful daughter!! may you have lots of nachas from her and all of your children
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Post Sat, Dec 04 2010, 8:57 pm
No. She is their mom too. If she wants to take them to church, let them go to church.
Dragging the kids through all this court mess each time is worse for them than church.
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Post Sat, Dec 04 2010, 9:05 pm
marina--the ex is trying to cut the father out of the kids' lives. as noted in the original post, the ex wants a permanent restraining order against the children's father. she lies to the children and tells them horrible things about their father. he is a good, gentle, kind-hearted baal chesed. this is not just about church.
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Post Sat, Dec 04 2010, 9:10 pm
ok. I hope she becomes nicer.
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be good


Post Sun, Dec 05 2010, 1:59 am
so special to head the beautiful news, may we hear of more brachos and hatzlachos b'mheira!

please count me in for perek 27. your family is in my tefillos.

p.s. I made your and shimon aharon's wedding invitation!
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Post Sun, Dec 05 2010, 10:12 am
How can you say they should go to church? They are Jewish children! If she decided to become christian that's her choice, not the childrens. I know of a similiar case and when the judge asked the 10 year old girl what she wants, she said I am Jewish and I want to live with my father, and B"H he got custody of all 3 children.
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Post Sun, Dec 05 2010, 10:45 am
you can start a different thread, amother, and I will answer you there. My comments here are already pretty out of line, so I won't continue in this thread.
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Post Sun, Dec 05 2010, 3:03 pm
I agree with amother. Sometimes choices aren't halachically allowed. If she is Jewish, btw, SHE also needs help!!
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Post Sun, Dec 05 2010, 3:21 pm
Marina, I agree the kids need stability, and you may well have seen cases where the frum side was so dysfunctional that the kids were better off elsewhere, etc. But without knowing any details (yes, OP, there are people who actually don't know who you are ;-) there is something profoundly unstable-sounding about this situation.
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