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I can't stand the anxiety

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Post Mon, Feb 12 2024, 12:02 am
I know it's not time for acceptance letterse yet but I am going out of my mind waiting to hear about DD. Now, you might ask "what is the problem?" She'll either get into her 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, or her school will help her find a suitable 4th choice. In our case, each of her choices are vastly different from each other. I.e. 1st choice is in Israel, 2nd choice is in America, 3rd choice is in America and is a combined seminary/college program.
So depending on which one she gets into, we will have to figure out logistics, finances, college credits, possible housing, and a host of other things I'm not thinking of.
Yes, I know it's only February. But scholarship deadlines are coming up and I don't even know what we are seeking a scholarship for! And there is additional paperwork needed if she ends up going to choice #3 which I would need to complete ASAP.

So can you understand my anxiety? I'm an anxious person to begin with and this isn't helping things. Just tell me already, seminaries, whether you plan to accept her or not!

Thanks for listening to my ranting.

May Hashem send her to the best place for her.
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Post Mon, Feb 12 2024, 12:11 am
The waiting is certainly anxiety evoking. The daughters don’t even realize how much it takes out of there parents. They are so busy with their own anxiousness.
You have to stay calm for your child’s sake
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Post Mon, Feb 12 2024, 12:59 am
I am so done with all this. We did it last year and the anxiety was through the roof. She got into her first choice, all the hype…the whole nine.

I’m extremely disappointed in the seminary. It’s a total sham and the woman that owns it is making all that money without giving anything in exchange. DD is young. At 18, she doesn’t quite see people the way I do.

Thoroughly disgusted.
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Post Mon, Feb 12 2024, 1:10 am
amother Trillium wrote:
I am so done with all this. We did it last year and the anxiety was through the roof. She got into her first choice, all the hype…the whole nine.

I’m extremely disappointed in the seminary. It’s a total sham and the woman that owns it is making all that money without giving anything in exchange. DD is young. At 18, she doesn’t quite see people the way I do.

Thoroughly disgusted.

Oy ans ouch.
What type of seminary is this?
Does your daughter feel the same way?
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Post Mon, Feb 12 2024, 1:56 am
amother Trillium wrote:
I am so done with all this. We did it last year and the anxiety was through the roof. She got into her first choice, all the hype…the whole nine.

I’m extremely disappointed in the seminary. It’s a total sham and the woman that owns it is making all that money without giving anything in exchange. DD is young. At 18, she doesn’t quite see people the way I do.

Thoroughly disgusted.

What is disappointing about the seminary?
We are in the process. What should we be looking out for? I’m clueless about this. Feel like I’m going through this blindly. Wish I knew the system better.
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Post Mon, Feb 12 2024, 8:44 am
My daughter’s in seminary right now BH and wasn’t accepted anywhere first round. There were lots of girls last year and not enough spots. She’s in a seminary she wouldn’t have considered otherwise and is happier than her friends who got into their first choices but found out they were overhyped. Some of her friends are pretty unhappy.

My advice is to daven she gets in somewhere that will be a good environment for her and that she’ll really grow. All the paperwork stuff will get taken care of as soon as letters come out. Your main focus right now should be davening she has a good year.
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Post Mon, Mar 04 2024, 10:29 pm
amother OP wrote:
I know it's not time for acceptance letterse yet but I am going out of my mind waiting to hear about DD. Now, you might ask "what is the problem?" She'll either get into her 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, or her school will help her find a suitable 4th choice. In our case, each of her choices are vastly different from each other. I.e. 1st choice is in Israel, 2nd choice is in America, 3rd choice is in America and is a combined seminary/college program.
So depending on which one she gets into, we will have to figure out logistics, finances, college credits, possible housing, and a host of other things I'm not thinking of.
Yes, I know it's only February. But scholarship deadlines are coming up and I don't even know what we are seeking a scholarship for! And there is additional paperwork needed if she ends up going to choice #3 which I would need to complete ASAP.

So can you understand my anxiety? I'm an anxious person to begin with and this isn't helping things. Just tell me already, seminaries, whether you plan to accept her or not!

Thanks for listening to my ranting.

May Hashem send her to the best place for her.

Can you share your (hopefully) happy outcome??
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Post Mon, Mar 04 2024, 10:47 pm
amother Clover wrote:
Can you share your (hopefully) happy outcome??

B"H! She got accepted to a seminary in E"Y so now we can move forward with our next stage of planning.
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Post Mon, Mar 04 2024, 11:15 pm
amother Trillium wrote:
I am so done with all this. We did it last year and the anxiety was through the roof. She got into her first choice, all the hype…the whole nine.

I’m extremely disappointed in the seminary. It’s a total sham and the woman that owns it is making all that money without giving anything in exchange. DD is young. At 18, she doesn’t quite see people the way I do.

Thoroughly disgusted.

Do you mind msging me?
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