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Forum -> Household Management -> Finances
School kimcha d'pischa, would you give in this situation?
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 11:07 am
My kids schools have a kimcha d'pischa campaign every year, they use the funds to provide cases of food for the staff for pesach. We gladly give every year.
We heard from school staff, that this year, the school will use the kimcha d'pischa funds towards a shabbaton at a hotel for the school staff & their families. Now I'm undecided about what to do, especially because the school isn't transparent to the parents about it. Would you give towards this or not?
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 11:08 am
Definitely not.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 11:09 am
No! This is money for the POOR. Not for a Shabbaton.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 11:13 am
No way. If you want to fund that, find a private sponsor. Kimcha d'pschia is for yomtov expenses.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 12:45 pm
Is this a shabbis hagadol shabbatin? Mayb its to relieve some pressure for staff. If I had extra I would give
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 12:49 pm
Absolutely not
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 12:50 pm
My kids school has a purim seuda for the rebbeim. I assume its a trade off for letting the boys invade their homes on purim day. I always assumed it had a private sponsor. No one ever asked parents to contribute.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 12:54 pm
amother Yolk wrote:
Is this a shabbis hagadol shabbatin? Mayb its to relieve some pressure for staff. If I had extra I would give

This doesn't fall under the category of kimcha dpishcha
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 1:13 pm
mha3484 wrote:
My kids school has a purim seuda for the rebbeim. I assume its a trade off for letting the boys invade their homes on purim day. I always assumed it had a private sponsor. No one ever asked parents to contribute.

or tuition money....
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 1:15 pm
Um yes!!! Obviously!!! Overworked undervalued teachers deserve and need a nice weekend
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 1:17 pm
I’m a Morah married to a rebbe. I’ve been very vocal on the other threads about chasdei lev etc, which is an huge chessed. and I agree that this is not Kimcha depischa. I would not contribute unless I stam had extra money to put towards a nice thing. Not a necessity in my opinion. If I worked in the school, I’d feel very uncomfortable with this.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 1:19 pm
amother Linen wrote:
Um yes!!! Obviously!!! Overworked undervalued teachers deserve and need a nice weekend

I'm hoping this is sarcastic
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 1:40 pm
Are you sure you got your facts right and it’s not just hearsay? Doesn’t sound right. Maybe something was lost in translation?
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 1:44 pm
If the overall relationship with the school is good and this is just one thing that is not part of any broader trend of arbitrary spending, then I personally would not make a thing out of it or do anything differently.

If there's a trend or pattern, multiple things bothering me, then I would be more likely to speak up and/or change how I give.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 2:00 pm
amother Almond wrote:
Are you sure you got your facts right and it’s not just hearsay? Doesn’t sound right. Maybe something was lost in translation?

Yes, I got the facts straight.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 2:03 pm
amother OP wrote:
My kids schools have a kimcha d'pischa campaign every year, they use the funds to provide cases of food for the staff for pesach. We gladly give every year.
We heard from school staff, that this year, the school will use the kimcha d'pischa funds towards a shabbaton at a hotel for the school staff & their families. Now I'm undecided about what to do, especially because the school isn't transparent to the parents about it. Would you give towards this or not?

No. While I do think everyone deserves a getaway, especially those who work hard all year, I don’t think it’s appropriate to use donation funds for a shabbaton rather than for more necessary purposes such as food and other Yom Tov necessities. And I certainly think they have an obligation to let the donors know in advance what their donations will be paying for…
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 2:05 pm
amother Linen wrote:
Um yes!!! Obviously!!! Overworked undervalued teachers deserve and need a nice weekend

It’s not a “need.” They might deserve it but they can live without it for now, but for people who are struggling to pay for and put food on their tables, especially with the exorbitant costs of making Pesach, this is irresponsible.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 2:08 pm
amother OP wrote:
Yes, I got the facts straight.

This is what happens when luxuries becomes necessities. So tzedakah should pay for hotel stays, kh homes, cleaning ladies, designer clothing, etc...while some people have no money for food. What a messed up world.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 2:10 pm
amother Jasmine wrote:
This is what happens when luxuries becomes necessities. So tzedakah should pay for hotel stays, kh homes, cleaning ladies, designer clothing, etc...while some people have no money for food. What a messed up world.

This situation has zero to do with luxuries becoming a necessity.
This is a private thing from the school.
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Post Fri, Apr 12 2024, 2:12 pm
amother OP wrote:
This situation has zero to do with luxuries becoming a necessity.
This is a private thing from the school.

Who thinks it's ok to use tzedaka money for this...
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