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Chasidishe instagram using secular songs with curse words?
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Post Wed, Feb 14 2024, 11:04 pm
Instagram’s algorithm suggested some fashion accounts of normal nice looking chassidishe ladies. When I looked at their posts they used background music that was low class secular music and some had very coarse lyrics including curse words. Why?? I’m yeshivish and don’t think it’s lack of knowledge- people aren’t that sheltered that they never heard those words before. I’m shocked right now- help me be understand. I’m in my 50s, is it a generation gap? Is this considered normal?
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Post Wed, Feb 14 2024, 11:06 pm
I have this question about frum influencers in general, has nothing to do with chassidish. Why do frum influencers use non jewish music? Especially low class songs?
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Post Wed, Feb 14 2024, 11:06 pm
Nothing about Instagram is normal if you ask me. It's pretty much the wild West with self imposed rules that change by the minute.
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Post Wed, Feb 14 2024, 11:24 pm
If it’s the account I think you’re talking about, she’s a sandwich short of a picnic. I don’t think she’s aware enough to know better
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Post Thu, Feb 15 2024, 1:05 am
amother Puce wrote:
If it’s the account I think you’re talking about, she’s a sandwich short of a picnic. I don’t think she’s aware enough to know better

this post made me laugh but your right on target.
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Post Thu, Feb 15 2024, 1:07 am
amother Puce wrote:
If it’s the account I think you’re talking about, she’s a sandwich short of a picnic. I don’t think she’s aware enough to know better

OP said it's ladies, not just one
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Post Thu, Feb 15 2024, 1:14 am
amother Cerise wrote:
OP said it's ladies, not just one

there aren't many chassidishe instagram accounts. the few that there are- literally none show their face, and the one that does doesnt use secular music.

there is only one that does both unfortunately and she looks unaware of many things, not only music.
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Post Thu, Feb 15 2024, 1:21 am
amother OP wrote:
Instagram’s algorithm suggested some fashion accounts of normal nice looking chassidishe ladies. When I looked at their posts they used background music that was low class secular music and some had very coarse lyrics including curse words. Why?? I’m yeshivish and don’t think it’s lack of knowledge- people aren’t that sheltered that they never heard those words before. I’m shocked right now- help me be understand. I’m in my 50s, is it a generation gap? Is this considered normal?

1. yes, part of it is for sure an age gap thing
2. social media platforms have certain sounds or songs that go viral and posts that use those trending sounds tend to get more exposure. so as part of a marketing strategy to get their post seen by as many ppl as possible, most influencers or accounts or whatever use whatever sound is trending, and I think often they dont even actually listen to the words, they just put the sound on their post and move on.
I'm not defending it, just explaining how it works.
3. but there are also probably those that, to an extent, are just unaware. or dont care.
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Post Thu, Feb 15 2024, 2:01 am
How can you be unaware if you speak English? There's no way you can grow up in an environment that hammers in that you must think about Hashem before doing any action and just throw up music without paying attention.

Thats like saying they opened up an instragram account and bought a smartphone and had no idea their community was against it.
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Post Thu, Feb 15 2024, 2:44 am
LovesHashem wrote:
How can you be unaware if you speak English? There's no way you can grow up in an environment that hammers in that you must think about Hashem before doing any action and just throw up music without paying attention.

Thats like saying they opened up an instragram account and bought a smartphone and had no idea their community was against it.

I meant unaware of what some of the actual words, or meaning of some words, are.

for example I remember one song in particular that was trending a while ago, for the longest time I couldnt make out what the words were until I looked into it one day and realized it was abt virgin mary. im sure a ton of influencers who used that sound had no idea because the words weren't enunciated clearly. so yes, I think ppl cud be unaware of what theyre posting cause theyre looking at what sounds are trending and just using them.
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Post Thu, Feb 15 2024, 2:52 am
Chassidish and instagram is an oxymoron…..
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Post Wed, Feb 21 2024, 6:49 pm
amother Denim wrote:
Chassidish and instagram is an oxymoron…..

Whoa! I'm curious what makes you say that????
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Post Wed, Feb 21 2024, 6:59 pm
amother Wine wrote:
Whoa! I'm curious what makes you say that????

You know what makes her say that! All chasidish rabanim and school are against it!
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Post Wed, Feb 21 2024, 7:12 pm
amother Mint wrote:
You know what makes her say that! All chasidish rabanim and school are against it!

You can say the same thing about yeshivish, litvish etc
Pretty much any ultra orthodox rabbi is against it
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Post Wed, Feb 21 2024, 7:14 pm
amother Smokey wrote:
there aren't many chassidishe instagram accounts. the few that there are- literally none show their face, and the one that does doesnt use secular music.

there is only one that does both unfortunately and she looks unaware of many things, not only music.

One of them do. I think I know who she’s talking about.

The person who you’re talking about, does her name and the other word in her account start with the same letter?
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Post Wed, Feb 21 2024, 7:15 pm
Reason 83736 to get off Instagram. It's just garbage.
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Post Wed, Feb 21 2024, 7:19 pm
amother Mint wrote:
You know what makes her say that! All chasidish rabanim and school are against it!

No, I don't know what makes her say that, hence my question.
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Post Wed, Feb 21 2024, 7:21 pm
Useless info - deleted
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Post Wed, Feb 21 2024, 7:26 pm
I married into chassidish, and I believe that it comes from a lack of knowledge of what it really means.
I remember my niece saying a bad word, I was horrified and I told them so.
But they are like it’s not what we mean so it’s fine to say… and everyone says it so I’m not stopping.
(I don’t know who everyone is but definitely no one in my circles talks like that.)
They have their own definitions for many English words…
It takes getting used to I’m marrried a while and I still cringe when I hear them using crass language.
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Post Wed, Feb 21 2024, 7:29 pm
amother Midnight wrote:
I married into chassidish, and I believe that it comes from a lack of knowledge of what it really means.
I remember my niece saying a bad word, I was horrified and I told them so.
But they are like it’s not what we mean so it’s fine to say… and everyone says it so I’m not stopping.
(I don’t know who everyone is but definitely no one in my circles talks like that.)
They have their own definitions for many English words…
It takes getting used to I’m marrried a while and I still cringe when I hear them using crass language.

I'm chassidish from birth and I'd appreciate if you stop painting us as naive and sheeple. We're not crazy and we DONT use crass language because we don't know what it means.
If someone's using a bad word they know good and well what they're saying
Thank you!
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